Douglas Robertson

Рождение : 1908-04-14,

Смерть : 1983-02-04


Наконец-то любовь
Миллионер Михаэль и певица Кити влюблены друг в друга. У их друзей - бродвейской дивы Брук и игрока Джонни тоже завязался роман. Когда между служанкой Брук и камердинером Михаэля тоже вспыхивает страсть - начинается настоящая неразбериха.
The Cat
Supervising Editor
A pet wildcat escapes and is seen by a boy, but no one believes his story. When he tries to find the cat, he witnesses a murder.
The Canadians
When the Sioux come to Canada, the Canadians permit them to stay in Canada if they come peacefully. However, some cowboys kill all inhabitants of one of their villages. The cowboys seek to get back their horses, but they pretend to search for a girl who once had been robbed by the Indians.
Wolf Dog
A paroled convict tries to start life anew by moving with his family to a ranch, where his young son finds a puppy that is half wolf and half dog.
Curtain Up
In a small town in the 1950's a repertory company meets on Monday morning to start rehearsing the following week's play. This is a ghastly thing written by the aunt of one of the theatre's directors. The producer doesn't try to hide his annoyance about it, and is further exercised when the authoress herself arrives to help. The cast have to try and sort out real-life problems that keep intruding as they wrestle with the play's dire dialogue.
Неаполь — город миллионеров
Ряд сатирических сцен на фоне военного времени. Фильм рассказывает об обычных людях, живущих в одном неапольском переулке, с 1940 до 1950 под господством фашистов, нацистов и затем и союзников.
Her Favourite Husband
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.
Supervising Editor
Суджиани - рэкетир с черного рынка в Лондоне, после Второй мировой войны накопил огромное состояние и безнаказанно занимается черным маркетингом и контрабандой. Линда Медбери - репортер американской газеты, узнает о нем и его махинациях. Она начинает крестовый поход против Суджиани. Суджиани пытается подкупить Линду, но терпит неудачу, а затем угрожает ее жизни. Жених Линды, спортивный журналист Джамбо Хойл, бывший капитан коммандос, только что вернувшийся со службы, хочет защитить ее и заручается поддержкой боксеров из гимназии, где он хорошо известен...
I Didn't Do It
Gormless George Trotter (George Formby) moves down from Manchester to the bright lights of London in search of fame and fortune on the stage - only to find himself the prime suspect in a bizarre murder mystery! Whilst staying at Ma Tubbs' theatrical boarding house, a man is murdered in the room right next door to George. When George tries to solve the mystery, he ends up presenting the police with a whole load of clues - all of which point to him as the culprit! Now George must uncover the real murderer himself, with the help of his showbiz friends, his little Ukulele and a fiendishly cunning song! This delightful comedy musical includes three full-length musical numbers - The Daring Young Man, She's Got Two of Everything and I'd Like a Dream Like That.
Hatter's Castle
The year is 1880. On the outskirts of the fictional small Scottish town of Levenford there stands a strange building, half cottage, half castle, embraced with thick stone walls. The townsfolk nickname the fortress "Hatter's Castle", for James Brodie, the man who built it. Brodie is a hatter who keeps the members of the family in fear and submission; he is brutal, arrogant, selfish and cruel. His wife, who has long been ailing, and his daughter Mary, are in awe of him. His son Angus, aged 15, alone dear to his heart, suffers under his love as the others suffer under his sternness.
The Saint in London
Suave soldier of fortune Simon Templer gets mixed up with a gang of counterfeiters who've murdered and robbed an European count of 1,000,000 pounds. He is aided reluctantly by Scotland Yard inspector Teal, who's convinced that Templar himself pulled off the heist, and less reluctantly by light-fingered Dugan and dizzy socialite Penny Parker.
Инспектор Хорнли
Инспектор Хорнли (Гордон Харкер) и его верный помощник сержант. Бингэм (Аластер Сим) — одни из величайших сыщиков, которых может предложить Скотланд-Ярд. Так что, на первый взгляд, их последнее дело вряд ли заслуживает их внимания: поиск части украденного багажа. Однако рассматриваемая сумка принадлежала канцлеру казначейства. И по мере того, как трупы накапливаются, пара детективов раскрывает тщательно продуманный заговор, направленный на мошенничество на финансовом рынке.