Luc Perini

Luc Perini


Luc Perini


Sound Engineer
Mireille Bertillet, a provincial judge, is transferred to Paris. She inherits a heavy file compromising high personalities.
La plage
Kill the Referee
Michel, a referee has to suffer the consequences of having whistled a penalty against a team which is supported by football hooligans.
Черная луна
Sound Effects
Девушка, переодетая мужчиной, едет по шоссе и останавливается перед самоходным орудием. Мужчины в военной форме расстреливают одетых в военную форму женщин. Девушку разоблачают, срывая с нее мужскую шляпу, но ей удаётся уйти по бездорожью. Женщины в форме и с оружием в руках забивают ногами мужчину. Труп повешенного пастуха раскачивается на дереве, а рядом беспокойно мечется блеющее стадо овец. Идёт «гражданская война» полов. Голые дети погоняют свинью. Героиня, следуя за женщиной, скачущей на вороном коне, прибегает в дом, где свиньи сидят за столами, кошка играет на пианино… Так начинается это необыкновенное кино — начинается, чтобы унести юную героиню по лабиринту бессознательного, прочь от реальности будней в тайный мир грёз, эротизма и символов…
First Time with Feeling
The Red Room
Destroy, She Said
In a secluded hotel circumscribed by a dense forest Max and Alissa Thor meet Stein and Elisabeth. Max, a professor of future history and an aspiring author, is immediately attracted to the brooding wife of industrialist Bernard Alione, Elisabeth, who is recovering from a miscarriage. Stein, a German Jew and potential writer, is infatuated by Alissa, Max's young wife and former student. During their sojourn the guests' identities gradually meld.
Monsieur Jean-Claude Vaucherin
Sound Recordist
A writer goes through a prolonged ritual of preparation but is unable to put a word on paper.
Les enfants de Néant
Morbihan is one of the poorest regions in Brittany. Joseph, a 33-year-old farmer, can no longer live off the land. He is hired at the fancy new plant that has just opened where he enters a world of rote work. Fortunately he can go home to his farm every evening, far from the large urban centers where workers must usually live.
Awakening is sort of the history of mankind transposed through the dream world of Peter Foldes who conceived, directed and designed this original work.
Cérémonie pour une victoire
From the sculpture of Jean-Robert Ipoustéguy.
A Boy Full of Future
A graphic variation where a new-born baby devours its mother, then turns into a bloodthirsty monster. Some music touches him. He calms down a bit, then returns to his destructive ways, before getting squashed.
Dark Night, Calcutta
Marin Karmitz's avant-garde short film is a haunting tale about an alcoholic novelist facing a crippling case of writer's block.