Karl Lieffen

Karl Lieffen

Рождение : 1926-05-17, Ossek (Ossegg), Czechoslovakia [now Osek, Czech Republic]

Смерть : 1999-01-13


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Karl Lieffen (born Karel František Lifka, 17 May 1926 – 13 January 1999) was a German film actor. He appeared in over 140 films on screen and television between 1949 and 1998. He was born in Osek, Czechoslovakia and attended drama classes at Brunswick and the Heer School of Music in Bückeburg. In 1946 he started his theatre career in Freiburg followed by engagements at the Hessian State Theatre in Wiesbaden, the Munich Kammerspiele and the Opern- und Schauspielhaus Frankfurt. In 1975 he joined the ensemble of the Bavarian State Theatre (Residenz Theatre) in Munich. From the 1950s on Lieffen became known to a wider public for his film appearances, like the role of brisk chauffeur Fritz in Billy Wilder's One, Two, Three. He died in Starnberg, Germany. Description above from the Wikipedia article Karl Lieffen, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Karl Lieffen


Rohe Ostern
Opa Gustav
Rudy, the Racing Pig
Flat-dwelling urban family win a pig in a raffle, and decide to keep it. They lose their flat (no pets allowed) but eventually Rudi the pig makes good.
Mein Mann ist mein Hobby
Professor Bernhardi
Journalist Kulka
Nägel mit Köpfen
Sebastian Peuker
Otto - The Movie
East Friesian Otto moves to the big city Hamburg. There he gets into trouble with a loan shark and needs to find a way to impress his love interest Silvia.
Zinsen des Ruhms
Dr. Francoid
Die leichten Zeiten sind vorbei
Die wilden Fünfziger
Major Blaschenko
Lass das, ich hass das
Uncle Franz
A comedy directed by Horst Hächler.
Ein gutes Land
In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer
Der Aufsteiger
Goetz of Berlichingen of the Iron Hand
Sir Gotz von Berlichingen, a knight who fights for God and his Emperor, is the bitter enemy of the Bishop of Bamberg, who has managed to persuade Gotz's old friend Adalbert of Weislingen to fight for him. He allows Adalbert to kidnap him and bring him to his castle, where he tries to convince his old friend to come over from the "dark side". Complications ensue.
Der Wald
Die Ängste des Dr. Schenk
Eine seltsame Bescherung
Jack MacCampbell
Aus nichtigem Anlaß
Professor Dr. Ahlgrimm
Lehmanns Erzählungen
Sir Bernard
Käpt'n Senkstakes Abenteuer: Ehrenhäuptling der Watubas
Madame Pompadour
Preussenkorso Nr. 17
Zweiter Landstreicher
Krieg im dritten Stock
Mensch, ärgere dich nicht
Die Erbschaft
Manolescu - Die fast wahre Biographie eines Gauners
Geschäfte mit Plückhahn
Otto Rupp
Staatsanwalt Lutz
Wie man seinen Gatten los wird
Angels of the Street
Angels of the Street or The Angel of St. Pauli is a 1969 West German crime film directed by Jürgen Roland and starring Horst Frank, Herbert Fux and Werner Pochath. It is set in the St. Pauli red light district of the port of Hamburg.
Should a Schoolgirl Tell?
Staatsanwalt Grundeis
Schoolgirl Josefine learns from an early age to use sex to gain advantages. The school's gym teacher is arrested and accused of indecent behavior but the court dismisses the case when Josefine uses her female charm on the jurors.
Peter Brauer
Göbel - Auskunfteibesitzer
Vom Teufel geholt
Madame Bovary
Heidi is an orphaned girl initially raised by her aunt Dete in Maienfeld, Switzerland. In order to get a job in Frankfurt, Dete brings 5-year-old Heidi to her grandfather, who has been at odds with the villagers for years and lives in seclusion on the alm. He at first resents Heidi's arrival, but the girl manages to penetrate his harsh exterior and subsequently has a delightful stay with him and her best friend, young Peter the goat-herd.
Der Eismann kommt
Willie Oban
Die Geschichte von Vasco
Leutnant Barberis
Napoleon in New Orleans
Die Benachrichtigung
Hans Kubsch
Der Monat der fallenden Blätter
Britischer Geheimdienstchef
When British philosopher Harold Hilliard took off for Warsaw to lecture on the Dysteleological Surd, he had no idea that he would soon become embroiled in international espionage. During the trip he tried to open a suitcase he mistook for his own. When a fellow passenger, a Pole with stainless steel teeth, took umbrage, Hilliard put it down to bad manners, but when the same man saw him pick up the wrong coat in the plane, Hilliard realized that he was suspected of spying. The party at the airport to welcome Hilliard only convinced the Polish agent that the British Secret Service was now picking its men with extraordinary cleverness. Hilliard, whose works were little known in England, was warmed by unaccustomed praise but chilled by the apparent certainty of the counter espionage people that he was a British agent whose code name was Whale.
Jack of Diamonds
The protégé of a famous cat burglar reluctantly agrees to join forces with a lesser criminal in the daring heist of several famous jewels from a seemingly impenetrable vault.
When Night Falls on the Reeperbahn
Karlchen Dincke
A crime reporter (Erik Schumann) uncovers a lurid plot by a Hamburg gang to dose impressionable young girls with LSD in order to enslave them into prostitution. Featuring mad killers, psychedelic acid trips and ladies mud wrestling!
Siedlung Arkadien
Dinga Mingh
Die Mohrin
Kapitän Brassbounds Bekehrung
Im weißen Rößl
Sigismund Sülzheimer
Destry reitet wieder
The Defector
Major Windisch
An American scientist is sent by the CIA to East Germany to retrieve a secret microfilm from a Soviet scientist interested in defecting to the West but the Stasi secret police's surveillance complicates matters.
Der Ritter vom Mirakel
Der Richter von London
Pflicht ist Pflicht
Zweierlei Maß
Stunden der Angst
Hank Griffin
Die Reise um die Erde
Zwei Herren aus Verona
The Waltz King
A look at the life of Johann Strauss, Jr., beginning when, as a boy, he earns his famous father’s displeasure when he tries his hand at composing. But he eventually proves to his father and the world that he is a fine musician.
Piccadilly Zero Hour 12
Lee Costello
The Pirates of the Mississippi
Doc Monrove
European produced Western based on the novel by Friedrich Gerstäcker, set in the 19th century in a town on the banks of the Mississippi River. The area is plagued by a gang of pirates under the leadership of Captain Kelly, who live on an island in the river, from where they operate raids on passing steamboats and traders rafts, robbing them of their cargo and murdering the crews. Townspeople and settlers do their best to put an end to the crimes and rid themselves of the pirates and their daring leader.
Talente und Verehrer
Philippe, Diener des Hauptmanns
Verrückt und zugenäht
Kralle Kaktus
Wenn beide schuldig werden
Ulbach, Landtagsabgeordneter
Toller Hecht auf krummer Tour
Один, два, три
МакНамара — глава отделения компании «Кока-Кола» в Германии — ответственный работник и настоящий карьерист. Однажды на его голову сваливается Скарлетт, дочь большого американского начальника, и МакНамара нянчится с ней, надеясь, что это поможет ему получить вожделенное назначение. Но дело принимает скверный оборот, когда девушка влюбляется в коммуниста из Восточного Берлина и выходит за него замуж.
Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi
When Worlds Collide
Ein Staatsanwalt
Миссия Лисистраты
Dr. Hellwig
Телефильм, поставленный по мотивам древнегреческой комедии Аристофана «Лисистрата».
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother remarrying the murderer, his uncle.
Agatha, laß das Morden sein!
Thomas Lorenzen
A black comedy about a female author of crime novels who becomes a victim of a macabre hoax.
Die Brücke des Schicksals
Eine Frau fürs ganze Leben
Conny und Peter machen Musik
Grossi, Osteria-Wirt
Der Schleier fiel…
Orientalische Nächte
a movie by Heinz Paul
Ein Tag, der nie zu Ende geht
She Walks by Night
Based on an actual post-war murder in Frankfurt, this standard docudrama by Rudolf Jugert is a serious treatment of the story as compared to the earlier, satirical film The Girl Rosemarie. The history of the case of Rosemarie, a hooker, and how she came to be strangled in her apartment is not completely clear. One of the suspects in the case was first charged, later acquitted, but never really free of an aura of culpability. British actress Belinda Lee plays the title role with her voice dubbed over in German.
Человек проходит сквозь стену
Herr Hintz - der Dandy
Чиновник налогового управления Бухсбаум жил спокойной, однообразной жизнью и чувствовал себя даже счастливым. Но в один не очень прекрасный день в отдел был назначен новый начальник, сразу же возненавидевший чрезмерно деликатного Бухсбаума, а в квартиру рядом с той, где жил Бухсбаум, вселилась беспокойная соседка — учительница музыки. Неожиданно Бухсбаум обнаружил у себя сверхестественный талант — он может проходить сквозь стены! И он пользуется этим не только для того, чтобы насолить своему придирчивому начальнику, но и для собственного удовольствия.
Корабль мертвецов
belgischer Kripobeamter
Американскому моряку Филипу Гейлу не повезло: сначала он пропускает свой корабль после ночи любви в порту Антверпена, затем обнаруживает, что женщина украла его деньги и документы. После месяцев скитаний без документов он нанимается на судно "Йорикке", чтобы вернуться в Америку. Но вскоре выясняется, что его наняли на "корабль смерти", гружёный опасным грузом.
Beautiful Adventure
Fortuné Tallon
The teacher Dorothee Durand, young and single, travels from England to the picturesque south of France to find the remaining remnants of her family. Her search takes her to Nimes, where she meets the likewise single Marius, a hotelier, who immediately falls in love with the beautiful woman. And so it turns out that after traveling through half of France, Dorothy not only finds her relatives, but also ...
Kasimir und Karoline
Melody and Rhythms
Herr Mattusch
Der Winterschläfer
Nick Knattertons Abenteuer
Nick Knatterton
Ein gewisser Judas
Der Polizist
Ein Lied geht um die Welt
Pianist Schlange
Biopic of singer and film actor Joseph Schmidt (1904-1942).
Мы — вундеркинды
Obmann Wehackel
На фоне исторических событий в Германии прошлого века постепенно расходятся жизненные дорожки двух бывших одноклассников — Ганса Бёкеля и Бруно Тиша. Их ребяческая выходка плохо заканчивается для Ганса, а хитрому Бруно удается избежать наказания. Десять лет спустя Бруно — молодой, но уже успешный брокер, а Гансу приходится подрабатывать продажей газет, чтобы как-то свести концы с концами. В1933 году Бруно щеголяет в нацистской форме и наслаждается жизнью, а Ганс остается без работы и средств к существованию. После войны пути бывших друзей пересекаются снова.
Young Prince Nechljudov is summoned as a judge in a murder trial. A rich merchant was found dead in the room of the inn where he was staying and the prostitute Maslova was accused of the crime. Nechljudov recognizes in the woman the maid of the aunts he had seduced and abandoned years before and tries to convince the authorities of her of his innocence but to no avail. Convinced that he is responsible for her moral fall, he follows her to Siberia where she must serve her sentence.
Mikosch, der Stolz der Kompanie
Der Bettelstudent
Major Wangenheim
Eva küßt nur Direktoren
Herr Fuchs
Акулы и мелкие рыбешки
В 1940 году четверо выпускников морской кадетской школы поступают на службу в подводный флот Кригсмарине. Но только один переживет всех остальных… так как начинается Вторая Мировая война. Наглядно показана стратегия и тактика ведения морского боя, жестокости подводной войны.
Sensation im Savoy
Begegnung mit Werther