Herr Storz
Portier vom Hotel Central
General von Kottwitz
Mr. Most
Oberstabsarzt Dr. Treppwitz
Sir Arthur
A man is found dead in a London hotel. The knife is still firmly stuck in the victim's chest, and Inspector Perkins strangely finds a glass eye in his jacket pocket. Kurt after that a second, mysterious murder happens: A city-famous dancer of the Las Vegas Girls, who perform at the London Odeon Theater, is poisoned. Is there a connection between the pretty dancer and the hotel guest? Inspector Perkins and his colleagues are pressed for time. The "man with the glass eye" strikes deadly again and again. A first clue leads Scotland Yard to a billiard club, where one has to show a glass eye as an admission ticket.
Sir Arthur
In this German detective thriller, swindlers using a false charity as a front send a hit man around London to murder wealthy people whose deaths can benefit the organization. This film is one of a very large number of German Scotland-Yard thrillers based on the novels of Edgar Wallace.
Dr. Zwyfalt
Wilhelm II.
Sir Arthur
A serial killer who calls himself "The Laughing Corpse" dresses up in a skeleton costume and kills his victims with a poison-filled scorpion-shaped ring.
von Below
Hubert von Kalkofen
General Teckel
Третий фильм трилогии пародийных комедий о привидениях рассказывает о событиях, случившихся в отеле "Шпессарт", где его владелица Анна-Луиза Зандау готовится к свадьбе с американским офицером Фрэнком Грином…
Frank V.
Der Hoteldirektor
Ernst Francken
Experimental fiction film about young people taking on different creative tasks.
Direktor Scott / Richter
General Edward Perkins
Ванда Мервилль едет в Лондон, чтобы вступить в права наследства. Но вместо этого ее похищают и отвозят в замок Блэквуд, где расположен женский пансион, связанный с лондонскими наркоторговцами. После того, как одна из воспитанниц пансиона была задушена таинственным Горбуном, инспектор Хопкинс принимается за поиски убийцы. Расследование преступления обретает иную окраску, когда выясняется, что глава Скотланд-Ярда сэр Джон является близким другом хозяйки пансиона…
Hubert Krempe
Judge Matthews
Arthur Milton aka Der Hexer (The Magician/Ringer) must return to London after his calling card was left at the scene of a murder he did not commit.
Three crooks come out of jail on probation and, taking advantage of the economic boom in Germany, they continue their shady business quite legally this time.
Direktor Dingelmeyer
A German businessmen is sent to Stockholm by his boss to secure an important contract, in the face of foreign competition. He discovers that the intended client has gone sailing round the Swedish islands and follows him. He becomes mixed up with a mysterious young woman named Maibritt, who eventually turns out to be the daughter of his intended client.
Oskar Ortshaus
Hauptmann Hans Hajo von Gestern
Herr von Merlyn
Oberst Pusslitz
Axel Bender, Evelyns Vater
Freiherr von Mumpitz
Gustav Säuerling
Friedrich Wilhelm Dünkelberg
Rubin y Soliman
Count von Droste Schattenburg
МакНамара — глава отделения компании «Кока-Кола» в Германии — ответственный работник и настоящий карьерист. Однажды на его голову сваливается Скарлетт, дочь большого американского начальника, и МакНамара нянчится с ней, надеясь, что это поможет ему получить вожделенное назначение. Но дело принимает скверный оборот, когда девушка влюбляется в коммуниста из Восточного Берлина и выходит за него замуж.
Kriminalkommissar Wolff
Monsieur Terrier
Vienna, 1956. After Soviet tanks crush the Hungarian uprising, soldier-of-fortune Michael Reynolds is hired to help a threatened Hungarian scientist escape from Budapest.
Mr. Cower
Count Bobby assumes the identity and dresses of his sick aunt because they desperately need the money for chaperoning Mary, a wealthy American heiress, on her trip through Europe. Bobby falls in love with Mary, but his dress is a handicap.
Von Teckel
Второй фильм трилогии пародийных комедий о привидениях. Привидения обитают в замке Шпессарт, где проживает молодая графиня - Шарлотта Зандау и помогают ей в сложных ситуациях... При прокладке шоссе строители находят несколько скелетов. Это Хуго, Тони, Макс и девушка, теперь они — привидения. В качестве «места жительства» костлявые друзья выбирают замок Шпессарт, где обитает молодая графиня Шарлотта Зандау, ее тетя Ивонна и дядя Теодор.
Hugo Wiederkehr, as a dutiful bank employee, has to deal with all kinds of customers. Among other things, with the industrialist Meissen and his pretty daughter Christine, with whom he falls in love. However, it remains unmatched because it belongs to a different social class. He also works as a hobbyist and inventor, which also requires a lot of money. When his employer refuses to give him a loan because his father is in prison for fraud, he quits disappointed.
Polizeichef Pierre Duval
Pickler - Der Bürochef
Чиновник налогового управления Бухсбаум жил спокойной, однообразной жизнью и чувствовал себя даже счастливым. Но в один не очень прекрасный день в отдел был назначен новый начальник, сразу же возненавидевший чрезмерно деликатного Бухсбаума, а в квартиру рядом с той, где жил Бухсбаум, вселилась беспокойная соседка — учительница музыки. Неожиданно Бухсбаум обнаружил у себя сверхестественный талант — он может проходить сквозь стены! И он пользуется этим не только для того, чтобы насолить своему придирчивому начальнику, но и для собственного удовольствия.
Moritz von Persipan, Kriegsminister
Direktor Bauer
Premierminister Proteus
Graf Udo von Pleitenstein
Major von Siebenstern
Fürst Paul XIII. von Krakelsburg-Kummerstein
Manager Freddy
Вчерашняя уличная девица Розмари Нитребит, вступив в связь с некими промышленным магнатом Западной Германии, стала одной из самых популярных кокоток Франкфурта. Фрибер, агент промышленно-финансовых кругов Франции, знакомится с Розмари, и с его помощью она начинает заниматься промышленным шпионажем. Ее квартиру посещают «короли» западногерманской промышленности, все их разговоры записываются на магнитофоны, а «королей» в самых откровенных позах фотографируют скрытые от глаз аппараты. Узнав, что компрометирующие их материалы оказались в руках девицы Розмари, промышленники срочно принимают меры...
Alfons Spadolini
The chorus girl Caterina Duval gets the chance of her life when hired as stand-in of a famous star. On the opening night Catarina is singing, dancing and stepping into the hearts of the audience.
Von Teckel
Графиня Франциска с женихом едут в свой родовой замок Зандау. На ночь им приходится остановиться в харчевне в глухом месте Шпессарт. Ночью в харчевню врываются бандиты, чтобы похитить графиню и получить за нее выкуп…
Dr. Schlucker
Colonel Manfredi
Intersecting lives on an island holiday: A lawyer anxious he caused a youth's death.An engineer suspecting his wife after being teased by pranksters.A young man falling for a nurse.A Frenchman seeing his wife wooed by a local.
Dr. Weskamp
The pony hotel has just been opened, but so far no guests have arrived. Dick gets Ralf to design a brochure about the hotel. The girls and Ethelbert then lead the village children on horseback to Lübeck, where they all distribute the brochure - not knowing that Dalli has added some embellishments to the text.
Taddäus von Zylinski
Generaldirektor Kartzer
Wilhelm Schulze
Herr Lemke, Schauspieler
Hauptmann Brothusen
Kriegsgerichtsrat Kronberg
Direktor Landinger
Direktor der "Elysée-Bar
Signore Ricoli
Geschäftsführer Schnattke
Her father urges Greta to marry the noble lawyer Dr. Hans von Spoerling. But her former boyfriend Fred Roland is informed of the planned engagement and arrives from America just in time. Put under pressure from both parties, Greta leaves and hits the road. She ends up in Schlaffenhofen, a small village in Southern Bavaria. The attractive woman and her modern car - with Berlin's number plate 'IA' on it - is a small sensation. But the two fiancée haven't given up on her, especially since her father promised her to the first who finds her.
von Langer, Staatsanwalt
Direktor Weber
Philipp, Duc de Gramont
Baron Philipp
Meister Philippe
Director des Lido
Felix, Diener
Polizeipräsident a. D. von Regwitz
Two GIs haven fallen in love with "Fräuleins", decide to stay in Germany and open a typically American drugstore in the center of the small town where their girlfriends live.
Textilkaufmann Schulz
Herr Wilmar, Inhaber Kosmetik-Salon
Peter is a talented young composer who has so far not been able to get his revue “Traumschöne Nacht” in a music theatre. Behind the scenes of the “Alhambra”, a Paris music hall, he meets Violetta, a young up-and-coming artist. For her sake, Mr. Maroni, the director of the “Alhambra”, who is in love with Violetta but is rejected by her, has organized a costume party at which the young entertainer appears as a little flower seller. When Peter shows up there too, he believes that Violette is actually selling flowers.
Studienrat Schwarze
Herr vom Empfang
Hussa Hussa
Fatma has quite the talent for getting herself into trouble and escaping with her head intact. But when she's caught rifling through Caliph Omar's possessions, she finds herself in serious trouble. News of a theft makes the rounds and now the caliph's men are after her. Fortunately, she's able to find refuge with a sheikh, who isn't quite so thorough in checking his possessions. And it's thanks to him, that Fatma is able to get away with her newly acquired goods.
Korinthischer General
Professor Orsini
The bailiff Engel is believed to be an heir to the millions via a fictitious newspaper advertisement. It is said to have a mink farm. Your debtors mean my nun that as a millionaire you can pay the debts. Some dowry hunters have seen it on them too. Paulchen, who shows the ad, has in Ms. Engel and in the end she also has a couple.
Director Meyer
Poule, Verlege
Frank Betterton
Baron v. Malachowsky alias Emil Branske
Direktor Cattoni
Knirps - Generalsekretärs des Wunderfriseurs
Schmoll, Lehrer
Ein dunkler Ehrenmann
Direktor Engelbrecht
A young man and woman meet on a bridge, both about to commit suicide by jumping into the river, and recount to each other their experiences.
Ein Herr
Ricardo Pisetti - Manager
Shot in 1944, finished and released in 1949.
Schwarz, Oberkellner
Der Baron
Der falsche Biedermann
Verwandter des Konsul Henselings
Max Vieregg
During his trip to the city, a naïve man from the countryside falls victim to a thief who steals his wallet. Since all his personal documents were in it, he not only looses his money but also his identity. The thief turns out to be a cunning con man, who uses the papers for his criminal schemes. Soon enough, a warrant is issued, and eventually both men – the thief and the innocent guy – are arrested. But since all the red tape of the government causes even more confusion, the odyssey of the victim searching for his lost identity has just started.
Prinz Anton Ulrich
Жизнь и удивительные приключения барона Иеронимуса Карла Фридриха фон Мюнхаузена, «всегда говорившего только правду», до сих пор будоражат умы любознательных читателей и серьезных исследователей. Популярность барона оправдана его редким талантом — никогда не терять присутствия духа и находить выход из самых ужасных ситуаций.
Herr von Lorrenz
Frisör Schön
Schauspieler Voß
Spießer Karl Eberhard Knopp
A German soldier on leave in Berlin goes looking for his pen pal who he has never met called Gisela. He meets instead a woman with the same name and falls in love with her.
Werner Gebhardt
Rat Haschke
Berlin's theatre crowd is excited about the new operetta "Frau Luna". But for the head of the city's vice police, who was invited to the dress rehearsal, the costumes for the ladies onstage are a bit too revealing. He demands the show be cancelled as offensive. The president of the Thusneldenbund has taken it upon himself to alert everyone about the growth of immorality in the capital. The theatre director Knopp has come up with an idea to convince these "fine" gentlemen to let the operetta go onstage again: He intends to win over the friendship of the moral police and then nothing will stand in the way of "Frau Luna" once more being performed.
Dr.Knarre, Sachverständiger
A sculptor, an enemy of modern art, sets an example. He sculpts a statue of Venus in the style of the Greek antiquity and buries it in a forest. When it's dug up in 1930, it's considered to be a 2 000 year old, antique statue.
Ballettmeister Petit
Sir John
В конце XVI столетия Англия и Шотландия были еще раздельными королевствами. Мария Стюарт — королева Шотландии выросла во Франциии была обвенчана с наследником французского престола. Только после смерти своего супруга она вернулась на родину, чтобы взойти на шотландский трон.
Королева Англии — Елизавета понимала, что возвращение Марии Стюарт означало новую опасность для её страны и без того уставшей от религиозных распрей. Католики считали именно Марию истинно законной наследницей Английского престола, но страстная натура Марии толкнула её на путь греха и саморазрушения и, в конце концов, она оказалась во власти Елизаветы.
Herr von Sazenthal
Film about the fictitious adventures of Franz Freiherr von Trenck, who lived during the times of empress Maria Theresia of Austria garnished with espionage and twisted love affairs.
Biopic about the Rothschilds, a Jewish family whose members rose to the top of the European banking community during the Napoleonic era.
Monsieur Louis Borinage
Graf Christian
Fähnrich Graf
Country Dr. Robert Koch is desperate: a tuberculosis epidemic is decimating the children in his district and no one is able to do anything about it. Every fourth child is already sick and the parents must helplessly watch as their young ones die. Now Koch is undertaking to find the cause of the tuberculosis --- something he has already been working on for years --- which has been causing this plague of illness. His work is made more difficult by envy; for example, that of his teacher, who was wounded defending his honor. But his greatest obstacle is the famous Berliner scientist and Reichstag deputy, Privy Councilor Rudolf Virchow: He is extraordinarily skeptical of Koch's theory, that the cause for tuberculosis is a bacteria.
2. Theaterdirektor in Stockholm
В 1848 году свободолюбивый венгерский народ, возглавляемый Людвигом Кошутом, восстал против ненавистного владычества австрийской династии Габсбургов. В своей захватнической политике австрийская монархия издавна опиралась на венгерских феодалов, предававших интересы своего народа. Гнев восставших был обращён против австрийских поработителей и их венгерских сторонников. На фоне этих исторических событий показана личная судьба венгерской патриотки Марии Илоны.
Verkäufer im Sportgeschäft
The setting is Lugano (Switzerland), where an apparently very important world conference takes place. The film tells the story of the young Kitty (Hannelore Schroth), who works as a manicurist at the Eden Hotel, and who in the course of events gets to know both a young journalist (Christian Gollong) and the English minister of economics (Fritz Odemar). A lot of wild mix-ups, comic situations, a love story and occasional singing ensue, and in the end most of the VIPs have gained their share of laughter… There’s also a great performance by Paul Hörbiger as the hotel porter. For a 1939 film made in Germany, “Kitty” is remarkably irreverent and satirical about politics.
Diener Jean
Французская балерина Жанин, одаренная чечеточница, мечтает о музыкальной карьере в Париже. Но сначала она хочет отомстить графу Рене, заступившемуся за ее лучшую подругу Шарлотту. Джанин хочет, чтобы он влюбился в нее и впоследствии разочаровал его. На балу-маскараде, на котором Джанин притворяется маркизой, происходит их первая встреча. Джанин очень разочарована в «хорошем джентльмене», но не подозревает, что этот джентльмен тоже делает вид. Человек, которого она считает графом Рене, — это Пьер, композитор и пианист. И граф Рене, и Пьер рассчитывают получить взаимную выгоду, изменив свою личность. Рене хочет прогуляться и совершить завоевания инкогнито, а Пьер надеется на встречу с влиятельным музыкальным издателем Памионом.
In a transport museum, the items on display begin to tell their stories. Most interesting is the history of the Pullman car. In the beginning, it served as transport for a princely family; then became the headquarters car for the military high command; and then, most adventurous of all, it ended up with a circus. Converted to a bar, it finally had its day and was supposed to serve as a placard carrier. Luckily, the museum saved it from this sad fate.
Kuhlemanns Komplize
In a transport museum, the items on display begin to tell their stories. Most interesting is the history of the Pullman car. In the beginning, it served as transport for a princely family; then became the headquarters car for the military high command; and then, most adventurous of all, it ended up with a circus. Converted to a bar, it finally had its day and was supposed to serve as a placard carrier. Luckily, the museum saved it from this sad fate.
Herzog von Rosalba
Der Florentiner Hut (The Leghorn Hat), a 1939 German film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Shortly after being demobilized, Georges Duroy becomes aware of his power over women in the arms of Rachel, a young singer. Thanks to his good looks and his charming manners and his unabashed cynicism he will rapidly rise to the top by courtesy of women women (Mme Walter, Clotilde, Madeleine), from journalist to member of Parliament to cabinet minister. But it is also the fair sex that will cause his fall in the end.
Women are being sent to an all male settlement. The marriages are planned in advance, but not everything goes according to plan.
Chef des Modesalons
The physician Dr. Deruga is suspected of having poisoned his wife out of greed. She died after naming Deruga, poor and in debt, the sole heir in her will. There are a lot of people willing to testify against him in court, including Marta, the dead woman's best friend. Only his niece Mingo believes him to be innocent and goes out on her own to prove it.
Graf Rasumirksi
Принц Клеменс фон Меттерних приказывает Фридриху Генцу, одному из его помощников, помешать герцогу Рейхштадтскому —Наполеону Франсуа Жозефу Шарлю — сыну Наполеона и наследнику французского престола думать о французской политике. Генц заручается поддержкой балерины Фанни Эльслер, которой повально увлечены многие в элитах нескольких европейских столиц, чтобы отвлечь герцога.
Redakteur Fink
Before the First World War, Dr. Hans Stockmann had a practice in a small town. His powerhungry brother is the mayor of Bad Trimburg, which has developed into a respectable resort. Dr. Stockmann is called in to become the town’s chief physician. He considers the sanitary conditions to be intolerable and insists on a clean-up. His ambitious brother and all those who, till now, have profited well from the corner cutting, are, of course, against that for financial reasons. The doctor is condemned from all sides and the conflict escalates.
Marquis de Rossignol
Dr. Elk
Maler Pratt, an artist, refuses to sell his paintings as he thinks that they still need improvement before being publicly exhibited, but his wife Monika thinks differently and sells them because she thinks they are good...and they need the money. As he only signs an "M" on his work, Monika has no difficulty in claiming she is "M", but problems arrive when she is commissioned to do a large mural and Maler refuses to help her out. However, his creative spirit gets the best of him and he does the mural which is widely acclaimed to be a great work of art. Felder , an art dealer, is not overly pleased with this turn of events as he has been pleading with Monika to divorce her shiftless husband and marry him.
Oskar Brenner
The happiest one should be selected from 500 married couples to move a marriage-hostile American millionnaire's daughter to the marriage. - Shallow and turbulent love banter with some tumultuous and funny climaxes.
Kammerdiener der Prinzessin
Rittmeister von Schlackberg
Marquis de la Tours, ein Betrüger
Dr.Hofreuter - Rechtsanwalt
Тенор Марио Монти ищет дочь своей жены Бьянки, которая, как считается, умерла. Бьянка до Марио была замужем за Карло Скарпой, покровителем Марио. Когда Карло узнал, что между его женой и Марио развивается любовная связь, он покинул их обоих и уходя, сказал Бьянке, что их дочь Мэри скончалась. В действительности же, она выросла, не зная своих настоящих родителей. Марио выслеживает Мэри в Мюнхене, где она работает балериной в Государственной опере.
Vetter Max
Apotheker Knullingen
a movie by Heinz Paul
To escape dreary country life, a count travels to Italy with a friend every year. Instead of the alleged purchase of horses, the reason he gives to his mother as to why he needs to travel to Italy, he spends his time chasing after the ladies.
Rittmeister Lensberg
Vicomte d'Aubert
Film by Randolf.
Müller, Reisender
Douglas Sirk's first feature film.
Kusjmitsch von Prschitschkin
Von Beichlingen
Baron von Petersen
Film by Boese.
Marcel Steiner, Direktor des Salon 'Flora'
Endstation offers the American viewer tantalizing glimpses of busy, bustling mid-1930s Vienna. Otherwise, this minor yarn of an amorous streetcar conductor is strictly formula material. The film benefits from the star power of Paul Horbiger, resplendently garbed in an elaborate conductor's uniform. Also worth noting is the performance of Maria Andergest as the woebegone hatmaker whose fate is inextricably linked with hero Horbiger. Incidentally though the direction is credited with one E. W. Emo, Paul Horbiger actually called most of the shots on Endstation.
Direktor Hollmann
A young reckless womaniser is trapped one night at his club into a bet with a Mexican that he will win his wife before morning. There will be a duel in any case: if he loses his bet the Mexican will fire first.
Wallner, Betrüger
Maxwell, ein dunkler Ehrenmann
The wintry mountainscapes of Bavaria provide the backdrop for this airy German comedy. The story is set in motion when young clerk Boenecke (Richard Romanowsky) accidentally delivers a check to the wrong bank. Boenecke's boss Schumann (Walter Steinbeck) suspects the clerk of embezzlement -- especially since our hero has taken off on an extended Alpine vacation with his sweetheart Hilde (Magda Schneider). Before this comic chain reaction can be straightened out, hero and heroine have become entangled with a gang of female pickpockets. Essentially a "moonlight and strudel" confection, Winterachtstraum was perfect escapist entertainment for Magda Schneider's legions of fans.
Louis Grevenelle
André Nicol
Banker Lyngel
Woman concert singer seeks to connect with her adult daughter, by her former marriage to a staid industrialist who has kept the two apart since the daughter was a small child, and gets inadvertent help from the industrialist's fired employee who has fallen in love with the girl.
Graf Squeelen, erster Botschaftsrat
A case of espionage in high society: To save the reputation of his county, a diplomat voluntarily takes his own life.
Karlchen Wolf
Film by Froelich.
E.W. Costa
Harry Piel
Film by Jacoby.
Werner Dux
Werner Dux, heir of the big car company "Dux-Werke", is a gambler who has just been arrested in Chicago for shooting a cardsharper. While in jail, he learns from his friend Michael Nissen that his father has died recently. That means that the Dux-Werke are without a leader at the moment, for Werner's cousin Steffie, who is his co-heiress, is still too young to run the firm. In this situation, Werner convinces his friend Michael, who is an engineer by profession, to take over the firm as long as he is in jail and to pose as him. Michael agrees and is able to bring the firm up again. He even arranges a reliability test for motorcycles via Istanbul, Rome and Barcelona, which creates a big Turkish order for the company. When the real Werner escapes from jail and arrives in Germany, it looks as if the whole story is up to bust. But Werner needs money, so he convinces Michael to go on as before and hand over all profits of the firm to him.
Graf von Syringen
Period romance set in Bismarck's Second Empire about a nobleman who wants to marry the daughter of a lowly pharmacist.
Уставший за рабочий день таксист обнаруживает на заднем сиденье своего такси необычный скафандр -его оставили клиенты. Дома он примеряет его на себя и нажимает одну из его кнопок. И вдруг — о чудо — он становится невидимым! Другая кнопка снова делает его видимым.
Hauptmann Gordon
The story, set in Constantinople, of a young man who falls in love with a woman much older than he is, and her daughter falls in love with him also. An American critic was vastly impressed by the day-and-night locale shots, and wrote that the film-maker had discarded and soft-pedaled the soft and sentimental in favor of the realistic and logical.
Der Kellner im Hotel Ritz
A dashing marquis bends from his horse when he discovers a lost garter in the woods and falls. During his delirium he is serenaded by a little hairdresser. She is the person who lost the garter to begin with and has only come to get it back having borrowed it from her employer--the empress of France. The marquis mistakenly thinks he was nursed by the empress, herself, and decides to woo her.
Mr. Farell
Marquis d'Esquillon
When Albers takes his drug-addicted opera star sister Gerda to a sanitarium, they both become targets of slimy dope peddler Peter Lorre, who fears that Gerda will blow the whistle on him. Lorre kidnaps the woman, leading Albers on a frantic chase.
Darmont's Cook
In 1812, during the French period, large parts of Germany are occupied by the troops of Napoleon. Several paramilitary Freikorps units battle the French forces, among them the Black Brunswickers led by the 'Black Duke' Frederick William of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. After the War of the Fifth Coalition, the Black Hussars are pursued by Napoleon throughout the country, but frequently take refuge with the noble-minded German people.
Depression musical comedy about an unemployed barber who pretends to be a wealthy automobile magnate.
Fritz Willner - Filmautor
The story follows a movie crew who is filming a musical in a small and idyllic alpine village. After their temperamental leading lady drops out of the film, they decide to replace her with the village's young post office clerk Gretl, who returns to Berlin with them. There she has to struggle with the movie's all-male crew, who all try to woo and win her.
Hartwig gets by a strange coincidence confused by a prince with a certain Josef Döllinger in a luxurious restaurant. Hartwig is overjoyed, as he gets to know the dancer Garda Maro.
A mousy bank clerk is married to an ambitious woman.
This German crime drama was based on a true story. Willy Forst stars as a poverty-stricken Italian glazier who falls in love with French hotel maid Rosa Valletti. Struck by the girl's resemblance to Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Forst manages to steal the painting from the Louvre in hopes of impressing his sweetheart. But when the girl proves to be a fickle sort, the crestfallen hero confesses his crime and is carted off to jail. Unwilling to admit that he'd been led astray by a woman, Forst claims that he stole the Mona Lisa to restore it to his native Italy, and as a result is hailed as a national hero! Raub der Mona Lisa was distributed in the U.S. by RKO Radio, under the title The Theft of the Mona Lisa.
This is the German-language version of 1929's "The Sacred Flame", from the W. Somerset Maugham play, shot by Warner Bros. in Hollywood with a German-speaking cast.
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka Frederick the Great) of Prussia and his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
Benno von Klewitz - Leutnant
In the last years of his life, Bavarian king Ludwig II (1845 – 1886) devotes himself to ambitious architectural projects, which strain the state coffers to the extreme. The monarch, who is afraid of people, also withdraws more and more into a dream world at his various castles. His brother is already in a psychiatric institute and Ludwig is also eventually put under the care of psychiatrist Bernhard von Gudden. The king attempts to get out from under this guardianship at Starnberg lake…
Notorious jewel thief Roger "Tiger" Brown sneaks into the trust of diamond dealer Thomas Morland. Not only does Morland's jewels appeal to him, but also his fiancée, Lady Edith Trent. But when Morland acquires the largest diamond in the world in Amsterdam, Brown decides against Edith and for the diamond, takes it and runs away.
Based on a story by Michael Linsky, Adieu Mascotte revolves around an artist's model named Mascotte (Harvey) who ekes out a hand-to-mouth existence in the Parisian art colony. In dire need of money to finance a friend's operation, Mascotte auctions herself off at an artist's ball. She is "bought" by a novelist named Jean (Harry Halm), who merely wants to teach his flirtatious wife a lesson. Discreetly keeping his distance, Jean persuades Mascotte to pose as his mistress so that his wife will become jealous and return to his arms. Of course, things don't go as planned, and before long Jean and Mascotte have fallen in love.
Duc d'Orléans
A silent adventure based on the classic novel by Stendhal "The Red and the Black".
Else Riedel (Lissy Arna), locked out by her authoritarian father, seeks refuge with her boyfriend Hans. Complications threaten when Hans's roommate Max falls in love with her, but the situation is resolved: the three remain friends, and decide to form a music hall act. They want to ascend, but how? A way out beckons when a theatrical agent named Nevin enters Else’s life. He is played by Hubert von Meyerinck as a slick and oily villain, who oozes refinement; his experience behind bars is waved away with a silk scarf. He is cunning to the point of perfidiousness, but is not completely unsympathetic. He also embodies a new type - the scrounger.
3. Ehemann
Graf Cobenzl
Silent epic on the final years of Frederick II.
The story of Brennende Grenze (= Burning Border) starts after the end of WWI. Polish franctireurs invade the German bordering regions which are to be given to Poland as agreed on in the post-war peace treaties. Luise von Willkühnen's manor is invaded by Ladislaus von Zeremski, his lover Nadja and their gang. They treaten the inhabitants until Luise's son kills Zeremski.
Ein Liebhaber
Man on Party
The story of a Berlin tenement and its inhabitants. A silent drama by Gerhard Lamprecht.
Der Junge de Bli
A French adventurer fights to save a woman in the life of prostitution.