Don McGuire

Don McGuire

Рождение : 1919-02-28,

Смерть : 1999-04-13


Don McGuire


Актер Майкл Дорси из-за своего характера не может удержаться ни на одной работе. Тогда он переодевается в женское платье и вскоре понимает, что женщиной он больше нравится людям. Дороти-Майкл сразу получает работу. Однако у него возникают трудности с девушкой, которую любит.
Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Высокий незнакомец
Нед Бэннон едет к своему сводному брату Харди Бишопу, чтобы погасить старую вражду. Но по дороге натыкается на скотокрадов и получает из засады пулю в бок. Брошенного умирать, его находят переселенцы и выхаживают.
Hear Me Good
Comedy involving a beauty contest that has two pre-chosen winners; one the special girlfriend of a not too savory character, the other, the true love of the promoter.
Hear Me Good
Comedy involving a beauty contest that has two pre-chosen winners; one the special girlfriend of a not too savory character, the other, the true love of the promoter.
Hear Me Good
Comedy involving a beauty contest that has two pre-chosen winners; one the special girlfriend of a not too savory character, the other, the true love of the promoter.
The Delicate Delinquent
Sidney Pythias is a bumbling janitor picked up by cop Mike Damon as a teenage gang member worth saving from delinquency. With Damon's help, Sidney works his way through the Police Academy to become a cop too.
The Delicate Delinquent
Sidney Pythias is a bumbling janitor picked up by cop Mike Damon as a teenage gang member worth saving from delinquency. With Damon's help, Sidney works his way through the Police Academy to become a cop too.
Johnny Concho
In Johnny Concho, Frank Sinatra plays a man who goes from the town bully to town coward!
Johnny Concho
In Johnny Concho, Frank Sinatra plays a man who goes from the town bully to town coward!
Художники и модели
Рик Тодд - сводящий концы с концами художник и сладкоголосый дамский любимчик. Его туповатый молодой сосед по комнате Юджин Фулстак - начинающий детский автор, у которого есть страсть к комиксам, особенно к таинственной и сексуальной Леди-Летучей мыши. Каждую ночь Юджина посещают кошмары, навеянные этими сверхнасильственными комиксами, которые он описывает вслух во сне.
Allen in Movieland
TV goes Hollywood when Steve Allen visits Universal-International to prepare for his upcoming title role in "The Benny Goodman Story."
Плохой день в Блэк Роке
Джон Макриди – ветеран Второй Мировой войны, который пытается найти отца человека, спасшего его, в этой классической напряженной драме о проблеме расовой нетерпимости. Макриди сходит с поезда в жаркий полдень 1945 года в Блэк Роке. Он ищет фермера-японца, сын которого спас ему жизнь, а узнает тайну этого маленького городка на Западе, а именно – убийство из-за расовых предрассудков. Местные жители готовы на еще одно убийство, лишь бы их преступление осталось нераскрытым.
3 Ring Circus
Jerry and Pete are two friends with no money and are looking for a job. They finally find employment working in a circus, but Jerry has different dreams. He wants to become a clown.
Walking My Baby Back Home
A young man from a wealthy New York family pursues a career as the leader of a dance band.
Back at the Front
Further misadventures of comic soldiers Willie and Joe, now in Japan.
Back at the Front
Further misadventures of comic soldiers Willie and Joe, now in Japan.
Meet Danny Wilson
Associate Producer
A lounge singer sees his career skyrocket after he signs a contract for a mobster nightclub owner.
Meet Danny Wilson
A lounge singer sees his career skyrocket after he signs a contract for a mobster nightclub owner.
Meet Danny Wilson
A lounge singer sees his career skyrocket after he signs a contract for a mobster nightclub owner.
Double Dynamite
R.B. 'Bob' Pulsifer Jr.
An innocent bank teller, suspected of embezzlement, is aided by an eccentric, wisecracking waiter.
Three Guys Named Mike
MacWade Parker
A stewardess becomes romantically involved with an airline pilot, a college professor, and a successful businessman...all of whom are named Mike. When the three find out about each other, she has to decide which one she loves the most.
Double Deal
An oil engineer surrounded by foul play helps an heiress bring in a well.
Dial 1119
A killer holds the customers at a bar hostage.
The Underworld Story
Reporter in Bar (uncredited)
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
Steve Arthur
A Treasury Department agent on the trail of an international jewel smuggling ring joins a carnival that he thinks the gang is using as a front. He finally locates the jewels hidden as the eyes of wax figures.
Armored Car Robbery
Detective Danny Ryan
The film tells the story of a well-planned robbery of an armored car when it stops at a sports stadium. Yet, the heist goes awry, and a tough Los Angeles cop is in hot pursuit.
Joe Palooka Meets Humphrey
Newlyweds Joe and Anne Palooka are delayed in their honeymoon plans by the helpful Humphrey Pennyworth and by considerably-less-helpful manager, Knobby Walsh.
The Threat
Joe Turner
A violent escaped con and his gang kidnap the police detective and DA who put him behind bars.
Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture
Les, the Bus Guide
Blackie is seen leaving a Chinese laundry where the proprietor has been murdered, and must track down the real killer in Chinatown.
An artist follows a woman from California to New York, where he boxes for her mobster husband.
Congo Bill
Congo Bill
Congo Bill is hired to locate an heiress lost somewhere in Africa.
I Surrender Dear
Tommy Tompkins
Patty Nelson lands a job as a singer with orchestra leader Al Tyler, and tours with the band as "Patty Hart." Patty's father Russ is dismissed from his radio-station job, and the disc jockey selected to replace him is Al Tyler. Patty rushes home to keep Russ company on the air for the final few days, and Al wonders why she suddenly walked out on him. The new "Patty and Russ" radio show catches on, causing complications with Al and the radio-station bosses.
Stevie Wilson
Two stepsisters become rivals for the same handsome bachelor. Comedy.
The Fuller Brush Man
Keenan Wallick
Poor Red Jones gets fired from every job he tries. His fiancée gives him one last chance to make good when he becomes a Fuller Brush man. His awkward attempts at sales are further complicated when one of his customers is murdered and he becomes the prime suspect.
My Wild Irish Rose
Terry O'Rourke
Musical biography of Irish 19th century tenor Chauncey Olcott.
Always Together
An old millionaire, who believes he's dying, bequeaths his fortune to a young woman with a fanatical obsession with movie stars. But then the elderly tycoon recovers from his illness and decides he wants his money back. Comedy most notable for its numerous unbilled cameos by Warner Bros. actors.
Dr. Craig - Dr. Willard's asst.
Однажды вечером в одну из психиатрических больниц в невменяемом состоянии была доставлена медсестра Луиза Хоуэлл. Женщина не реагировала ни на какие действия со стороны врачей и только повторяла одно имя, - Дэвид. Психотерапевт Харви Уиллард решил выяснить, что же привело его новую пациентку к такому душевному состоянию, и кто такой этот Дэвид, имя которого она твердит постоянно. Для этого он ввёл ей новое лекарство, которое помогло Луизе выйти из психологического шока и рассказать историю своей жизни с неким Дэвидом Саттоном, знакомство с которым перевернуло всю её жизнь...
Love and Learn
A wealthy socialite bored with her life meets and falls in love with a struggling songwriter on the verge of leaving New York and quitting the music business.
Nora Prentiss
Truck Driver who Hits Nora
Quiet, organised Dr Talbot meets nightclub singer Nora Prentiss when she is slightly hurt in a street accident. Despite her misgivings they become heavily involved and Talbot finds he is faced with the choice of leaving Nora or divorcing his wife. When a patient expires in his office, a third option seems to present itself.
That Way with Women
A bored millionaire matches his daughter with his partner in a gas station.
Фильм о прекрасном юном скрипаче из трущоб, чью карьеру взялась поддержать немолодая, богатая и сексуально неудовлетворенная алкоголичка. Ни возраст, ни неверность, ни ревность не могут прекратить этот запретный роман, лишь страсть к музыке, в конце концов, оказывается сильнее любви, секса и денег.
The Man I Love
Johnny O'Connor
Tough torch singer Petey Brown, visiting her family, finds a nest of troubles: her sister, brother, and the neighbor's wife are involved in various ways with shady nightclub owner Nicky Toresca. Petey has what it takes to handle Nicky, but then she meets San Thomas, formerly great jazz pianist now on the skids, and falls for him hard.
Shadow of a Woman
Johnnie, MacKellar's Photographer
Brooke's marital life with Eric takes a downturn when she starts suspecting that her husband is starving his son from a prior marriage to death in order to claim his inheritance.
Too Young to Know
Lt. Yates
A returning GI searches for the wife who left him and gave away their son.
Pride of the Marines
Bill aka Irish
Marine hero Al Schmid is blinded in battle and returns home to be rehabilitated. He readjusts to his civilian life with the help of his soon to be wife.