José Yepes

Рождение : 1942-04-09, Sagunto, València, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Смерть : 2012-10-30


Aquí llega Condemor, el pecador de la pradera
The film follows the adventures of a French aristocrat, the "Condemor"and Lucas, his faithful Mexican servant, lost in the desert of Far West, looking for ways to return to Paris. Following an unintentional demonstration of courage, "Condemor" is appointed sheriff very much against his will and forced to chase the "One- Eyed" and solve the mystery of the whereabouts of Chico's father and also the location of the legendary El Dorado, the fabulous gold mine. The plot thickens when Condemor platonic love, the "Bella Jolly" saloon singer, is also kidnapped by the evil ...
Everyone Off to Jail
Funcionario 2
A prison in Valencia hosts an event recognizing political prisoners jailed during Franco’s reign. The reunion proves more raucous than the organizers intended.
Chechu y familia
Chechu is a 13 year old boy who lives surrounded by peculiar people: his grandfather, his uncle, and two maids. He falls in love with one of them.
El robobo de la jojoya
Two brothers plan to steal the precious jewel of Nefertiti's eye in a famous exhibition hall, but they are not the only ones who want it. There is a scuffle in which a policeman dies and one of the robbers falls on the dead man.
It Smells Like Someone Died Here... But It Wasn't Me!
The Count of Capranegra, accompanied by his chamberlain, travels to Soborlskaia to claim the castle of his great-great-grandfather who died in strange circumstances. But to get the fortune he must first pass a difficult test.
Magic Moments
Луте: Он передвигается или взрывается
Guardia Civil
Основанный на воспоминаниях Элеутерио Санчеса "Луте", молодого осужденного убийцы, ставшего легендарным в Испании благодаря побегу из тюрьмы в 1960-х годах.
Policía (as Pepe Yepes)
Гумер Гомес, скромный молодой провизор, теряет работу после жестокого убийства своего работодателя, которому он стал свидетелем. В отчаянии от безденежья бывший аптекарь решает откликнуться на объявление о наборе в школу полиции, которую заканчивает с отличием. Но курс «молодого бойца» не избавляет юношу от страха перед кровью и насилием. По иронии судьбы его первым напарником становится сержант Лопес, который обнаружил Гумера лежащим в обмороке после пережитого ужаса во время нападения на аптеку. Под его руководством Гомес начинает борьбу со своими комплексами, которая медленно, но верно делает из него настоящего полицейского...
Los presuntos
Some gangsters believe they have been betrayed by Camilo, a small-time photographer, so they plan to kill him. First they send to Alexis, a murderer for hire, but his machine gun fails at the decisive moment. From that moment, Camilo and Alexis become inseparable friends.
Drunk in Disco
An alcoholic partier becomes a paranoid maniac when a manuscript that predicts real-life horrors takes possession of his mind.
Bad Medicine
San Agustin Prison Guard
Jeff Marx wants to study medicine and become a physician. However, his grades are far from enough to get him into an American medical school. But then he gets a chance to study medicine abroad in a small Latin American dictatorship governed by the dictator Ramon Madera who has a big interest in how the medical students behave.
Four Women and a Mess
Federico received a letter containing a few photos very involved with a girl. The problem is that his wife Alicia have seen those pictures, and decides to leave. To make matters worse, the next day comes to visit his uncle Federico millionaire and asks her maid to pose as his wife Alice for 24 hours so that it does not find out, but this will only the beginning of a big mess ...
El donante
Tato Montini (Andrés Pajares), a popular radio show host and ladies man, agrees to donate his penis for a transplant after his death. He dies, goes to Heaven and discovers that even in afterlife he would have still needed his penis.
El recomendado
Policía 1º
July 21, 1958. Madrid wakes up to the news that a pawnbroker has been murdered in his shop. Soon, police finds that the victim's associate, his pregnant wife and their maid have been murdered as well in their own home across the street.
The Sea Serpent
A serpent, created by radioactivity, threatens a Spanish coastal town.
Café, coca y puro
Matón 1
La hoz y el Martínez
Crimen en familia
Enrique Teixidó
Ignacio Costa is a tyrannical businessman with a conflictive personal life. He has a large family, a woman he abuses and humiliates and five children with whom he does the same, except for Mariana one of the girls. Tired of so many vexations, his wife will begin to influence his children until together they will plot the murder of the father
Los zancos
After the death of his wife, Angel, a university professor and writer, he falls into a severe depression. He flees to his house in the country, but there the evil is accentuated, which leads him to an attempted suicide that Teresa, his young neighbor, saves him. Angel starts a relationship with her and her partner, Alberto. Soon he falls in love with Teresa and, through a passionate relationship, he frees himself from his torments. Teresa, Alberto and her theater group on stilts ask her to write a play to represent her in the town. Obsessed by Teresa, she is vivified with this experience with the young, but she soon moves away from him carnally. This rupture desperate and as Teresa disabuses him of any possibility of continuity, in the mind of Angel reappears suicide as the only solution
El cura ya tiene hijo
Воин пустынь
Старики говорят, что никто не возвращался из Земли Мертвых живым, но Гасиль Саях знает, что они ошибаются. Его отец странствовал в этой части пустыни еще до того, как встретил его мать. И сын не мог не поддержать репутацию отца. Первый раз он отправился в Страну Мертвых, чтобы пройти ритуал посвящения в туареги. Второй раз — много лет спустя, чтобы доказать пустыне: Гасиль Саях еще способен на многое. Теперь смелый туарег живет со своей семьей в одном из далеких уголков Сахары. Живет и не думает, что однажды беда снова придет в его дом.
Agítese antes de usarla
Взлом 2
Punk #1
Детектив Херман Арета принимает дело, рекомендованное его бывшим комиссаром. Новый клиент, по имени Мигель Сампедро, является зрелым гомосексуалистом, которого после 20 лет связи, только что, бросил его партнер, и он хочет знать, есть ли между ними кто-то третий. Когда они оба оказываются мертвыми, кажется, что один убил другого, прежде чем покончить с собой.
Pepe Girón
Хореограф Антонио набирает труппу для постановки балета «Кармен». Во время репетиций хореограф поддается чарам настоящей Кармен, которая исполняет главную роль. Музыка и представление так захватывают героев, что правда жизни превращается в спектакль, а само действо ведет к кровавой развязке.
Human Animals
Two men and one woman are the last people on Earth. They are reduced to savagery, mate with the woman, and they learn to survive on a deserted island.
El gran mogollón
Todos al suelo !!
Buscando a Perico
Si las mujeres mandaran (o mandasen)
Revenge of the Black Wolf
Black Wolf is forced again to fight his rival, who now has been appointed California Governor. Against such power, the lonely 'wolf' fights a duel to the death.
Los liantes
Amador and Fidel are two small scammers operating in Torremolinos beach and surroundings with more misery than fortune.
The Black Wolf
Conductor de diligencia
A version of "Zorro" (fox in Spanish) but this time is a wolf... and black, located in California in mid-nineteenth century
Nightmare City
Controller (uncredited)
In a nameless European city, a local reporter and his doctor wife try to escape from hordes of blood thirsty zombies, undead people exposed to nuclear radioactivity, while the military leaders fight a losing war of attrition against the relentless atomic zombies.
Esperando a papá
Visanteta, estáte quieta
Don Agustín, a school teacher, visit the family of his former student Paco. Paco's mother asks don Agustín to exert influence over her son to make him being successful. The old professor accepts the challenge pressured by his sister, eager to spend all her money playing bingo. But don Agustín soon begins to suspect that the mother of Paco holds the oldest profession in the world.
Naked Madrid
Hamed (as Pepe Yepes)
Baltasar is a tycoon from Madrid who is forced to invest money in a movie to promote Esmeralda, an actress who sells her body to become a movie star as soon as possible
El virgo de Visanteta
A story about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
The Crimson Night of the Hawk
A murder mystery set in the old west.
Dramatic portrait of men and women discouraged in the midst of the Spanish Civil War, after the odyssey of a group of Republican soldiers trying to reach the east coast to go into exile. Agustín must bear that his libertine father lives with the ironer Remedios, although she does not love him. She escapes and he goes to war; when they finally meet again, anxious amid bursts, it will be impossible to consummate their desires repressed for so long.
Красное золото
Ограбленный и избитый в порту одного из карибских островов Виктор отстал от своего судна. Без денег и документов он опустился на самое дно жизни — туда, где нищие и обездоленные вынуждены продавать свою кровь хозяевам острова, чтобы выжить. Контрабанда крови и плазмы является основным источником дохода для правителя крохотного государства Альмейды. Основным, но не единственным. Есть еще соляные прииски, на которых работают обращенные в рабство бездомные. Вскоре в их число попадает и Виктор.
Estimado Sr. juez...
A Dog Called... Vengeance
A political prisoner in a South American dictatorship escapes and is pursued throughout the country by a bloodthirsty dog.
Widows' Nest
The arrival of some unwanted visitors interrupts the peaceful Cuban home life of sisters Dolores, Carmen and Elvira, as their presence stirs up unwelcome memories.
Foul Play
Del taller #4
A 1977 Spanish drama film directed by Juan Antonio Bardem that won the Golden Prize the 10th Moscow International Film Festival.
Caperucita y Roja
El ladrido
The Perfect Lover
A movie actress is being raped by an admirer in the night of the release of her last movie. But instead of accusing the man she begins to fall in love with him.
El hombre que supo amar
El segundo poder
Cliente venta
The Stash
Paco, a truck driver who has always been dedicated to smuggling, hires Curro as an assistant, a young man wanting to make money without caring about the way to get it. The two drivers are surprised by an offer that far exceeds what they use to perceive: they have to transport illegal immigrants from Portugal to the French border.
The Mummy's Revenge
Paul Naschy has a duel role as Amenhotep/Assad Bey, an ancient egyptian mummified Pharaoh, and the high priest who brought him back to life. In order For Amenhotep to achieve immortality, Assad Bey has to kidnap nubile young virgins in Victorian London for blood sacrifices.
La última jugada
A policeman must infiltrate the criminal underworld to investigate the theft of some paintings. The first clue leads him to a Latin American country, where a military prepares for a coup.
The Paranoid
As a child, John watched his father murder a lover. Traumatized as an adult, his psychiatrist recommends that he sleep with his secretaries, but this awakens the most terrible memories in him and acts on him accordingly.
El poder del deseo
Policía 1º
Javier lives with his mother in a modest apartment. He conducts surveys on the effectiveness of ads. This work provides a humble earning for the two of them. One day he meets Juna at a bus stop. He tries to ask her out, but she refuses. A few days later, they meet again. Slowly a relationship develops, but her plan is to marry someone rich. Javier's wealthy uncle included him in his testament, so Juna talks Javier into killing the uncle.
I Saw Her First
El calzonazos
Don Juan Alcántara, who from a village apothecary became a financier, is ruined. He does not dare to confess it to the family, since the unanimous opinion of those who know him is that he is a squawk. His lack of character is remedied by his doctor, who provides the recipe for everyone to obey: pretend that he suffers a crisis of madness and that if he takes the opposite may lead to homicide.
...Иначе мы рассердимся!
Жил да был один мафиози местного значения. И задумал он, по совету своего верного психолога, возвыситься, разорив беззащитный парк аттракционов и построив на его месте огромный небоскрёб. И всё бы у него получилось, если бы под горячую руку распоясавшихся рэкетиров не попалась дюна-багги, любимый автомобиль двух приятелей — голубоглазого красавца и медведоподобного толстяка. И всё бы ничего, — ведь каждый может ошибиться, — так нет же! Загордился мафиози, заупрямился, несчастный, на свою голову, — не захотел платить по счетам!
Las violentas
Las señoritas de mala compañía
Mozo 1
Las estrellas están verdes
Смертный грех
Воспитанный одинокой матерью Хаси рос избалованным ребенком, ни в чем не получая отказа. Повзрослев, он непроизвольно ищет в других женщинах черты своей матери, затевая один мимолётный роман за другим с дамами, намного старше него. Но все его приключения заканчиваются возвращением домой с букетом роз для той единственной, кого он любит по-настоящему. Однажды он застаёт свою мать в постели с любовником. Шокированный произошедшим, Хаси уходит из дома, решив жить самостоятельно. Единственное место, где его ждут – маленькая коммуна хиппи во главе с художницей Элен, пытающейся заработать, подделывая картины Пикассо.
La curiosa
París bien vale una moza
El vikingo
¡No firmes más letras, cielo!
Sabino Grupe, head of accounting at a major insurance company, Elisa's husband, a beautiful fashion model who has had to leave the gateway to the most dangerous jealousy of his consort. In return, he has put Sabino sign letters and letters to exhaust their funds. Until one day he had enough and breaks with the consumer society and everyone.
El padre de la criatura
Eduardo and Antonia are a mature couple excited about their daughter expecting their first grandchild. But life will change completely when some laboratory tests confirm that it is Antonia who is pregnant and not her daughter. This unexpected situation strongly influences the character of Eduardo, who begins to live what he calls a "second youth".
Vente a ligar al Oeste
Benito a railway switchman, one day hears a bugle call and go across a squad of American riders. Fearing an invasion, will look for help, but no more than the making of a film. The appearance of Benito on the set coincides with an explosion of dynamite that does blow. That's how Benito enters into contact with the amazing world of cinema.
Hay que educar a papá
A young woman who wants to marry an earl's son wants to refine the habits of their parents, people from a village that has been enriched in the overnight by selling their land.