

Рождение : 1978-08-13,




Le nounou
Le nounou
Le grand cirque
While visiting a friend at the hospital, Momo, a jobless comedian, meets Michel, the director of an unpaid clown's association, who visit sick children. Thanks to Michel's support and belief, Momo sets himself a new challenge : make the children laugh, despite their illness.
Le grand cirque
While visiting a friend at the hospital, Momo, a jobless comedian, meets Michel, the director of an unpaid clown's association, who visit sick children. Thanks to Michel's support and belief, Momo sets himself a new challenge : make the children laugh, despite their illness.
Le grand cirque
While visiting a friend at the hospital, Momo, a jobless comedian, meets Michel, the director of an unpaid clown's association, who visit sick children. Thanks to Michel's support and belief, Momo sets himself a new challenge : make the children laugh, despite their illness.
Anniversaire surprise chez les Bodin's
Le Marrakech du rire 2022 : les 10 ans
The Imaginary Doctor
Inspecteur Mahmoud
Alex, aka DJ Wethu, is a star of the night world. On the verge of burnout, he plays concerts all over the world... Until the day when, in the middle of a festival in Morocco, Alex takes a bad fall and falls off the stage. Immobilized on the spot during his convalescence, he is placed under the vigilance of Abdel, who dreams of becoming an assistant nurse. The problem is that he is not quite! An unexpected encounter, to say the least...
Le Bêtisier du 31
Le furet
Maxime is a hardened bachelor who takes advantage of his freedom and assumes to live without ties or children. He has finally agreed to help a couple of friends who are trying to have a child by artificial insemination, by donating sperm to speed up the procedure. His life changes the day a rather invasive brother arrives at his home, accompanied by a rather hairy ferret, and when, in the middle of a torrid evening in gallant company, this ferret bites his private parts, making him permanently sterile. Realizing that he will never be able to have children, Maxime tries to get his gift back, only to learn that it has already been used for Lisa Barrot, a famous and seductive sports journalist. Aware that she will be the mother of his only child, he decides to do everything possible to meet her and get to know her.
Le grand gala de l'humour politique 2021
Les duos impossibles de Jérémy Ferrari : 6ème édition
Приключения Аладдина
Le soldat Aladin
А что бывает после «и жили они долго и счастливо»? На пороге Дворца в волшебном Багдаде, где проводят время Аладдин и Принцесса, появляется ужасный и опасный Диктатор. Чтобы избавиться от незваного гостя и не потерять Принцессу, Аладдину придется вновь окунуться в мир приключений и опасностей: пролететь на ковре-самолёте полмира, разыскать Волшебную лампу, своего приятеля Джинна и уже вместе с ним сразиться с Диктатором.
Neuilly sa mère, sa mère !
In 2008, Sami Benboudaoud discovered the hell of Neuilly-sur-Seine. Ten years later, now that everything is for the best for Sami who brilliantly completes his studies of political science, nothing will go for his cousin Charles of Chazelle.
This is the story of a man, who on his way home, finds a pair of shoes on a trash can. Once he tries them on, he is no longer the master of his destiny.
Ночь в Париже
Le vendeur de roses
В атмосфере ночного Парижа переплетены любовь, интриги и опасность. Перед директором театра Луиджи, бабником и разгильдяем, стоит задача не из легких — найти деньги на громкую премьеру и живую обезьяну. И для этого ему придется использовать всю свою изобретательность, хитрость и, разумеется… недюжинное мужское обаяние, потому что в ночном Париже все решают красотки и роковые женщины.
Мальчишник в Паттайе
Chef de cabine
Фрэнки, пристрастившийся к бодибилдингу фанат Вина Дизеля, полный сердечных страданий проводит время с богатеньким закомплексованным Кримо в поиске «интернет знаменитостей» женского пола. Они оба мечтают сменить свои серые будни на известный тайский курорт Паттайю. В попытках приблизиться к мечте друзей посещает дикая идея — зарегистрировать карлика с их района на опасный чемпионат по тайскому боксу для карликов, проходящий в Паттайе. Но то, что должно было стать для них каникулами мечты, превратится в самое сумасшедшее приключение их жизни.
La grande évasion
To obtain a remission of sentence, three detainees, whom everything opposes, must put on a classic play before the Minister of Justice soon to visit their prison. From bad repetitions to improbable attempts, they will form a joyful and delusional complicity. From valves to tirades, they set up an action plan to escape the bars of their daily lives and here they are on their way to the great artistic escape! The Great Escape, the most hilarious comedy of the year!
La grande évasion
To obtain a remission of sentence, three detainees, whom everything opposes, must put on a classic play before the Minister of Justice soon to visit their prison. From bad repetitions to improbable attempts, they will form a joyful and delusional complicity. From valves to tirades, they set up an action plan to escape the bars of their daily lives and here they are on their way to the great artistic escape! The Great Escape, the most hilarious comedy of the year!
Переполох на районе
Voix radio
Трое непутевых жителей одного из бедных кварталов Парижа попадают в историю и оказываются в должниках у местного авторитета Ворнера. Срочно нужны деньги и друзья решают сняться в порнофильме…
Un Marocain à Paris
Big Eys
Najib, who lives in Morocco, envies his brother, an architect living in France for twenty years. For lack of money, he decides to join the hexagon, but clandestinely. During his journey, he meets Attila, a Turk on the run that will drag him into his shady business. His arrival in France will be far from being as idyllic as he hoped!
Beur sur la ville
Khalid Belkacem
25-year-old Khalid Belkacem has failed at everything: college education, summer camp instructor's permit, driver's license, and even his BCG. He never expected to become the first "positive discrimination" member of the police force. But as his mother says: "That's France for you! A country where everyone has a chance."
Halal State Security
La sorcière berbère
Someone is killing Parisians of Arab ethnicity. When an Algerian diplomat is murdered by the same assailant, two Algerian detectives are sent to help the French with the investigation and they have their own ways of doing things.
Call Centers
Kader Belkacem
Neuilly Yo Mama!
Abdelmalik, Picasso 1
Samy moves from the underdeveloped crime-ridden French suburb to the riches of Neuilly.
You'll Miss Me
In an airport, six destinies, during a short moment, will change, separate and meet. And if these characters were going through, without knowing it, the most important moment of their lives? Olivier and Lila ... Will he miss his love or will she miss the plane? Julia and Marcel ... Will she avoid death or will he mess up his life? Fanny and Max ... Will she lack of courage or will he be out of luck?
Booder - The One Man Show
Coup de tampon