Script Consultant
Алис теряется в лабиринте больницы, движимая необходимостью свести счеты со своим обидчиком из прошлого, который сейчас умирает. Гонка с целью выразить наконец-то словами причиненную боль.
Julian, eighteen, arrives unannounced at his half-brother Max's place. Max, twenty-six, lives in a truck in a travelers camp in the middle of the forest. Julian falls in love with Lise, a casual lover of Max, what is going to damage their reunion.
Julian, eighteen, arrives unannounced at his half-brother Max's place. Max, twenty-six, lives in a truck in a travelers camp in the middle of the forest. Julian falls in love with Lise, a casual lover of Max, what is going to damage their reunion.
A man's wife has disappeared; her diary gives the police detailed account of their sexual life.
Apprentice hairdresser Solange is a whiz at teasing locks and cutting hair but knows little about the act of sexual congress -- but she wants to know more. She hails from a small working class town close to Toulouse where she lives with her comely mother, who grudgingly works as a babysitter, and her father, who loves herding ostriches. Her best friend in beauty school is an African immigrant lass named Gary who dreads being returned to her native country for an arranged marriage. Gary offers Solange advice in her quest. Though there is a guy Solange fancies at her vocational school, she wants to know the lay of the land, so to speak, before she gets intimate with him.
Jonas (Clément Sibony), a 23-year-old dad attempts to carry out an important Jewish tradition: burying the foreskin of his newly circumcised son. The forgetful father only has a few hours to complete the task... but have a group of hit men on his trail won't help matters much.
Camille is an emancipated 30-something woman who has no desire to settle down and have a family, preferring to coast along on a succession of ephemeral relationships and one-night stands. However, her lifestyle fails to satisfy her fully, and in a moment of depression she runs into a complete stranger, Alexis, whom she instantly falls in love with. Alexis, alas, is married, with two children, and works for the Socialist Party. None of this is going to deter Camille though…
Из Африки во Францию перевозится бесценная статуэтка - `Танцующий Бог`. Ею мечтают завладеть проходимцы всех мастей. Самые хитрые из них пытаются подменить оригинал копией, и в результате возникшей неразберихи кому - то удается совершить подлог. Погони, приключения, головокружительные трюки, перестрелки - жизнь не стоит и копейки, когда на кону бесценное сокровище. Оно не может быть общим, им должен обладать кто - то один...
Jean-Louis is an naive, amiable orphan who spent his life with his elderly and very strict grandfather. Jean-Louis was a 25-year old virgin when a free-spirited young Parisian woman was temporarily stranded in his village after a bus broke down. She left him a changed man, and she also left a match book from a fast food restaurant called Fast Burger. Soon after his grandfather passes away, the innocent rube Jean-Louis hops on his bike and embarks upon a quest to Paris to find this enigmatic woman. But he is not prepared for the size of Paris, and instead ends up working at a Fast Burger outlet himself. Jean-Louis is a simple soul and freely expresses himself without guile. For some reason this endears him to the staff and management; soon he has been promoted into the upper echelons of the company. One day he meets a rather ditzy Metro security guard, Henriette, who is also at sea in the big city. The kindred spirits click and a sweet romance ensues.
Estate Agent
Пьер и Анна уже не молоды, но и не стары. Их сыну Лулу всего 15 месяцев. Они в свое время очень любили друг друга, но любовь преобразилась в привычку каждый день видеть друг друга, говорить обязательные слова, совершать какие-то действия, ходить на работу, встречаться за обедом и т. д. Не все и не всегда Пьеру и Анне нравится друг в друге. И вот случилось так, что Анна полюбила другого. Она немедленно сообщила об этом Пьеру. Пьер не стал устраивать ей «сцен», не впал в истерику, но сам факт измены его, конечно, потряс, и он никак не мог решить, что же ему в этой ситуации делать. Вся эта история стала известна друзьям, которые, как могли, попытались дать им свои советы. Анна продолжала встречаться со своим любовником, Пьер продолжал страдать, перестал следить за собой, стал думать о том, с кем останется Лулу, если они расстанутся.
Vincent, a young painter with no money, is hired by a group of bored bourgeois to paint a picture of the villa they spend the summer in Brittany. As he is offered to stay overnight, Vincent witnesses the habits of his employers, each more bizarre than the other.
A group of 4 girls decide to revise for their exams together, in the summer vacation. They move from Paris to the countryside, where Valerie's grandmother has a vacant house. The film is all about their inter-personal relationships, and how living together effects each of them. Then Valerie's male cousin arrives one day, and we see how they deal with the young man, and vice versa
The story begins in a public garden where Antoine, a young director, is preparing a film with two drama students. He is in love with one of them, but he does not dare to tell her that it is because he loves her that he makes films with her. Then to give the change, he speaks to her about his conceptions of the cinema.