Lydia Andrei

Lydia Andrei


Lydia Andrei


Blood from a Stone
The day his bank refuses to finance him, Georges will do everything he can to save his shipyard and his employees.
Big City
The Prostitute
Description : Set in the American Wild West, this French-language film quickly overcomes its dire beginning--the Native American ambush of a group of immigrants--and becomes an enjoyable comedy. When the adults of Big City leave for the ambush site, the children realize they are all alone and in charge. With a cast composed almost entirely of young people...
La vie nue
The story is inspired by the biblical myth of Lazarus. The main character is called Lazarus who was a follower of Jesus, brother of Martha and Mary who was resurrected by Jesus.
Частное дело
Частный детектив Франсуа работает испытанным способом: он лаконичен с подозреваемыми, остроумен с лжецами, безжалостно откровенен с клиентами и непредсказуем с красивыми женщинами. Его не пугает опасность, но дело пропавшей студентки Рэйчел притягивает его своей мрачной таинственностью. Два сломанных пальца, перебитый нос и приказ «Забудь ее» не останавливает сыщика. Вскоре поиски девушки становятся для Франсуа наваждением, но он намерен докопаться до правды, какой бы страшной она ни была.
Martha... Martha
Having received a frosty reception when visiting her parents, Martha drags her husband Reymond and infant daughter Lise to Spain, to renew her acquaintance with her estranged sister Marie. After a quarrel, Marthe and her family return to France, where the young mother shows signs of increasing mental instability. Abandoning her family, Marthe goes to town to get drunk and ends up being raped. With Marthe in a psychiatric hospital, Reymond is left to take care of Lise alone whilst struggling to make a living selling second hand clothes in an open-air market. When Marthe leaves hospital, Reymond takes her and Lise to a holiday home in the country. But Martha’s illness is far from cured…
Bleu le ciel
Kerim, a young Kurd, escapes from a fight by taking refuge in Bruno's car. The event plunges the two men into mutual embarrassment. As the day progresses, the word is born little by little and the tensions are dissipated.
Спасибо за шоколад
В молодости Мари-Клер и Лизбет были лучшими подругами, почти сестрами. И даже когда любимый мужчина Мари-Клер, Андре Полонский, ушел от нее к Лизбет, девушки остались самыми близкими людьми. У Полонских рос сын Гийом. В день десятилетия их свадьбы Лизбет погибла в автокатастрофе, уснув за рулем. В память о подруге безутешная Мари-Клер устроила фотовыставку ее работ, а вскоре сочеталась браком с вдовцом. И теперь это идеально-благополучная семья: владелица крупной шоколадной фабрики и знаменитый пианист. Но однажды в их дом приходит юная студентка консерватории Жанна Пуле, утверждая, что она дочь Андре…
Young Victor experiences a traumatic flight from abusive parents and discovers a new mother in the prostitute Trish.
Esther and Sophie are BFF! When it comes to men, they however differ fundamentally . While the career woman Esther is on uncomplicated sex and therefore experienced with her lover Winnie, Sophie is still looking for her prince charming . When she meets Chip , a PC expert , she believes to have finally found this . But then it turns out that Chip is none other than Winnie . From Esther and Sophie are suddenly bitter rivals...
Le vent de la Toussaint
Malika Tadjer
A veteran of the Indochina war, a doctor emigrated to Kabylia. He is torn between his love for the sister of a rebel group and his duty as a patriot.
The Power of Speech
Godard blends elements of literature, cinema and other artistic medias from different historical periods in order to make a stance on how words can be subverted and manipulated to many different contexts, sometimes bearing a similar significance to the original material or even creating an alternate context.
Mieux vaut courir
Crossfire between a suspect and the police. In the middle of the case, a girl.