Ed Wynn

Ed Wynn

Рождение : 1886-11-09, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Смерть : 1966-06-19


Isaiah Edwin Leopold (November 9, 1886 – June 19, 1966), better known as Ed Wynn, was an American actor and comedian noted for his Perfect Fool comedy character, his pioneering radio show of the 1930s, and his later career as a dramatic actor. Ed Wynn first appeared on television on July 7, 1936 in a brief, ad-libbed spot with Graham McNamee during an NBC experimental television broadcast. In the 1949–50 season, Ed Wynn hosted one of the first network, comedy-variety television shows, on CBS, and won both a Peabody Award and an Emmy Award in 1949. Buster Keaton, Lucille Ball, and The Three Stooges all made guest appearances with Wynn. This was the first CBS variety television show to originate from Los Angeles, which was seen live on the west coast, but filmed via kinescope for distribution in the Midwest and East, as the national coaxial cable had yet to be completed. Wynn was also a rotating host of NBC's Four Star Revue from 1950 through 1952. After the end of Wynn's third television series, The Ed Wynn Show (a short-lived situation comedy on NBC's 1958–59 schedule), his son, actor Keenan Wynn, encouraged him to make a career change rather than retire. The comedian reluctantly began a career as a dramatic actor in television and movies. Father and son appeared in three productions, the first of which was the 1956 Playhouse 90 broadcast of Rod Serling's play Requiem for a Heavyweight. Ed was terrified of straight acting and kept goofing his lines in rehearsal. When the producers wanted to fire him, star Jack Palance said he would quit if they fired Ed. (However, unbeknownst to Wynn, supporting player Ned Glass was his secret understudy in case something did happen before air time.) On live broadcast night, Wynn surprised everyone with his pitch-perfect performance, and his quick ad libs to cover his mistakes. A dramatization of what happened during the production was later staged as an April 1960 Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse episode, "The Man in the Funny Suit", starring both senior and junior Wynns, with key figures involved in the original production also portraying themselves. Ed and his son also worked together in the Jose Ferrer film The Great Man, with Ed again proving his unexpected skills in drama. Requiem established Wynn as a serious dramatic actor who could easily hold his own with the best. His role in The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) won him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Also in 1959, Wynn appeared on Serling's TV series The Twilight Zone in "One for the Angels". Serling, a longtime admirer, had written that episode especially for him, and Wynn later in 1963 starred in the episode "Ninety Years Without Slumbering". For the rest of his life, Wynn skillfully moved between comic and dramatic roles. He appeared in feature films and anthology television, endearing himself to new generations of fans.


Ed Wynn
Ed Wynn


Boulevard! A Hollywood Story
Self (archive footage)
Dickson Hughes and Richard Stapley, two young composers and romantic partners, are caught in the web of silent film star Gloria Swanson when she hires them to write a musical version of Sunset Boulevard, her 1950 film directed by Billy Wilder.
Shemp Cocktail: A Toast to the Original Stooge
Himself (archive footage)
A compilation that highlights works from the Three Stooges. It includes the shorts Brideless Groom, Sing a Song of Six Pants, and Malice in the Palace, also Ed Wynn's live TV Camel Comedy Caravan starring Shemp, Larry, and Moe.
Вот это развлечение! Часть 2
(archive footage)
Золотые моменты из фильмотеки MGM, что включает как комедии и драмы, так и классические музыкальные номера.
The Gnome-Mobile
An eccentric millionaire and his grandchildren are embroiled in the plights of some forest gnomes who are searching for the rest of their tribe. While helping them, the millionaire is suspected of being crazy because he's seeing gnomes! He's committed, and the niece and nephew and the gnomes have to find him and free him.
The Daydreamer
The Emperor (voice)
In this hybrid of live-action and stop-motion animation, a young Hans Christian Andersen goes in search of knowledge in the Garden of Paradise in order to make his studies easier. Each time he falls asleep, he experiences in his dreams the different characters he would later write about in fairy tales including The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina and The Emperor's New Clothes.
Эта дикая кошка
Mr. Hofstedder
История девушки и ее озорного кота, которые однажды попадают в странную и забавную ситуацию с участием полиции и ФБР.
Величайшая из когда-либо рассказанных историй
Old Aram
Одна из лучших экранизаций Нового Завета, в которой канонически представлена жизнь Иисуса Христа со дня поклонения волхвов до распятия и воскрешения. Эта крупномасштабная кинокартина стала заметным явлением мирового кинематографа благодаря грандиозному ансамблю актеров и цельному отношению режиссера к историческому материалу, по которому был поставлен фильм.
Those Calloways
Ed Parker
Story of Cam Calloway and his family, who live in a densely wooded area in New England. Cam dreams of building a sanctuary for the geese that fly over the area each year, and he tries several schemes to buy a nearby lake for this santuary. He is thwarted at every attempt, it seems; he and his son try to get enough furs from their trapping venture to get the money, but the bottom falls out of the fur market. He uses the little money they get for a down payment on the lake, thereby losing their house when he can't make the mortgage payment. They move to the lake, where their friends help them build a cabin. A salesman stops in town, and tries to get the people to sell their land for a tourist venture; Cam is outraged at his tactics and takes desperate measures after he himself is tricked.
Дорогая Брижит
The Captain
Поэт и профессор Роберт Лиф не признаёт никаких других наук, кроме гуманитарных. Он — идеалист, чей голос взывает в академической пустыне, по мере того как ядерные лаборатории и компьютерные нагромождения приближаются и грозят раздавить его царство искусств и письменности. Сложности возникают, когда его восьмилетний сын Эразм теряет музыкальный слух, а потом перестаёт различать цвета, но проявляет гениальные способности к математике и естественным наукам, что сулит ему великое будущее.
Мэри Поппинс
Uncle Albert
Семейство Бенкс озабоченно поисками няни для своих детей. И как это бывает только в сказке, она появилась прямо из воздуха, прекрасная, ни на кого не похожая. Как раз такая, какую мечтали бы иметь в своем доме всякие любящие родители. У неё не просто цветущий вид. Она непросто лучше всех умеет готовить, ходить по магазинам, одеваться, танцевать и воспитывать детей. Это всё лишь элементы, лишь составляющие. Нет, тут нечто большее — она именно совершенна, именно лишена недостатков, ибо она — сказочная. Как же не влюбиться в такую…
For the Love of Willadean
A new boy, Harley, joins a club but shows an interest in the girl on whom the club leader has a crush. The two club members trick Harley into stealing a prize watermelon to the dismay of the furious farmer, and later dare him to enter a supposedly haunted house in which they uncover a bag of money stolen in a bank robbery.
The Sound of Laughter
College Professor
A compilation of film clips of comedies from 1930's.
Son of Flubber
A.J. Allen
Beleaguered professor Ned Brainard has already run into a pile of misfortunes with his discovery of the super-elastic substance "Flubber." Now he hopes to have better luck with a gravity-busting derivative he's dubbed "Flubbergas." Ned's experiments, constantly hampered by government obstruction, earn the consternation of his wife, Betsy. But a game-winning modification to a football uniform may help Ned make the case for his fantastic new invention.
The Golden Horseshoe Revue
The 10,000th performance of Disneyland's venerable "Golden Horseshoe Revue," featuring special guest stars.
The New March of Dimes Presents: The Scene Stealers
A TV movie with intertwining music numbers and sketches.
Back Stage Party
Party, enterianment, and Behind the scenes
Babes in Toyland
All roads lead to magical, merry Toyland as Mary Contrary and Tom Piper prepare for their wedding! But villainous Barnaby wants Mary for himself, so he kidnaps Tom, setting off a series of comic chases, searches, and double-crosses! The "March Of The Wooden Soldiers" helps put Barnaby in his place, and ensures a "happily ever after" for Tom and Mary!
Отмороженный профессор
Fire Chief
Профессор живет в маленьком городке, он увлекается химией - изобретает озорное вещество, «плюющее» на законы тяготения. Он называет его «флаббером», летающей резиной, использовать его можно в разных целях. Если намазать им спортивную обувь,баскетболисты совершенно безнадежной команды колледжа обретут удивительную прыгучесть, победят соперников.
Fairy Godfather
When his father dies, poor Fella is left at the mercy of his snobbish stepmother and her two no-good sons Maximilian and Rupert. As he slaves away for his nasty step-family, Maximilian and Rupert attempt to find a treasure Fella's father has supposedly hidden on the estate. Hoping to restore her dwindling fortunes, the stepmother plans a fancy ball in honor of the visiting Princess Charmein whom she hopes will marry Rupert. Eventually, Fella's Fairy Godfather shows up to convince him that he has a shot at winning the Princess himself.
Miracle On 34th Street
Kris Kringle
In this charming TV adaptation of the 1947 film classic, a kindly old gentleman (Ed Wynn) working as a Macy's department store Santa causes a commotion when he claims to be the real St. Nick. Forced to prove his sanity, he is taken to court where he must convince the judge and his friends that he actually is Santa Claus. The faith of one skeptical little girl (Susan Gordon) and a Christmas miracle are the keys to his true identity.
Meet Me in St. Louis
This adaptation of the classic 1944 film musical explores the lives of the close-knit Smith family -- mother, father, grandfather, and five children -- who live in St. Louis in the year 1903.
Дневник Анны Франк
Albert Dussell
Драматическая экранизация одного из наиболее документальных свидетельств событий Второй мировой войны — дневника тринадцатилетней еврейской девочки, Анны Франк. Спасаясь от ужасов нацистского преследования, Отто Франк вместе с женой и двумя дочерьми, Анной и Марго, два года прячутся на заброшенном чердаке одного из домов Амстердама. Вместе с ними на чердаке находят приют чета Ван Даан, их сын Питер и дантист господин Дассел. В своем дневнике Анна описывает все испытания и лишения, с которыми сталкиваются окружающие ее люди, пытающиеся вести нормальную жизнь в тесном пространстве крошечного чердака в условиях постоянной угрозы быть обнаруженными гестапо.
Марджори Морнингстар
Uncle Samson
Во время работы в летнем лагере, юная студентка Марджори Моргенштерн влюбляется в 32-летнего драматурга Ноэля Эйрмана. Как и Марджори, Ноэль принадлежит к крупному буржуазному классу нью-йоркских евреев, однако он был разорён, вследствие чего, родители девушки возражают против их отношений. Ноэль честно предупреждает Марджори, что она слишком наивна и заблуждается в нём, но ни это, ни категоричный протест родителей не мешают влюблённым быть вместе. Их отношения развиваются непросто. Они то сходятся, то расходятся. Вскоре, Марджори заканчивает своё обучение в колледже, и начинает заниматься актёрской карьерой, в то время как Ноэль заканчивает писать мюзикл, работу над которым начал ещё до встречи с Марджори.
On Borrowed Time
'Gramps' Northrup
Mr. Brink seems to bring death with him wherever he goes. But can a young boy and his grandfather change this dire situation?
Великий человек
Paul Beaseley
Джо Харрис, готовя хвалебную речь к популярному радио-комментатору Хербу Фуллеру, находит, что ни у кого нет хорошего слова, чтобы сказать о нем.
Requiem for a Heavyweight
An over-the-hill heavyweight boxing champion who suffers from the ravages of years of head trauma is exploited by his manager, despite the efforts of a compassionate young woman who tries to help him recover his self-respect.
Алиса в стране чудес
Mad Hatter (voice)
Убежав из дома, Алиса увидела под старой яблоней большого белого кролика, одетого в куртку и жилет. Достав из кармана часы, кролик торопливо скрылся в подозрительно темной норе. Набравшись смелости, Алиса шагнула вслед за ним... и попала в чудесный сказочный мир, где сбываются самые несбыточные фантазии. Чтобы попасть обратно домой, Алисе придется совершить путешествие через весь этот странный и причудливый мир, в котором ее поджидают совершенно невероятные приключения и совершенно фантастические существа...
Operation Wonderland
1951 behind the scenes featurette of the Walt Disney animated classic.
Stage Door Canteen
Ed Wynn
A young soldier on a pass in New York City visits the famed Stage Door Canteen, where famous stars of the theater and films appear and host a recreational center for servicemen during the war. The soldier meets a pretty young hostess and they enjoy the many entertainers and a growing romance
The Three Stooges: Live and Hilarious
The Three Stooges are at it again in a hilarious and extremely hard-to-find turn on the Ed Wynn Show.
The Chief
Henry Summers
The dim-witted son of a heroic fire chief tries to follow in his late father's footsteps, only to become the unknowing pawn of corrupt politicians.
Поверните время вспять
Cigar Store Customer (uncredited)
While recuperating in a hospital after he's hit by an automobile, a struggling shopowner dreams what his life might have been like if he'd made different choices twenty years earlier.
Hollywood on Parade
A short featuring many stars
Follow the Leader
Ed Wynn, a waiter, tries to get hit employers daughter a start on the stage; Ginger Rogers replaces Ethel Merman when Merman is kidnapped.
Rubber Heels
Homer Thrush
A European royal couple come to New York to sell some of the royal family's crown jewels. A gang of international jewel thieves is planning to steal the gems, so a private detective is assigned to guard them. Unfortunately the private eye turns out to be a bumbling, inept fool--or so everyone thinks.