Jean-François Dérec

Jean-François Dérec

Рождение : 1957-05-11, La-Voulte-sur-Rhône, Ardèche, France


Jean-François Dérec


One Hell of a Plan
Two burglars release dozens of cats into a neighbourhood and start the dogs barking. They use the din to their advantage and dig up a bag of loot. However, the situation snowballs and turns into the worst night the burglars ever spent.
Lost in Armenia
Mia and the Migoo
One night Mia has a premonition. So after saying a few words of parting at her mother’s grave, she sets out on a cross continent journey, though mountains and jungles in search of her father, who has been trapped in a landslide at a construction site on a remote tropical lake. In the middle of the lake stands the ancient Tree of Life, watched over by innocent, bumbling forest spirits called the Migoo, who grow and change shape as they please, morphing from small childlike beings to petulant giants. The Migoo have been disrupting the construction to protect this sacred site – and now together with Mia they join in a fight to find Mia’s father and save the Tree, with the future of life on Earth hanging in the balance.
La Dame de chez Maxim
Жанна Пуассон, маркиза де Помпадур
Охлаждение августейшей особы во все времена означало безвозвратный уход бывшей фаворитки в тень и дальнейшее забытье, если не опалу. Маркиза де Помпадур была только 5 лет любовницей короля, а еще 15 — другом и ближайшим советником по многим вопросам, порой и государственной важности.
Ernest Tafardel, schoolteacher and deputy mayor
Остров Блэкмор
La ficelle (Voice)
Kid, a 15-year-old hard laborer, steals a map that promises to reveal the location of the notorious pirate Black Mor's treasure. Together with his crew -- MacGregor, Beanpole, Taka and Jim the monkey -- Kid procures a vessel and sets out to sea.
Les bronzés, le père Noël, papy et les autres
Les Bronzés, le Père Noël, Papy et les autres....Discover or rediscover the emblematic scenes of these cult films that have crossed generations without getting old. Go behind the scenes of these unusual films through completely unpublished anecdotes and funny stories told by the authors themselves.
Jean-François Derec : Au Palais des Glaces
le surveillant à l'hôpital psychiatrique / ancien tireur d'élite
Zef, twenty years old, is a simple-minded man who can only say one word: "love you". Always happy, loving everyone, he lives with his sister Sophie on a farm in the Lot. Attracted by the sad smile of Marie, he rapes her one evening without realizing the gravity of his act. Commited in a psychiatric asylum, Zef falls into a deep silence. Hugues, a doctor with avant-garde methods, is in charge of caring for Marie. He decides to confront her with Zef, convinced that her healing goes through a long reappropriation of life and love.
Болезнь Захса
L'homme qui va chez le kiné
Доктор Бруно Захс пользуется большой популярностью у жителей одного провинциального городка. Недавно Захс открыл свою частную клинику, и теперь все население городка обращаются к нему не только за медицинской помощью. Многие люди приходят к врачу, чтобы просто поговорить о жизни, поделиться своими проблемами. Больше всего жителей городка интересует личная жизнь холостого Закса. Они подмечают, что автомобиль Полины, местной красавицы, часто стоит возле дома доктора...
Мужчина как женщина
Богатый дядя не имеющий наследника зная о нетрадиционной ориентации племянника предложил ему состояние, поставив одно условие: Симон может получить наследство только после женитьбы. Задумавшись о обеспеченном будущем Симон соглашается на фиктивный брак.
Ça n'empêche pas les sentiments
A former schoolteacher turned film distributor, Jean-Pierre Jackson made his directorial debut with this French comedy about two losers. When alimony payments catch up with Felix (Philippe Chevaillier), his furniture is seized. After a decade-long marriage, Raoul (Regis Laspales) leaves his wife. The two team for a job with Le Gai Vendangeur (The Jolly Vintner) as sales reps, but they score zero while tooling around Brittany in a silly station wagon decorated with an immense wine bottle atop the vehicle's roof. However, when they're joined by friendly, sexy Eliane (Cecile Bois), sales surge. The wine pours, and so does the money. Life is sweet, but it all turns sour when an affair begins between Felix and Eliane, much to Raoul's regret.
L’orange de Noël
M. Caze
On the eve of the First World War, the inhabitants of a small village in Corrèze see a strange woman arrive: Cécile Brunie, a young teacher with original methods. Badly perceived from the beginning, the young woman tries as best she can to gather a whole class because since always the children are sent to the farm from their youngest age without being able to go to school. However, Cécile does not give up and decides to fight against ignorance.
Fall Out
This film is an adaptation of Jean Amila's novel Le Boucher des Hurlus. The story, set in the aftermath of the war, is about Michel, a young man orphaned in this manner. He lives with his mother until she collapses under the wave of vituperation from the women in her community, who consider her murdered husband to have been a traitor. When he is sent to an orphanage, he discovers that many of the children in it are there for the same reason he is. Michel decides to escape his captivity and kill the general who ordered his father's death. He and the other children like him are able to get away from the orphanage, in the course of their journeys, they tour the grim battlefields of the recent war. Together, they return to Paris, determined to exact their revenge.
Not Everybody's Lucky Enough to Have Communist Parents
Oncle Charlot
This bright domestic drama captures a moment in time when, for a large number of idealistic and grateful French men and women, the promise of Russian communism was bright, and everything Russian was a source of joy and amazement. In the story, Irene was rescued from Auschwitz by soldiers from the U.S.S.R., and since that time she has enthusiatically considered Russia to be the source of hope in the world. Her more pragmatic husband has, by 1958, grown somewhat weary of her enthusiasm, which has led her to decorate their apartment with anything Russian she can get her hands on. Matters come to a head when she is befriended by three members of the Red Army Choir during their tour of Paris.
Le zèbre
Le patron de l'hôtel
Hippolyte, the titular oddball, is a far from typical country lawyer. He has been happily married to the woman of his dreams for 15 years, but has an incurable penchant for practical (or rather impractical) jokes.
Great, My Parents Divorce!
père Edouard
Julien, a boy in the sixth grade, was badly depressed by the divorce of his parents. But he soon found that half of the class had come from broken families.
Le retour de Lemmy Caution
The owner of Black Angel is shot by Mamba, a killer in the pay of the Chinese mafia. The victim's daughter, who witnessed the murder and knows she is threatened, refuses to collaborate with the police and prefers to call on an old friend of her father's, Lemmy Caution, but is this man, who lives on an island paradise, still old enough to play the vigilante?
The War Is Over
The film is set in France in August 1944 at the end of the war. German troops are in retreat as the allies are coming in. Two French boys run from home and on their journey they stumble upon a German soldier. Soon they become friends and together they head towards Lyon...
Большая дорога
Очаровательный фильм о девятилетнем городском мальчике, приехавшем к подруге его матери в деревню, пока мама ожидает рождения ребёнка. Во время этих вынужденных "каникул" наш маленький герой подружился с десятилетней девочкой, которая куда опытнее его в житейский вопросах и спешит своим опытом с ним поделиться; наладил отношения с людьми у которых живет и узнал больше о прошлом своей семьи и своем отце...
Nuit d'ivresse
Le barman
In a bar, ex-TV host Belin meets Frede, an ex-maid who just got out of prison. Between them, they manage to create panic everywhere they go. The next morning Belin has forgotten everything.
Marche à l'ombre
le patron de l'hôtel
Two friends, one a musician the other constantly depressed wander around Greece and France till they get to Paris without a penny to their name. Here they spend nights in the underground, and squat in houses with the African immigrants. One day they both fall in love with Mathilde a blond dancer and follow her to New York.
Adam et Ève
Movie producer Léon Blachurpe is about to produce a big budget movie about Adam and Eve. In order to get the money, he agrees to hire ex movie star La Maldiva to play the lead part, but she's old and ugly, so the scenes are actually shot with the stunt woman !
The first disco customer
Город охвачен паникой. Разгул преступности не дает житья никому. Грабежи и изнасилования стали обыденным делом. Есть ли спасение от этого кошмара? Есть! В роли спасителей - псы. Собаки которые друзья человека но если им скомандует хозяин то они запросто станут и орудием убийства. И в чем же тогда разница между жертвой и палачом? Между женщиной которую изнасиловали поздним вечером в темном переулке и этой же женщиной которая с четвероногим другом на поводке выходит на путь мщения?
Седьмая рота при свете луны
Francis, un sous-fifre de la milice locale
1942 год. Питивье и Тассен приезжают в гости к своему бывшему командиру. Неунывающая троица, как всегда, вляпывается в очередную историю, а все местные жители принимают их за борцов Сопротивления…
The Apprentice Heel
After a car accident in which his mother dies, Antoine Chapelote decides to change his life and become a con-artist. He meets a young girl Caroline who helps him with his scam.
И слоны бывают неверны
Man Who Alerts Firefighters (uncredited)
Герои фильма — четверо уже немолодых (за сорок), но ещё весьма сексуально активных мужчин. Пускаясь в любовные приключения, они попадают во множество забавных ситуаций…
Dracula and Son
gardien hôpital
With angry villagers driving them away from their castle in Transylvania, Dracula and his son Ferdinand head abroad. Dracula ends up in London, England where he becomes a horror movie star exploiting his vampire status. His son, meanwhile, is ashamed of his roots and ends up a night watchman in Paris, France where he falls for a girl. Naturally, tensions arise when father and son are reunited and both take a liking to the same girl.