The life of Avihao (Morris Cohen), a television personality with an excessively big mouth, is getting more and more complicated: his mother Sarah (Levna Finkelstein) stopped talking, fell into complete silence and his father does not understand why. Aviv (Oshari Cohen), his beloved former student, unexpectedly becomes the leading candidate in the prime ministerial elections even though no one knows what he has to say. He doesn't give interviews, doesn't talk, doesn't give speeches - he just stays silent all the way to victory, a silence that challenges Avihao to the point of risking his career and his family.
Tom, a high school senior who is required by his father to find a new residence within 2 weeks, finds himself in a demanding relationship with a fashion photographer who is older than him, while secretly being in love with his close friend Gilad.
Абсурдистская трагикомедия: кукла Шмелки (что-то вроде иудейской версии героев "Маппет-шоу") проходит через традиционный для комедийных актеров кризис самоидентификации: мнит себя большим драматическим артистом, не хочет больше петь в детской передаче песенку про шаббат и мицвы, а хочет играть в жутком моноспектакле, им же написанном. Когда у него не получается отказаться от прилипшего амплуа, Шмелки впадет в отчаяние, пока вся страна, воспитанная на его нехитрых передачах, не скажет ему: "В нашем сложном мире избранному народу очень нужна фиолетовая кукла, рассказывающая про мицвы".
16 years old Shlomi lives with his restless mother, his soldier brother and their ill grandfather. Although not doing well in school, Shlomi is a gifted cook and takes care of most household chores. One day, the school's principal finds out Shlomi is actually a genius and tries to get him into a more suitable curriculum. However, Shlomi is more interested in taking care of his family and his new love interest, the beautiful girl next door.
David is a garage electrician, who dreamt all of his life of becoming a magician, but had no luck in it. His girlfriend Batya wants an ordinary life, but David is still looking for his dream, so he links up with Romanian immigrant Shimon, who is an expert magician.