David Dietl


Берлинский фейсконтрольщик
Свен Марквардт, Смайли Болдуин и Фрэнк Кюнстер стояли у истоков ночной жизни Берлина в 80-е, прославились в Berghain, Delicious Donuts и King Size в конце 90-х и каким-то чудом не растратили запал, чтобы и сегодня охранять подступы к самым знаменитым клубам города.
Rate Your Date
Teresa und Patricia are best friends. Despite the big differences between date-experienced Teresa and romantically predisposed single-mother Patricia, they have one thing in common: they have enough of bad dates and are sick of stupid dudes, bad surprises and broken hearts. When Teresa meets the neurotic programmer Anton, who is completely inexperienced in the field of romance, they come up with a genius business idea: together with the womanizer and start-up founder Paul, they develop an app with which potential dates can be categorized. In this manner, users can paint a picture of what they're getting themselves into. However, quite quickly they find out that people can't be easily fit into boxes and that matters of the heart shouldn't be left to an algorithm...
Ellas Baby
Baby belly or scholarship in the US - in Ella's Baby, the accidental pregnancy of a 16-year-old student turns the life of a patchwork family on its head. Tijan Marei plays the teenage girl whose "first time" messes up the already fragile family structure. In the role of her single father, who is planning to make a new offspring with his new girlfriend - played by Katharina Schüttler - Benno Fürmann can be seen. Director David Dietl tells the story in a humorous way, without losing sight of the seriousness of the topic.
King Ordinary
Thomas Müller is spotted by a marketing agency for his exceptional normality.
King Ordinary
Thomas Müller is spotted by a marketing agency for his exceptional normality.
To Make Sure?