Gia Gogishvili

Gia Gogishvili


Gia Gogishvili


Am Abgrund
Gerd Meineke is a committed member of the Bundestag and member of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe. And he has a problem: Leyla, the daughter of his partner Alina, was taken into custody as an opposition figure in her country of origin, Azerbaijan. The blogger fights there for democracy and against environmental destruction. Gerd travels to Baku as an election observer for the Council of Europe, where he wants to campaign for the release of Leyla and other political prisoners. Only on site does he realize that the government and the lobbyists of influential companies are using politicians like him to gain credibility for the ruthless, environmentally destructive extraction of critical raw materials. Leyla and her friend Valentina open his eyes to the extent of corruption that does not stop at Western European politicians. Will Gerd, together with Leyla and the help of her friend, be able to make the corruption of politics public?
The Watchers
Bold Man
Two little brothers (8 and 14 years old) have to stay alone in their remote hut, to protect it from an obscure threat, while also dealing with their own fears and fantasy.
Kakhetian Train
2nd Craft-master
The house painter Misha lives with sense of guilt because of the death of the son. Police officers ruthlessly destroy Misha for the fact that allegedly he stores things stolen by his son. The meeting with Niko Pirosmani's drawing of "Train in Kakheti" for Misha becomes an opportunity that he will come back the past and to confess for the made mistakes concerning his son.
Aslan's Soldier
Сюжет картины рассказывает о событиях во время Абхазской войны 1992 года в деревне эстонских переселенцев на Кавказ. Хозяин одного из домов села, эстонец по национальности, пытается понять, какая из двух противоборствующих сторон права в развязавшемся конфликте.
Москва. Наши дни. В центре города из машины двое воришек крадут сумку с миллионом евро, думая, что им, наконец, повезло, и даже не представляя, во что, на самом деле, они ввязались. За деньгами начинается настоящая охота. Перед искушением не может устоять никто. Сумма в виде двух пачек денег по полмиллиона евро делает абсолютно разных людей одинаковыми в своих поступках и желаниях: А началось все с того, что «миллионщик» Григорий не захотел честно платить налоги.
The difficult conditions of modern Georgia are explored through the eyes of young teenager working in an illegal distillery near Tbilisi.