Cotton Warburton

Рождение : 1911-10-08, San Diego County, California, USA

Смерть : 1982-06-21


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Irvine "Cotton" Eugene Warburton (October 8, 1911 – June 21, 1982) was an American college football quarterback (1933) who became a film and television editor with sixty feature film credits. He worked for the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and for the Walt Disney Studios, and is probably best known for his editing of Mary Poppins (1964). Warburton attended San Diego High School, and won the California high school 440-yard dash in 1930. He brought his speed to the USC Trojans football team, and was chosen as an All-American quarterback in 1933. Warburton was the quarterback during a winning streak that lasted for 27 games, which remained unsurpassed at USC until 1980. Cotton was elected to the College Football Hall of Fame in 1975. Warburton's teammate Aaron Rosenberg was also elected to the Hall of Fame, and also had a successful career in the film industry as a director and producer. Following his graduation from the University of Southern California in 1934, Warburton declined an offer to become a professional football player with the Chicago Bears. He became an assistant film editor at Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Studios, where he remained for 19 years. As was common in the studio era, his first editing credit came after about eight years with the studio, and was for the Laurel and Hardy film Air Raid Wardens (1943). He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Film Editing for Crazylegs (1953), a film about Elroy Hirsch's football career; Robert Niemi has suggested that the nomination acknowledged Warburton's success in "weaving documentary footage of Hirsch on the playing field into the film proper." Shortly after this film, Warburton left MGM. By 1956 Warburton was an editor for the Walt Disney Studios, where he remained for the rest of his career. His first Disney film credit was Westward Ho, the Wagons! (1956). About 1960, he began a fruitful collaboration on feature films with Disney director Robert Stevenson. Their first film was The Absent-Minded Professor (1961). Warburton won an Academy Award and the American Cinema Editors Eddie Award for the "spectacularly successful" Mary Poppins (1964), which also earned Stevenson an Oscar nomination as best director. Critic Drew Casper particularly notes Warburton's editing of the film's "chimney pot" musical sequence (see clip to the right). In total, Stevenson and Warburton collaborated on nine films in the 1960s and 1970s; their last film together was Herbie Rides Again (1974). Warburton retired from editing after The Cat from Outer Space (1978), a Disney film directed by Norman Tokar. Warburton was a member of the American Cinema Editors.


Кот из космоса
Корабль инопланетян потерпел крушение и был захвачен правительством США. Пилот корабля, говорящий кот с волшебным ошейником, сумел ускользнуть из рук спецагентов и теперь остро нуждается в помощи человека по имени Фрэнк, который единственный может помочь ему вернуться домой.
Ограбление в Монте-Карло
Герби принимает участие в авторалли Монте-Карло. Водитель жука даже не подозревает, какой ценный груз спрятан в бензобаке автомобиля. Теперь его преследуют воры, которым позарез нужен Герби.
Чумовая пятница
Домохозяйка Эллен Эндрюс и ее дочь-подросток Аннабель никак не могут найти общий язык друг с другом, из-за чего постоянно ссорятся. Однажды в четверг, они загадывают одинаковое желание – оказаться на месте друг друга, которое исполнятся на следующий день, в пятницу.
Сокровище Матекумбе
США. Штат Кентукки. 60-годы XIX века. Только что закончилась Гражданская война. Юный Дэвид Бэрни становится владельцем карты сокровищ, зарытых где-то на острове Матекумбе во Флориде. Вместе с друзьями и другими попутчиками-авантюристами, в числе которых доктор Снодграсс, он отправляется в опасное путешествие. В пути на них нападают индейцы, пираты, куклуксклановцы, они переживают настоящий ураган и нападение кровожадных москитов…
No Deposit, No Return
Two rich children devise a way to escape their grandfather and visit their mother. Unfortunately for two hapless safe crackers, they become part of the plan.
Самый сильный человек в мире
Студенты Медфилдского колледжа нечаянно изменили законы природы с неожиданнами и иногда уморительно смешными результатами. Во время лабораторных занятий они вывели научную формулу, которая дает людям сверхчеловеческую силу, взрыв жизненных соков и энергию зерновым культурам.
The Castaway Cowboy
A Wayward Texas cowboy washes up on the beaches of Hawaii and is taken home by an fatherless boy. He saves the family's business while romancing the single mom.
Герби снова на ходу
Влиятельный старик мистер Хокк разрушает старые дома, не считаясь с их жителями, для постройки небоскребов. Его не любят в городе, но ничего не могут сделать, так как очень боятся. Но миссис Штаймец — пожилая женщина, прожившая всю жизнь в своем доме, где вещи напоминают ей молодость, ни за какие деньги не соглашается на выселение. В борьбе против жестокосердного Хокка ей помогают машина по имени Херби и красавица Николь, временно живущая с бабулей. Мистер Хокк присылает к ним своего племянника, чтобы тот откупился от строптивых жильцов. Но племянник не разделяет несправедливые методы дяди и переходит на сторону миссис Штаймец. Кто победит — влиятельный богач или оригинальная компания — машина, бабуля и влюбленная парочка?
Now You See Him, Now You Don't
Dexter Riley is a science student at Medfield College who inadvertently invents a liquid capable of rendering objects and people invisible. Before Dexter and his friends, Debbie and Richard Schuyler, can even enjoy their spectacular discovery, corrupt businessman A.J. Arno plots to get his greedy hands on it. Slapstick hijinks ensue as Dexter and his pals try to thwart the evil Arno before he can use the invisibility spray to rob a bank.
Набалдашник и метла
История о доброй волшебнице, которая помогает англичанам в борьбе с фашистами во время Второй мировой войны, помешав их высадке в Великобритании.
Scandalous John
A crotchety old ranch owner fights to be able to live his life the way he wants to, and not the way other people--and the law--tell him he has to.
Молодого и неловкого лейтенанта береговой охраны Томаса Гарланда постоянно сравнивают с его покойным отцом, героем войны. Это не мешает ему влюбиться в симпатичную Кейт Фэйрчайлд - молодую девушку, управляющую школой парусного спорта. Конечно то, как он выражает свои чувства, оставляет желать лучшего. Ситуация усложняется прибытием трех неуклюжих грабителей.
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
Some college students manage to persuade the town's big businessman, A. J. Arno, to donate a computer to their college. When the problem- student, Dexter Riley, tries to fix the computer, he gets an electric shock and his brain turns to a computer; now he remembers everything he reads. Unfortunately, he also remembers information which was in the computer's memory, like Arno's illegal businesses..
Secrets of the Pirate's Inn
A gang of kids helps a sea captain search for a pirate’s treasure that’s rumored to be hidden somewhere in the old dilapidated inn the sea captain just inherited from his dead brother. Along the way, they unravel a series of clues which lead to a variety of hidden passages and trap doors. But they are not alone in their quest for Jean Lafitte’s pirate goodies!
My Dog the Thief
As ratings for Jack Crandall's lifeless airborne traffic reports plummet, a super-size St. Bernard on the lam stows away in his chopper. Crandall's new co-pilot helps send ratings sky-high, but the canine's chronic kleptomania generates girl trouble, jewel thievery, and loads of laughs.
Вот машина — но она необычная. Вместе с автомобилем, у которого есть свой собственный разум, мы проследим его историю, начиная с витрины магазина и до гоночной трассы, на которой произойдёт много приключений.
Mosby's Marauders
Willie, a young Confederate soldier, joins forces with the bold and boisterous Lt. John Singleton Mosby and his notorious band of Civil War raiders. Befriended by a Yankee and aided by his beautiful cousin Oralee, Willie learns the power of love and war as he attempts dangerous scouting missions across the Virginia countryside. Infiltrating a Union brigade and capturing an enemy General are just two of the challenges Willie courageously faces in the early days of the War Between the States.
Робин Крузо
Лейтенант Робин Крузо - пилот морских ВВС, который катапультируется из самолета после поломки двигателя и попадает на заброшенный остров-рай. Здесь он строит дом и находит старую подводную лодку с множеством полезных ему вещей. Также на острове он встречает высаженную шимпанзе из космической программы США и местную девушку по имени Среда, выгнанную отцом из дома. Среда считает, что Крузо хочет на ней жениться, но когда выясняется, что это не так - начинается хаос...
Эта дикая кошка
История девушки и ее озорного кота, которые однажды попадают в странную и забавную ситуацию с участием полиции и ФБР.
The Further Adventures of Gallegher
The young copyboy helps the town’s first female newspaper reporter, who is writing a series on confidence men. The swindlers are caught up in a sting, but they catch on and the reporter and Gallegher have to subdue them in order to escape and write their article.
The Monkey's Uncle
College whiz-kid Merlin Jones concocts a method for teaching advanced information to a chimpanzee, then creates a flying machine of his own design, ultimately raising havoc on the campus.
Emil and the Detectives
When Emil travels by bus to Berlin to visit his grandmother and his cousin, his money is stolen by a crook who specializes in digging tunnels. Emil must get the money back as it is for his grandmother. While following the thief, Emil runs into Gustav, an enterprising young boy who gathers up all his friends to help Emil find the money. Emil's cousin also gets involved and they get into more trouble than they bargained for when Emil's pickpocket turns out to be mixed up with a couple of notorious bank robbers.
Мэри Поппинс
Семейство Бенкс озабоченно поисками няни для своих детей. И как это бывает только в сказке, она появилась прямо из воздуха, прекрасная, ни на кого не похожая. Как раз такая, какую мечтали бы иметь в своем доме всякие любящие родители. У неё не просто цветущий вид. Она непросто лучше всех умеет готовить, ходить по магазинам, одеваться, танцевать и воспитывать детей. Это всё лишь элементы, лишь составляющие. Нет, тут нечто большее — она именно совершенна, именно лишена недостатков, ибо она — сказочная. Как же не влюбиться в такую…
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones
Merlin Jones, a precocious and intelligent high-school boy, experiments with hypnosis and creates a mind-reading machine. However, his experiments land him in deep trouble with the law.
Son of Flubber
Beleaguered professor Ned Brainard has already run into a pile of misfortunes with his discovery of the super-elastic substance "Flubber." Now he hopes to have better luck with a gravity-busting derivative he's dubbed "Flubbergas." Ned's experiments, constantly hampered by government obstruction, earn the consternation of his wife, Betsy. But a game-winning modification to a football uniform may help Ned make the case for his fantastic new invention.
Отмороженный профессор
Профессор живет в маленьком городке, он увлекается химией - изобретает озорное вещество, «плюющее» на законы тяготения. Он называет его «флаббером», летающей резиной, использовать его можно в разных целях. Если намазать им спортивную обувь,баскетболисты совершенно безнадежной команды колледжа обретут удивительную прыгучесть, победят соперников.
Zorro, the Avenger
Masked crusader Zorro and his father, Don Alejandro, face off against mysterious despot The Eagle in a fight for control of old Spanish California.
This fact-based prison drama tells the tale of a band of prisoners living in the innovative 2,600-acre prison at Chino, California. The place takes a humanistic approach to reform and there are no armed guards, no lockups and no uniforms. The underlying philosophy is that if these things are not there, the prisoners will not want to escape, and will instead accept their punishment. A new inmate arrives and soon accustoms himself to the new idea. The story includes the Oscar nominated song Unchained Melody.
Remains to Be Seen
A singer and her apartment manager get mixed up in a creepy Park Avenue murder and find themselves facing danger at every turn.
Mexican love stories follow a dying man, a bullfighter's sister and lovers from feuding villages.
Skirts Ahoy!
Three young ladies sign up for some kind of training at a naval base. However, their greatest trouble isn't long marches or several weeks in a small boat, but their love life.
Callaway Went Thataway
Two smart marketing people resurrect some old films starring cowboy Smoky Callaway and put them on television. The films are a big hit and the star is in demand. Unfortunately no one can find him. When a lookalike sends in a photo, the marketing team hires him to impersonate Callaway. Things get sticky when the real Callaway eventually shows up.
Two Weeks with Love
The Robinson family are spending two weeks of summer vacation at a resort in the Catskills. Older daughter Patti vies with her friend, Valeria, for the affections of Demi Armendez but Patti is at a disadvantage because her parents think she is too young for boys. But with Patti singing at an amateur show and a dance, her adventures in quest of Armendez ends happily.
Shadow on the Wall
Angered that her sister Celia has stolen her fiance, Dell Faring kills her and allows Celia's husband David, knocked out in an argument with Celia, to take the blame and end up on death row. Later Dell, finding out that David's young daughter Susan was witness to the crime and is undergoing psychiatric treatment, plans to eliminate her before her memory returns.
Black Hand
In turn-of-the-century New York, an Italian seeks vengeance on the mobsters who killed his father.
Дочь Нептуна
Легкомысленная Бетти Барретт принимает массажиста Джека Спратта за капитана южноамериканской команды по игре в поло Хосе О`Рорка. Спратт не прочь поразвлечься с красоткой, он быстро соглашается со своей ролью популярного спортсмена. Но простой невинный флирт переходит в серьезное чувство — они влюбляются.
The Sun Comes Up
Set in the rural south of the United States, a bereaved war widow learns to put aside her bitterness and grief as she grows to love a young orphan boy and his dog.
Sheltered by her conservative parents, a small-town teenager finally goes out on a date.
Love Laughs at Andy Hardy
Andy Hardy goes to college after serving in the war and finds his sweetheart is engaged to someone else.
Faithful in My Fashion
A U.S. Army sergeant is home on leave to reconnect with his girlfriend he hopes to marry. However, in the years he's been away, she's gotten a huge promotion where they used to work together - and has become engaged to another man.
Up Goes Maisie
A showgirl working for an inventor battles crooks, who want to steal his ideas.
The Sailor Takes a Wife
While waiting in New York City to ship out to Europe, a sailor stops by a serviceman's canteen and meets a USO hostess. They immediately fall for each other and get married that night. However, when the sailor is notified that he has been reclassified as 4-F (unfit for service) by the Navy and then discharged, he and his new wife realize that, having to set up house before they expected to, they actually know very little about each other. Complications ensue.
Big City
'Cotton' Warburton
Anna and Joe are newly married, playful and deeply in love. Joe is scraping by as cab driver in New York City during a period of corruption, mob control and violence between cab companies.
Donkey Baseball
Center Fielder (uncredited)
This short film highlights the odd 1930s fad of playing baseball while riding donkeys.