Julia Sarah Stone

Julia Sarah Stone

Рождение : 1997-11-24, Vancouver, Canada


Julia Sarah Stone is an actress.


Julia Sarah Stone


An Introvert's Guide to High School
High school sucks. In 2012, 17 year old Sophie Harvey suffered trauma by a clueless school administration solely because she was an introvert. Comedy-as-therapy - IGTHS - is a farcical improv movie about the inherent bias against introverts. Created by an inclusive, diverse cast and crew, led by a team of women and non-binary department heads, IGTHS was made by and for people who care about changing how we treat misunderstood youth. Seven years in the making. Creative contributions from introverts all over the internet. Sophie still doesn't want to talk about it.
Marlene (Young Adult)
Marlene is a film inspired by Marlene Truscott, a housewife who fought to exonerate her husband from a crime he didn't commit. Marlene became involved in the fight for justice at a young age, when Steven was arrested at 14 and sentenced to be hung. When Steven was released from prison ten years later, she fell in love with him. Marlene's story is a story of hiding, living under an assumed name and protecting her children. He was free, but now she was in prison. Through it all Marlene was determined that Steven would get justice, that they would find light in the darkness, a darkness that buried the truth. Surrounded by boxes of files Marlene found a world of lies, cover-ups, and secrets.
18-летняя Сара убежала из дома и теперь ночует под открытым небом на детской площадке. Каждую ночь ей снятся странные пугающие образы, поэтому когда девушка видит объявление института изучения сна о наборе добровольцев, она хватается за эту возможность. Тела испытуемых облепляют датчиками, и после первой ночи Сара чувствует себя отдохнувшей, но когда исследователи показывают ей смутно узнаваемые чёрно-белые снимки, у девушки начинается приступ.
Under the Weather
There is no ‘best thing’ about having terminal cancer, but for forty-year-old Joe, being welcomed back into his childhood home, feeling the warmth and support of his sister and her husband and observing his young niece’s blossoming emotional maturity seem to give new meaning to a life he feels he had wasted. With unexpected humour, stark realism and quiet insight, Under The Weather is an uplifting meditation on one man’s graceful surrender to the inevitable and the palpable impact his passing has on those he leaves behind.
The Marijuana Conspiracy
In 1972, young women looking for a fresh start in life endure isolated captivity in a true 98-day human experiment studying the effects of marijuana on females.
Natalie "Honey Bee" Sorensen
История Натали Соренсон, или Пчёлки, несовершеннолетней проститутки, которая застряла в секс-торговле. Но все меняется, когда ее отправляют в новую приемную семью на севере Онтарио, где ей приходится раз и навсегда решить, кем она является на самом деле.
Лора разочарована в любви и в мужчинах, она мечется в поисках якоря, который помог бы ей найти своё место в жизни. Этим якорем для Лоры становится Ева — шестнадцатилетняя девушка-пианистка, которая тоже несчастна из-за своей деспотичной матери. Между Лорой и Евой возникает связь — напряжённая и болезненная.
Твоя мама и я
Папа Джонны изменил мир. Или так он говорит. Мужчина готовит вкусный обед и делится с дочерью историями из своей жизни о том, как он вместе с её мамой изменили мир: разрешили все мировые кризисы, предотвратили угрожающие планете экологические катастрофы, а ещё создали устройство, позволяющее заново прожить любой год своей жизни.
It's July 1976, and two Nova Scotian teens, Kit and Alice, are hitting the road with their sights on Sydney and their minds on the future. With them is Kit's new imaginary friend, who looks conspicuously like Andy Warhol, but who assures Kit that he is a spirit animal. Kit and Alice have big dreams, but do they really want the same things?
Узнав о своей болезни, связанной с полной потерей пигментации кожи, Боб Лэнгмор понимает, что если его секрет будет широко известен, это разрушит жизнь всей его семьи. Не зная, что делать, он просто сбегает от жены Дарлин и дочери Евы, уединившись в небольшом северном городке. Спустя 8 лет, когда его дочь пропадает без вести, Боб готов пожертвовать всем, чтобы отыскать её и вернуть домой.
Chris Adams
Healy James and Fisher Hart share a deep secret, but they don't know what it is. While Healy is tormented by compulsions he doesn't understand, Fisher studies the science of love, and avoids Healy, who triggers feelings she can't explain. When Healy suspects the answers to their mystery are buried on a suspected killer's property, his curiosity turns reckless, and Fisher must choose between a life in hiding and a frightening truth.
Всё будет хорошо
One day, driving aimlessly around the outskirts of town after a trivial domestic quarrel, a writer named Tomas accidentally hits and kills a child. Will he be able to move on?
Wet Bum
An awkward teenage outcast finds unlikely companions in two aged residents of the retirement home in which she works.
Тасманские дьяволы
Шестеро друзей-парашютистов нарушают правила во время прыжков с парашютом, в результате чего оказываются в неизвестной области острова Тасмания, где сталкиваются с мутировавшими тасманскими дьяволами.
Дедушка из Трансильвании оставил в наследство внуку симпатичного пса. Мальчишка и не догадывался, что пёс — вампир, со всеми вытекающими отсюда последствиями. Симпатичный говорящий пёсик, которому почти 600 лет, помог Эйсу разрулить его школьные проблемы.
Falling in love for the first time can be awkward, but for Brian, a shy seventh grader living in the Ontario suburbs in the early 90s, his feelings for skater kid Kyle could lose him his best friend.
The Pastor's Wife
Hannah Winkler
Based on the true story of Matthew Winkler, a beloved minister who, in 2006, was found shot and killed in his Selmer, Tennessee home, his wife and young daughters missing. Authorities soon zeroed in on Matthew's wife, Mary, as the prime suspect in the murder. After her capture, the residents of Selmer were left to wonder what would drive Mary to shoot her husband in the back as he slept. They would get their answers during her trial, when what went on behind the closed doors of this seemingly perfect family was revealed for all to see.
The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom
Elizabeth Alison Gray is just your average suburban 11-year old waiting for adolescence to arrive when she finds out her whole life has been a lie. With only her imagination to guide her, she runs away to find the truth.