Gideon Singer

Рождение : 1926-06-29,

Смерть : 2015-05-11


Lend Me An Tenor
A Night in Venice
Johan Strauss Eine Nacht in Venedig (1883) together with Die Fledermaus and Die Zigeunerbaron, has long been among the three most popular of the more than a dozen operettas composed by the 19th c. Waltz King. This Rudolf Bibl conducted performance was recorded live during the Seefestspiele Moerbisch Austria Festival in 1999 and features Marc Clear, Gideon Singer, Evelyn Schörkhuber , Ingrid Habermann, and Anton Steingruber.
Geliebte Gegner
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie was followed by "Die Ehre der Strizzis" (2000).
Pavels Reise
Pavel, a puppeteer from Prague, meets a woman from a completely different social milieu in Vienna who is fascinated by his world of phantasy. Soon however, she realizes that he can express his emotions only with Pepito, his favourite pupper.
Hund und Katz
Santa Fe
Picking up where "God Does Not Believe In Us Anymore" leaves off, Freddy struggles to find work after arriving in New York in 1940. His world of refugee acquaintances includes the depressed daughter of a poet/delicatessen owner, an aging surgeon who cannot find work, and a lovable charlatan photographer. Corti's trilogy continues with "Welcome in Vienna"
My Mother the General
Unstoppable mother is doing everything she can in order to visit her son in the army.
It articulates the essence of one's internal exile through the portrait of a Jewish-German refugee who arrived in Israel on the eve of World War II, started a family – but has nevertheless, yet to feel at home in his new country. He remains connected to Berlin with every fiber of his being; the city’s culture, its essence, and as far as he’s concerned, Israel is no more than a pit stop. He gradually pulls away from his wife, his son who does not get him, his sisters who are haunted by the past, and the rental flat where he’s lived all these years. He sets up shop in a budget hotel by the Tel Aviv seaside, hangs out with a group of fringe misfits, and dreams of moving back to Berlin.
Wrong Number
Hotel Manager
Ze'evik and Srool are hiding in Tiberias from the angry customer to whom they owe money.
Lo La'alot Yoter
Dr. Singer
Millionaire in Trouble
Gila's Father
A comedy about a millionaire who pretends to be not a millionaire...
The Fox in the Chicken Coop
Prof. Tennebaum / Elifaz Hermanovitch
Amitz Dolniker, an Israeli politician who speaks way to much has a heart attack in the middle of his speech. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital the doctor orders him to "go someplace quite, rest, and don't make speeches". His young assistant immediately suggest they go to Switzerland, however Dolniker had taken a vow not to leave Israel unnecessarily, so he comes up with a different idea - going to a remote village where they have never heard of him, so he would not be asked to make any speeches. As they arrive, it turns out that not only the villagers have never heard of Dolniker, but they have also never heard of running water, electricity, phones, and most importantly: TV, Radio, and newspapers... so its only a matter of time before Dolniker or the villagers go bananas...
Only Today
The vegetables seller from the market falls in love with the university student.
The Great Telephone Robbery
Meshulam, a lowly bank clerk, has two hobbies: crime novels, and the ability to calculate investment interest in his head. When he learns of a local gang's plot to rob the bank, Meshulam realizes that this is his chance to make himself the hero of his own crime story -- by stopping them, in his own unique way!
Nahtche and the General
Comedy which revolves around the exploits of Nahtche and his constant success in disentangling himself from the grip of the persons who are after him and whom he is leading by the nose.
Azit the Paratrooper Dog
Dr. Haruvi
Azit, the intelligent German Shepherd dog of Paratrooper Lieutenant Uri's girlfriend Tammy, rescues the wife of the neighborhood butcher from a pickpocket. After that, Azit is sent to a military training base where she is certified for parachute missions, detection, and surveillance.
The Pill
A visually beautiful burlesque fantasy about a fountain-of-youth pill and its effects on Getz, a down-and-out Tel Aviv night-club singer.
The Big Dig
Police Chief Akiva Levkowicz
A slapstick comedy lampooning bureaucracy and the madness of everyday life in Israel centers on an escaped lunatic who digs up the streets of Tel-Aviv with a drill
Moishe Air-Condition
A comedy about Moishe, a soldier in the army whose nickname is Moishe Air-Condition.
Dalia and the Sailors
Vice Captain
Daliah sneaks into a cargo ship bound to Israel. The sailors will do anything to hide from the though captain her and catch her attention.
What a Gang
Directed by Zeev Havatzelet.
I Like Mike
This uneven romantic drama directed by Peter Frye, is about the son of a millionaire Jewish family living in Texas who travels to Israel. On his way to the hotel in Tel Aviv after landing at the airport, the son Mike (Seymour Gitin) gets invited to spend some time with the cab driver's family. Before he has time to experience jet lag, the unwanted attentions of a female in the hotel send Mike packing. He ends up with the cabbie's family, a mixed group presided over by an authoritative matriarch (Batya Lancet). She sees no reason why one of her marriageable daughters should not hook up with this millionaire Mike, but Mike has already lost his heart to a model on a magazine cover -- quite a sticky wicket.