Markus Glaser


The Standstill
In an observation over four seasons THE STANDSTILL shows Vienna and its surroundings along with encounters with people during and after the Corona crisis. The film tells of the immediate and also the long-term effects, which can only be evaluated and classified in the future.
Feminism WTF
Feminism WTF is an international Topic Documentary on feminism and gender equality. The film reflects on current debates and analyses the potential of intersectional feminism to profoundly change our future societies.
Matter Out of Place
A film about our garbage that is found in the most remote areas and about the people who try to dispose of it. Not only in the sea and on coasts, also in the Arctic, the jungle, high up on the mountains and deep inside the desert, garbage is found almost everywhere in various forms and dimensions, sometimes as whole car wrecks, old TV sets or simply construction rubble, but mostly in the form of disintegrated plastic particles a few millimetres in size. Humanity has handed out its visiting cards thoroughly.
Breaking the Ice
Mira lives for the sport of ice hockey and leads her team as captain with a strong determination. It's a challenge to reconcile this with her role in the family vineyard: with her mother and her adventurous but increasingly demented grandfather, she runs the farm - with all its responsibilities. The new player Theresa completely unsettles her with her nonchalance and openness. And when Mira's missing brother Paul also turns up and all three get lost in late-night Vienna, Mira discovers the freedom it means to break rules, to reinvent herself - and that you can only love if you let go.
The Alps, unique and meanwhile also endangered, are stretching across eight European countries. Rural exodus on the one hand and overtourism on the other often exist close together. And above all hovers the inevitable threat of climate change.
Tales of Franz
Franz is by far the smallest in the class, has blond ringlets and gets a high-pitched squeaky voice when he gets upset. Luckily, two best friends help: Gabi and Eberhard. When Franz discovers Hank Haberer's "10 rules for a real man" for himself one day, turbulence is inevitable and the friendship of the three gets into trouble.
The penis as a source of identity and restlessness, legitimation for claims to dominance and fantasies of superiority, the object of fears of failure and loss: this small part of the body occupies a similarly highly dimensioned status in the physical and social self-image of men as does the brain. "Penissimo" traces this circumstance and its consequences for human culture with the help of six men with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds who try to investigate what role the penis plays as a key to the essence of masculinity.
Rettet das Dorf
Фильм-размышление о создании гуманоидных роботов-андроидов. Тема раскрывается с захватывающих разнообразных точек зрения, благодаря участию в картине японского гуру робототехники Хироси Исигуро, трансгуманистки Наташи Вита-Мор и многих других. В то время как разница между людьми и андроидами постепенно стирается, конфликт между технологиями и социальной ответственностью растет настолько же, насколько расширяются утопические видения. Из этой мозаики возникает напряженная амбивалентность, которая, с одной стороны, ставит под сомнение футуристические процессы, а с другой — восхваляет тех, кто осмеливается создавать эти новые машины, которые пытаются отразить нашу человечность.
Ежегодно человечество перемещает несколько миллиардов тонн земли – с помощью лопат, экскаваторов и динамита. В шахтах, забоях и на крупных строительных площадках режиссер Николаус Гейрхальтер наблюдает за людьми в их неустанном стремлении овладеть планетой.
Viva la Vulva
VIVA LA VULVA is a documentary film that casts a glance right into the centre of female sexuality – historically, culturally, and politically. With a sense of humour, but earnestly and profoundly it examines this very symbol and indicator of women's self-determination, a mystic source of life and anarchic threat to patriarchal systems. Made a symbol of the forbidden, the vulva is attributed its due cultural significance only by being heavily negated, while its fictitious existence as a focus of male sexual phantasies and the pressure to adapt exerted on women make it a significant economic factor. From church to psychoanalysis: what women carry between their legs seems second-rate to the primacy of the penis. But VIVA LA VULVA can also give hope to those awaiting a turn towards a self-determined female sexuality and a new, confident self-definition of women. Not deadly serious, but with informative verve we tell the tale of the new self-awareness of the female sex.
The Border Fence
Brenner Pass, Alpine border, spring 2016: the Austrian government announces the construction of a border fence, expecting a shift of the refugee routes to Italy after the Balkan route is closed. The residents fear the fence just as much as the supposedly threatening influx of foreigners to their homeland. Two years later, the fence is still rolled up in a container, as the inrush of refugees never occurred.
The Border Fence
Executive Producer
Brenner Pass, Alpine border, spring 2016: the Austrian government announces the construction of a border fence, expecting a shift of the refugee routes to Italy after the Balkan route is closed. The residents fear the fence just as much as the supposedly threatening influx of foreigners to their homeland. Two years later, the fence is still rolled up in a container, as the inrush of refugees never occurred.
You Only Die Twice
A Jewish detective story in the Alps revolving around the former President of the Jewish Community in Tyrol, Ernst Beschinsky. A man with this name dies twice – once in 1969, in Israel, and a second time in 1987, in Innsbruck. This goes unnoticed, at first. In 2010, when a relative in London leaves a house as inheritance, the question arises both in Israel and in Innsbruck: Who was Ernst Beschinsky really? A true story, told by numerous forged documents and many authentic reports.
Die Zukunft ist besser als ihr Ruf
A film about people who make a difference. They are committed to a lively political culture, to sustainable solutions in food and construction, to clarity in thinking about the economy, and to social justice.
Die Königin von Wien - Anna Sacher und ihr Hotel
Человек разумный
Железные дороги. Заводы и фабрики. Кинотеатры, концертные залы и дворцы культуры с масштабными мозаичными панно. Больницы. Церкви. Зоопарки. Супермаркеты. Электростанции. Офисы. Кажется, все возможные места, где жил, работал, наслаждался искусством, ел, молился и любил человек разумный — прежде, чем навсегда оставить землю. Теперь эти рельсы ведут в никуда. Вечнозеленые джунгли наступают на индустриальные пространства. Дождь смывает все следы людского пребывания. Был человек — и нет человека.
Everything Is Under Control
Facebook, Amazon and Google provide us with around the clock access to the convenient digital world! Surveillance cameras on the streets take care of our security. But who actually collects our fingerprints, iris scans, online shopping preferences, and social media postings? Don't we care about our privacy anymore? In his unique charming and curious way filmmaker Werner Boote travels around the world to explore the "brave new world" of total control. EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL by Werner Boote (Plastic Planet, Population Boom) - an evocative film about the self-evidence of surveillance. In cinemas 25th of December 2015.
Over the Years
Taking the demise of a textile factory in Austria’s Waldviertel region as its starting point, with the antiquated manufacturing plant initially shown in full operation, this film poses the question of what work means for people’s self-image and character. After the factory goes bankrupt and closes, the filmmaker accompanies some of its employees as they continue to make their way, questioning them about their daily routines, the circumstances in which they live, about looking for work or the new jobs they find. One woman’s situation is precarious, but that doesn’t prevent her from bringing up her grandchildren. Another woman works here and there, flexible and resourceful. One man blossoms visibly in his newly unemployed state. Bit by bit, different aspects of their private lives and personal misfortunes emerge.
Population Boom
A well-known nightmarish vision of the future: The Earth's population reaches seven billion. Dwindling resources, mountains of toxic waste, hunger and climate change-the results of overpopulation? Who says that the world's overpopulated? And who's one too many? After the box-office success of "Plastic Planet," in POPULATION BOOM curious documentary filmmaker Werner Boote travels the globe and examines a stubborn view of the world that has existed for decades. But he sees a completely different question: Who or what is driving this catastrophic vision?
Фильм рассказывает о пяти месяцах совместной жизни педофила Михаэля и его десятилетнего пленника Вольфганга.
Some things can be seen more clearly at night.. . A film poem about a continent at night, a culture on which the sun’s going down, though it’s hyper alert at the same time, an “Abendland” that, often somewhat self-obsessively, sees itself as the crown of human civilization, while its service economy is undergoing rapid growth in a thoroughly pragmatic way. Nikolaus Geyrhalter takes a look at a paradise with a quite diverse understanding of protection. Night work juxtaposed with oblivious evening digression, birth and death, questions that await answers in the semi-darkness, a Babel of languages, the routine of the daily news, and political negotiation: All this has been captured in images with a wealth of details that make us look at things in a new way. The longer you consider a word, the more distant is its return gaze: ABENDLAND.
Фильм рассказывает историю Йоханна Реттенбергера, бегуна-марафонца, который в перерывах между тренировками обчищал банки от излишек наличности, делая это в маске Рональда Рейгана. История основана на реальных событиях и могла бы стать основной сценария какого-нибудь голливудского боевика, но у австрийцев это экзистенциальная драма. Герой в процессе своих пробежек растерял почти все социальные связи и стал похож на золотую призовую статуэтку: ни эмоций, ни желаний, ни чувств, только потребность в движении. Банки он грабит тоже чисто из спортивного интереса, деньги ему особо ни к чему... Участник основной конкурсной программы Берлинале-2010.
Good Morning Austria
A working day in Austria, 2004. Nine modern working-class heroes are engaged in their daily struggle of survival, accompanied, motivated and influenced by the country’s most popular radio station.
I am me
Twins look alike. Sometimes they even think alike. But they're two rather than one. I Am Me is in part about the fact that an individual is more than the sum of his or her characteristics. The fact that a person is neither what other people say about them nor their own description of themselves. And photographs and moving images are nothing more than representations.
I am me
Production Manager
Twins look alike. Sometimes they even think alike. But they're two rather than one. I Am Me is in part about the fact that an individual is more than the sum of his or her characteristics. The fact that a person is neither what other people say about them nor their own description of themselves. And photographs and moving images are nothing more than representations.
Хлеб наш насущный
Потрясающие кадры документируют зрителю до сих пор не познанный им мир высокотехнологичной сельхозпромышленности. Производство продуктов питания в разных населенных пунктах Европы кажется утопией - но лишь на первый взгляд. В картине присутствуют, например, захватывающие сюжеты о машине, способной в течение пятнадцати минут отряхнуть маслину, машине для кастрации поросят и многих других приспособлениях, повышающих эффективность крупного производства на максимум.
Mountain Meadow Movie
Deep disappointment and reciprocated love often come in close succession. Mountain Meadow Movie spends a year observing the emotional highs and lows of four people who work at an agricultural workshop for the multiply handicapped.
Pessac - Living in a Laboratory
Pessac, Quartiers Modernes Frugès: The camera goes from living room to living room, from yard to bath, kitchen to balcony, strolls through a typical day at the row houses built by Le Corbusier in the 20s. This film focuses on the question of how the residents have departed from Le Corbusier’s original concept in the intervening decades so that they feel at home within their own four walls.
This mountain region that reaches across several countries in Eastern Europe is the home to gold diggers, wizards, cow herders and old Hassids.
An unlikely tourist group on a seaside vacation. A holiday spot in the low season as a backdrop for the stories, the protagonists’ inner journeys: once a year the Graz Advisory Centre for Mental and Social Concerns travels for one week to Kanegra, a resort in the north of Croatia. An unusual view on a holiday setting, on strangeness and on being a stranger.
Production Manager
An unlikely tourist group on a seaside vacation. A holiday spot in the low season as a backdrop for the stories, the protagonists’ inner journeys: once a year the Graz Advisory Centre for Mental and Social Concerns travels for one week to Kanegra, a resort in the north of Croatia. An unusual view on a holiday setting, on strangeness and on being a stranger.
Flight Number 884
Flight Number 884 is a film about the wishes and desires of Muslim immigrants. Every year thousands of bodies of Turkish immigrants are flown back from Europe to small villages - villages they had left long ago. The film follows the dead body of a Muslim on its last journey from Vienna to a graveyard in Turkey.
Flight Number 884
Flight Number 884 is a film about the wishes and desires of Muslim immigrants. Every year thousands of bodies of Turkish immigrants are flown back from Europe to small villages - villages they had left long ago. The film follows the dead body of a Muslim on its last journey from Vienna to a graveyard in Turkey.
Flight Number 884
Flight Number 884 is a film about the wishes and desires of Muslim immigrants. Every year thousands of bodies of Turkish immigrants are flown back from Europe to small villages - villages they had left long ago. The film follows the dead body of a Muslim on its last journey from Vienna to a graveyard in Turkey.
Flight Number 884
Flight Number 884 is a film about the wishes and desires of Muslim immigrants. Every year thousands of bodies of Turkish immigrants are flown back from Europe to small villages - villages they had left long ago. The film follows the dead body of a Muslim on its last journey from Vienna to a graveyard in Turkey.
Across the Border: Five Views from Neighbours
Across the Border is a polyglot portrait of ideas about borders at the beginning of the 21st century. In an episodic journey five directors from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia, present their view and vision of nation, identity and Europe: By placing their personal cinematographic imprint on multifaceted portraits of their home countries, they open up a broad space for encounters with the strangers next door.
Across the Border: Five Views from Neighbours
Production Manager
Across the Border is a polyglot portrait of ideas about borders at the beginning of the 21st century. In an episodic journey five directors from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia, present their view and vision of nation, identity and Europe: By placing their personal cinematographic imprint on multifaceted portraits of their home countries, they open up a broad space for encounters with the strangers next door.
Across the Border: Five Views from Neighbours
Project Manager
Across the Border is a polyglot portrait of ideas about borders at the beginning of the 21st century. In an episodic journey five directors from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia, present their view and vision of nation, identity and Europe: By placing their personal cinematographic imprint on multifaceted portraits of their home countries, they open up a broad space for encounters with the strangers next door.
The Souvenirs of Mr. X
A filmmaker finds 2 boxes of Super-8 films of an unknown amateur at a flea market. He goes on an investigative journey to find this person and dives into the wonderful, obsessive universe of amateur film with its own rules, competitions and the passionate love for the moving images.
The Souvenirs of Mr. X
Production Manager
A filmmaker finds 2 boxes of Super-8 films of an unknown amateur at a flea market. He goes on an investigative journey to find this person and dives into the wonderful, obsessive universe of amateur film with its own rules, competitions and the passionate love for the moving images.
Senad and Edis
Senad and Edis live in a small remote village on Bjelasnica, a mountain just outside Sarajevo. During the war their village, being situated on the front, was evacuated - both Senad’s and Edis’ families returned just a short time ago.
Production Manager
The year 2000, elsewhere. 12 months. 12 episodes. Weeks, days, single moments of different ways of life. Tradition and change. People of different cultural and geographical background. A film about their life. A journey through voices and sounds from elsewhere, with no commentary added. Landscapes, outlooks on the world, outlooks on life: Desert, snow, valley, jungle, ice, rainforest, stones, swamps, mountains, the sea, forests, a South-Sea atoll. An homage to humanity at the beginning of the 21st century.
Production Manager
In January 2002 the Temelín nuclear power plant, which is located in the Czech Republic less than 50 kilometers from the Austrian border, went into trial operation. This film attempts to calmly and objectively present a different Temelín: the village of the same name which lies in the romantic hills of southern Bohemia with its 300 residents. Not all of them view the power plant with enthusiasm, but here the pros and cons are not based on the arguments of the media - people have developed their own strategies for life with “their“ power plant.
In January 2002 the Temelín nuclear power plant, which is located in the Czech Republic less than 50 kilometers from the Austrian border, went into trial operation. This film attempts to calmly and objectively present a different Temelín: the village of the same name which lies in the romantic hills of southern Bohemia with its 300 residents. Not all of them view the power plant with enthusiasm, but here the pros and cons are not based on the arguments of the media - people have developed their own strategies for life with “their“ power plant.
Tage mit Josef
Ein Brief für dich
A man burns down a computer, trinkers around with dynamite and an alarm clock... and mails sinister letters. The man, however, is on a quest for love and understanding.
Der Landvermesser
A land surveyor lives in his own ordered world, until one day he allows himself to become aware of something which his measuring instruments do not enable him to comprehend further. Searching for a principle of order which will embrace his new experiences, he encounters new spheres of existence...
A 3
Nostalgia for childhood in the subconscious. The lion says to the snake, "Tomorrow it'll be different." The snake sadly strokes its own skin. After a while the lion cries again, "No, no Tomorrow it'll be the same again." The snake asks, "Will it be the same again tomorrow?"