Linda Wassberg


Director of Photography
История жизни и творчества создательницы муми-троллей Туве Янссон. После войны молодая художница окунулась в атмосферу творческой и социальной свободы. Она шокировала общество свободными отношениями с женатым политиком, но куда больший ажиотаж вызвала любовная связь с театральным режиссером Вивикой Бэндлер, которая дала Туве настоящий толчок в творчестве.
Diana's Wedding
Director of Photography
It's July 29, 1981. In the majestic St Paul's Cathedral in London, Lady Diana Spencer marries Prince Charles. The same day, another celebration takes place in the canteen of a Norwegian small-town factory. It’s the newly-weds LIV and TERJE'S wedding party. In the pram lies their new-born daughter, DIANA, who, like her famous namesake, will be facing a lot of chaos in the years to come thanks to her parents. The wedding, and following years, are less glamorous than the royal counterpart, but indisputably much more fun. Through the eyes of Diana, we witness the rollercoaster of her parent’s marriage. To her, they are the worst parents in the world. Miles away from doing a decent job, constantly fighting yet still in love by the time Diana is preparing for her own marriage 30 years later.
Позвони маме!
Director of Photography
Ники 35 лет и всерьез переживает явно затянувшийся подростковый период в жизни дочери. Ники не желает принимать никаких серьёзных решений или заводить взрослые отношения. Любое слово или даже жест несет в себе угрозу или оскорбление. И в то же время больше всего в жизни им нужно общение друг с другом. Такое положение дел вызывает и смех, и слёзы. Но однажды Ники осознаёт, что пора бы ей уже повзрослеть.
Forget Me Not
What makes a mother give away her baby? This is the big question in Sun Hee Engelstoft’s poignant heartbreaker of a film about three Korean women who have become pregnant outside of marriage and are now hiding from the outside world until they give birth. They live in a shelter for unwed mothers on a South Korean island, where beautiful landscapes are in sharp contrast to the fierce dilemma that women go through: should they keep their children or give them up for adoption? Engelstoft has been given unique access to this particular shelter run by the strong-willed Mrs. Im, who fights for the girls’ independence but is up against a social structure and family tradition that leaves women in an impossible situation. Engelstoft’s sensitive portrait brings us close to a forbidden world and through her own experience as a Korean adoptee, she gives a deeply personal and extraordinary insight into a culture in which women can’t choose their own fate.
Small Town Killers
Director of Photography
The two tradesmen Ib and Edward are tired of their lifeless marriages and dream of living the good life from the stash of money they've earned moonlighting for years. After a huge fight with their wives the two men get drunk and hire a Russian contract killer to do a hit on their spouses. But they have badly underestimated their wives, and this becomes the start of an absurd journey where Ib and Edward to their own horror end at the top of a kill list.
White People
Director of Photography
The story follows a group of people who are kidnapped from the street and held hostage in an underground prison to await deportation. Will they escape? What will be the cost of freedom?
The Fat and the Angry
Director of Photography
The FBI and Interpol are looking into a big case of credit card fraud and a local bum is brought in for interrogation. A complicated story from the dark side of Göteborg unfolds.
A Simpler Life
Camera Operator
A married couple in a sunny day. They are fully occupied. Surrounded with devices designed to simplify their lives, but that instead they only makes things even more complicated. She exercises, he looks after the garden and both remains in silence. Efficiency might not be the best way to happiness.
Director of Photography
Когда Эмма встретила Кассандру, то между ними начались отношения, полные физических и психологических проблем. Эмма готова пойти на все ради того, чтобы усвоить правила игры. Когда все границы пройдены, то ставки повышаются. Однако Эмме сложно противостоять опьяняющему чувству полного контроля.
In Transit
Director of Photography
A Polish stewardess who has to spend the night in Copenhagen to board her next flight meets a Danish man who insists on taking her out. The night does not turn out quite like either of them had expected.