Chan Hon


Wu Dang
In early Republican China, rumors were going around about the treasure in Wudang Mountain. An American conspirator took his well-trained kung fu daughter to Wudang by sponsoring a Taoist martial arts competition, to steal the treasure. Out of expectation, a disciple represented Wudang to compete with other martial arts masters for the championship. During the competition, resentment incurred against different parties, the relationship became complicated, a Korean female Tai Chi descendant fell in love with the American conspirator and the secret of the treasure had been revealed. The treasure is the key of the magnetic field of Wudang, if it's stolen, Wudang would be devastated. To protect Wudang, a group of young heroes rallied around to defeat grant masters. It's the time the long-lost Wudang martial arts returned
Wu Dang
In early Republican China, rumors were going around about the treasure in Wudang Mountain. An American conspirator took his well-trained kung fu daughter to Wudang by sponsoring a Taoist martial arts competition, to steal the treasure. Out of expectation, a disciple represented Wudang to compete with other martial arts masters for the championship. During the competition, resentment incurred against different parties, the relationship became complicated, a Korean female Tai Chi descendant fell in love with the American conspirator and the secret of the treasure had been revealed. The treasure is the key of the magnetic field of Wudang, if it's stolen, Wudang would be devastated. To protect Wudang, a group of young heroes rallied around to defeat grant masters. It's the time the long-lost Wudang martial arts returned
История жизни знаменитого китайского мыслителя и философа Конфуция.
Битва у Красной скалы 2
Фильм рассказывает о двух военачальниках Сунь Цюане и Лю Бэе, которые в 208 году, общими усилиями победили более сильную армию военачальника Цао Цао…
Битва у Красной скалы
Древний Китай, 208 год нашей эры. Хитроумный премьер-министр, а фактически правитель империи, Цао Цао убеждает нерешительного императора начать войну с двумя независимыми царствами, под предлогом объединения Китая.Милионная армия легко разбивает немногочисленные отряды царства Шу и запирает остатки войска в цитадели у Красной Скалы, не оставив им другого выбора, как обратиться за подмогой к правителю царства Восточный У, послав туда военного советника Чжуге Ляна. Ему удается убедить правителя царства послать армию, возглавляемую вице-правителем Чжоу Юем, на помощь осажденным. И теперь неясно, сможет ли грубая сила одолеть мужество и хитрость…
I Shoot Myself
A man dying of Aids decides to tape the remainders of his life on videotape.
I Shoot Myself
A man dying of Aids decides to tape the remainders of his life on videotape.