Gérard Dubouche

Gérard Dubouche


Gérard Dubouche
Gérard Dubouche


True Chronicles of the Blida Joinville Psychiatric Hospital in the Last Century, when Dr Frantz Fanon Was Head of the Fifth Ward between 1953 and 1956
Frantz Fanon is a renowned politician and decolonialisation activist. This feature focuses on his visionary social therapy methods during his time as a psychiatrist in Algeria from 1953 to 1956. A piece of sober anti-racism.
Wilderness Therapy
Deep in the Pyrenees, two close friends at rock bottom have the idea of the century: to pull themselves of their misery, they will launch a horse trekking tour, a voyage through the mountains for tourists in search of nature, silence and adventure.
The Time of Secrets
Le boulanger
Marseille, July 1905. Nearly a teenager, Marcel Pagnol embarks in his last summer vacation before high school and returns, at last, to his beloved hills in Provence. What begins as a summer of boyhood adventures becomes one of the first loves, and unearthed secrets.
В Мальмуске, бывшем рыбацком районе Марселя, встречаются новые жители и купальщики со всего города. Виржини бродит по улицам в поисках своей кошки, а Элина уверена, что муж установил на ее мобильный телефон шпионскую программу. Два друга отправляются плавать на каяке, чтобы поговорить друг с другом, не опасаясь быть подслушанными.
Mother. Daughter. Killer.
Max Colonna
The kidnapping and murder of a young woman on France’s Mediterranean coast reawakens horrors of the past. Three years ago, criminologist Ariane’s cousin was killed and her mother, homicide inspector Sandra, was suspected to be involved in the case. When Sandra’s former boss invites her to help out on the new case, mother and daughter, who had a visceral falling-out over Elodie’s murder, have to join forces.
С нами
François Marcillac
Полин, домашняя медсестра, между Лансом и Лиллем, присматривает за своими двумя детьми и своим одиноким отцом, бывшим металлургом. Преданная и щедрая, все пациенты любят её и полагаются на неё. Воспользовавшись её популярностью, лидеры экстремистской партии предложат ей стать их кандидатом на следующих муниципальных выборах.
Chercher le garçon
On New Year's Eve, accompanied by a bottle of champagne, Emile, 35 years old, signs up to Meet Me, a famous Internet dating site, with a good resolution for the new year: to find love. There are many men on Meet Me: cynics, comics, a few oddballs, and even great romantics. Emilie is far from imagining what is waiting for her in real life.
le capitaine de gendarmerie
Ducoboo is a very inventive dunce and joker, he is very resourceful at finding new ways to copy from his neighbor, to cheat or to defy the teacher's authority.
Mes deux maris
Везет как утопленнику
Le poissonnier
Весенней ночью хозяин картинной галереи Кристиан спасает жизнь бездомному по имени Буду, пытавшемуся утопиться на его глазах. Став героем поневоле, он приводит незадачливого самоубийцу к себе домой — всего на пару часов, чтобы бедняга немного пришел в себя. Но незапланированное появление Буду переворачивает с ног на голову всю жизнь Кристиана.
Travail d'arabe
Vowing to get back on the right track, a petty delinquent gets a real job, but quickly discovers that his new employers are not very scrupulous.
Wrecked on Road 17
Le berger
During the Gulf War, the paths of several groups of characters cross in France’s most desert-like region. The cast is as follows: An astrophysician who works alone with Geraldine in an observatory high in the mountains. He’d like to seduce Geraldine, but she seems to prefer the shepherd who’s been relegated to a shabby hut nearby. A group of filmmakers stuck in the middle of the countryside after their crew went on strike because lunch never turned up. A squadron of stupid soldiers who consider even the most minor incident to be proof of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of France. A maniacal geologist, oblivious of everything, who continues to search for the traces of a tectonic Big Bang in the most inaccessible places.
La Grande Vie !
On a hospital bed, Marcello is plunged into a deep coma. His guardian angel asks the angel in charge of bringing him back to the afterlife to extend the contract of his protégé.
Les collègues
This is the story of a small Marseilles football club on the verge of extinction that ends up in an amateur tournament organised during the World Cup (inevitably referred to as "La Mondialette"). It's their opportunity to save the club. The team, made up of temperamental hotheads, will have to dodge all kinds of low blows.
Chauffeur Gibert
Молодой таксист Даниэль помешан на быстрой езде. Как ураган проносится он по извилистым улицам Марселя на своем мощном ревущем звере «Пежо», пугая пассажиров и прохожих. Неподкупный полицейский Эмильен вынуждает его помочь в поимке банды грабителей, ускользающих от полиции на своих неуловимых «Мерседесах». И до самого конца не ясно, кто же сможет удержаться на крутом вираже…