Annick Blancheteau

Annick Blancheteau


Annick Blancheteau


Le Squat
En plein coeur
La belle-mère
Police cadet Fred Leprince is found dead inside the police academy. His sister Émilie, also a cadet there, doesn't believe the suicide theory.
En pleine Lulu
Lulu loves football and going to Bauer - Red Star’s legendary home ground - has been her passion for decades. But the recent break-up with her husband René is distracting her from enjoying it today. On the last day of the season they end up sitting side by side in their usual seats watching the match together. Lulu is caught between the excitement of the match and her relationship troubles. Will the match end in a victory?
La Sainte Famille
La Mère Supérieure
The story of a traditional Catholic family in northern France, part of society but subject to all its changes.
Pacte Sacré
Mamie Jo
Тайны острова
Тело Жозе Шебека обнаружено в надувной лодке недалеко от форта Боярда. Двадцать лет назад он совершил ограбление, которое не прошло для него буднично и безнаказанно. Он был осужден, но его сообщник не найден. Солен Брак из отдела судебной полиции, ответственная за расследование, вынуждена вести дело с недружелюбным мэром острова, но это лучше, чем вообще остаться без поддержки и практически в одиночку расследовать такое запутанное дело.
Дикое желание
Янн и Роза молодая семейная пара, которые вместе уже несколько лет и очень хотят заиметь ребенка. Проходит время, но ничего не происходит. Они продемонстрировали свое богатое воображение и перепробовали практически все. Опять же безуспешно. Но если они так сильно хотят добиться своего, ведь должен быть какой-то выход?
An Innocent Little Game
Claire et Bruno forment depuis douze ans un couple établi, une "institution". Au cours d'une journée à la campagne réunissant tous leurs proches, ils vont, par jeu, prétendre qu'ils se séparent.
A Model Employee
François Maurey, the head of a computer company, has developed a product that's sought after by the Americans, but he refuses to sell it to them. While his wife Caroline is preparing to leave him after 25 years of marriage, François has to face various people in his life, including new arrival, Florence, a troubled and mysterious young woman who enters François's life and causes havoc.
Pour un sourire d'enfant
Near the apocalyptic scenery of a Phnom Penh garbage dump where children live and eat, Christian and Marie-France have been fighting to educate these little ragpickers for a decade.
I, Cesar
Cesar is a young schoolboy living in Paris with his family. Their life is ordinary, but Cesar wants more excitement (which he creates, in one instance, by claiming to his teachers that his father has been arrested). During the school holidays, Cesar and his friend Sarah decide to help their mutual friend, Morgan, find his father who supposedly lives in London. Each one tells their parents that they're staying with the other two, and together they sneak out to begin their search.
La Surprise
Oranges amères
Recognizing no boundaries to her love, Angele manages to foment riots, rages and tragedy in colonial Algeria. Angele, an Algerian colonist with impeccably French origins, has fallen in love with Said, the assistant in her brother-in-law's bakery shop. Said is conscious of his Arab origins and traditions, and Angele has her work cut out for her if she wants to persuade him to marry her. Once she does, all hell breaks loose, as neither her European-origin peers nor Said's conservative Arab family approve of the union. When word of the proposed marriage gets out, strikes, violence and murder quickly follow, ruining not only Angele's life, but the lives of those around her. Her brother-in-law Paco, meanwhile, has been doggedly trying to get along and raise his family in an increasingly chaotic and difficult situation.
Georges Dandin de Molière
Madame de Sottenville
The adaptation of Molière's comedy-ballet in three acts.
Laisse parler ta mère !
Под принуждением
Mother of Claire
Молодая француженка Клер, отдыхая со своим другом на одном из островов Средиземного моря, становится жертвой преследования со стороны комиссара местной полиции Касты. Обвиненная в нарушении общественного порядка, а затем и в торговле наркотиками, она попадает в женскую тюрьму. Отпуск превращается в кошмар..
Les bons bourgeois
In May of 1968, a well-off family from the XVIth district in Paris lives through the revolutionary fever of the Latin District in its own idiosyncratic way. The play harks back to Molière's plays 'Femmes savantes' and 'Précieuses ridicules'
Взбесившийся барашек
Скромный и тихий банковский служащий Николя живёт спокойно, пока его друг, потерявший популярность писатель, не решает изменить его жизнь. Для этого он составляет для Николя сценарий поведения и планирует выполнение разнообразных заданий. Николя без проблем справляется с ними до тех пор, пока ему не встречается Роберта — женщина, которую он должен соблазнить, а затем, согласно плану, безжалостно бросить…
Would-Be Gentleman
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme satirizes attempts at social climbing and the bourgeois personality, poking fun both at the vulgar, pretentious middle-class and the vain, snobbish aristocracy. The title is meant as an oxymoron: in Molière's France, a "gentleman" was by definition nobly born, and thus there could be no such thing as a bourgeois gentleman.