Josiane Lévêque
Рождение : 1943-08-29, Mantes-Gassicourt, Seine-et-Oise [now Mantes-la-Jolie, Yvelines], France
Мария и Жозе Рибейро прожили почти тридцать лет в красивом районе Парижа. К этой паре португальских иммигрантов все соседи относятся с симпатией: Мария — отличная консьержка, а Жозе — мастер на все руки. Когда они задумали вернуться в Португалию, их соседи решают во что бы то ни стало уговорить супругов Рибейро не уезжать. На что будут способны пойти семья и соседи, чтобы задержать пару? И в конце концов, Мария и Жозе действительно хотят оставить Францию и свою золотую клетку?
Claire et Bruno forment depuis douze ans un couple établi, une "institution". Au cours d'une journée à la campagne réunissant tous leurs proches, ils vont, par jeu, prétendre qu'ils se séparent.
The concierge
Clement, nine, curious about everything, wants to understand life. Camera in hand, he walks the streets of his small provincial town, following and studying "grown-ups".
Une commère
January 1st 2002. 1st day of Euro currency. The window of a cash dispenser is lifting up on a square, in Paris. 23 amazing characters will be meeting each other there, all along this very particular day...
Françoise Mourioux
Over the course of five seasons, this film chronicles a young woman's rise to power within a tempestuous all-female office. Employing elements of fantasy, realism, drama and satire, much of the story takes place in the confines of an oppressive looking steel and glass skyscraper owned by a powerful insurance company. Though the office is populated only by women, the place seethes with tension due to office politics and the personal turmoil suffered by the employees, something that the beautiful and outwardly ruthless office supervisor Carabosse does her best to ignore. When the ever business-like Carabosse finally gets promoted, she appoints Agate (the story's true protagonist) as her successor. Power corrupts and it does not take long for the compassionate Agate to transform into a copy of Carabosse.
Mother Velin
This film is an adaptation of Jean Amila's novel Le Boucher des Hurlus. The story, set in the aftermath of the war, is about Michel, a young man orphaned in this manner. He lives with his mother until she collapses under the wave of vituperation from the women in her community, who consider her murdered husband to have been a traitor. When he is sent to an orphanage, he discovers that many of the children in it are there for the same reason he is. Michel decides to escape his captivity and kill the general who ordered his father's death. He and the other children like him are able to get away from the orphanage, in the course of their journeys, they tour the grim battlefields of the recent war. Together, they return to Paris, determined to exact their revenge.
Laurence Tatin
Joanna Martin, a mid-life journalist, is investigating a marriage agency organizing white marriages. She uses her sister's identity to infiltrate.
La Bigote (Joséphine)
Andréa Lajeunesse
After World War II, a small French village struggles to put the war behind as the controlling Communist Party tries to flush out Petain loyalists. The local bar owner, a simple man who likes to write poetry, who only wants to be left alone to do his job, becomes a target for Communist harassment as they try and locate a particular loyalist, and he pushes back.
An old man, former clown, comes back in the neighborhood where he used to lived for the funeral of his ex-wife, and finds old friends with whom he had lost contact.
The dream, which filled half of her life, was no longer enough for Maryvonne. She leaves her husband, child, lover and leaves for Paimpol. And there, it's a breath of fresh air in the form of real life, reality finally joins the dream.
The dream, which filled half of her life, was no longer enough for Maryvonne. She leaves her husband, child, lover and leaves for Paimpol. And there, it's a breath of fresh air in the form of real life, reality finally joins the dream.
la Thénardier
La reine de France meurt en couche. Elle met au monde un petite fille prénommée Blanche-neige. Le roi deçu de n'avoir pas un fils est résolu à faire disparaître sa progéniture mais c'est sans compter sur la protection de nombreux personnages de la littérature enfantine : les fées, Tarzan, Robin des Bois ou d'autres encore...
La femme au Caddie
Анни Ларше — домохозяйка, воспитывающая двоих детей вместе с мужем, владельцем фабрики по производству очков. Устав заниматься домашними делами при всеобщем равнодушии домочадцев, она решает дать новый поворот своей жизни. Сначала она устраивается работать регистратором в родильном отделении, а затем приступает к написанию эротического романа...
Два гомосексуалиста развозят мусор по свалкам, и одежду по секонд-хэндам. Невдалеке от одной из помоек им встречается захолустный бар, где работает девица по прозвищу Джонни. Нулевой размер груди, мужские майки, мальчишеская стрижка и красивое личико увлекают мачеобразного Красски. Несколько дней они ездят по гостиницам и занимаются анальным сексом (по-другому у Красски не выходит). Финал печален: сходящий с ума от ревности бойфренд делает попытку задушить бедную девочку, но Красски вовремя спасает ее от смертельных объятий своего друга… и – уезжает вместе с ним, бросив свою любовницу в слезах подставлять всем ветрам щупленькое, беззащитное, обиженное тело. Двое любят одного, а он – никого.
The descent into hell begins for Edouard, a disillusioned marginal, when he loses his job, and his wife leaves with his son. His meeting with a mysterious stranger, who claims to work for the secret services, leads him to commit the irreparable. Was it a trap or just a symptom of his madness? There is doubt...