Mitja Okorn


Эми — амбициозная девушка, всегда мечтавшая о роскошной жизни. Поработав в элитном эскорте, она получает предложение набрать девушек, готовых отправиться в гости к арабским шейхам. Это должны быть исключительно модели, участницы конкурсов красоты, звезды кино. Им обещана полная анонимность и сказочные условия. Всё выглядит очень заманчиво. Однако, совсем скоро этот манящий мир роскоши покажет свою темную сторону.
In the middle of the 10 day war for Slovenian independence (1991), two soldiers day-dream about the future of their newborn country.
Все мои друзья мертвы
Комедия в стиле "Американского пирога" повествует об улётной вечеринке польских студентов, которая кончается загадочной гибелью практически всех участников. Детективам, прибывшим на место преступления на следующий день, предстоит изучить кровавые следы прошлой ночи и по крупицам распутать цепь событий, приведших к кровавой трагедии.
Жизнь за год
История 17-летнего Дэрина, который узнаёт, что его подруга смертельно больна. Он решает подарить девушке целую жизнь, уместив её в год, который ей остался.
Planet Single
He is one of the top celebrities in the country: a fast-talking TV host, who can joke his way out of any situation. Women want to be with him, men want to be like him. He is looking for a new topic to discuss in his popular talk-show. She is a teacher at a musical school - a timid girl looking for Mr. Perfect on an internet dating site. He will help her realise her potential and teach her how to recognise various types of men for what they are, she will teach him what real life is about. The show will become a huge hit. It seems they are destined to fall in love and be together, but one day she actually does meet Mr. Perfect on the net.
Planet Single
He is one of the top celebrities in the country: a fast-talking TV host, who can joke his way out of any situation. Women want to be with him, men want to be like him. He is looking for a new topic to discuss in his popular talk-show. She is a teacher at a musical school - a timid girl looking for Mr. Perfect on an internet dating site. He will help her realise her potential and teach her how to recognise various types of men for what they are, she will teach him what real life is about. The show will become a huge hit. It seems they are destined to fall in love and be together, but one day she actually does meet Mr. Perfect on the net.
Письма к М.
Миколай - успешный диджей на радио. В эфир к нему часто звонят для того, чтобы поделиться своими проблемами. Миколай утешает и поддерживает всех, но только для себя утешений найти не может. Уже который год Миколай празднует Рождество в радиостудии, а его сын Костек - дома с магнитофоном, который настроен на радио папы.
Here and There
Four local boys borrow a lot of money from the local mafia. Incompedent as they are, they loose the money. They have to think of infinite ways to earn and return the amount. In seven days...
Here and There
Four local boys borrow a lot of money from the local mafia. Incompedent as they are, they loose the money. They have to think of infinite ways to earn and return the amount. In seven days...
Here and There
Four local boys borrow a lot of money from the local mafia. Incompedent as they are, they loose the money. They have to think of infinite ways to earn and return the amount. In seven days...
Here and There
Executive Producer
Four local boys borrow a lot of money from the local mafia. Incompedent as they are, they loose the money. They have to think of infinite ways to earn and return the amount. In seven days...
Here and There
Four local boys borrow a lot of money from the local mafia. Incompedent as they are, they loose the money. They have to think of infinite ways to earn and return the amount. In seven days...