Philippe Rebbot

Philippe Rebbot

Рождение : 1964-11-30, Casablanca, Morocco


Philippe Rebbot is a French actor. He appeared in more than eighty films since 1998 and starred in several films including The Aquatic Effect, Une famille à louer and Northern Wind. Source: Article "Philippe Rebbot" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Philippe Rebbot


Marie-Line et son juge
The House
Emma, a French novelist aged 27, decide to go to Berlin and join a brothel to uncover the prostitution world, the subject of her new book. Such as gonzo journalism, Emma become a prostitute and her experience, which was supposed to last a few weeks, will last two years. Was writing her book an excuse for Emma to live a shameful fantasy ?
Boys Feels: Stand by Me
During tender years, a companion can guide you through awkward moments when the heart rules the head, or be a partner in crime in the face of danger. Follow these young men through the highs and lows of early learning, when all around us is new, and peer pressure is at its most pervasive. The 6 short films are: It Was Dark [Il faisait noir] (2015); Suspendu (2015); Keep Going (2016); Headbutt (2017); Out of the Blue [Ud af det blå] (2016); Mars Colony (2020).
Wilderness Therapy
Richard Catala
Deep in the Pyrenees, two close friends at rock bottom have the idea of the century: to pull themselves of their misery, they will launch a horse trekking tour, a voyage through the mountains for tourists in search of nature, silence and adventure.
Not My Type
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
A Fishy Business in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
Milan Zodowski
An actress, Céline, is hired by the famous director Milan Zodowski to star in a mysterious film shooting in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. She arrives there to discover that the crew consists only of a sound engineer and a unit manager and that Milan stubbornly refuses to leave the cabin where he has locked himself in. Céline realizes that the shoot won’t be happening. She then chooses to face her destiny. This plunge into reality forces her to open up to herself and to others…
Троим бездомным, которые выиграли в лотерею, необходимо найти способ получить свой приз.
Because he forgot his identity card, Elias cannot take the entrance exam to Sciences Po. In search of a job while waiting to be able to take the exam again, he becomes an educator in a children's home. Confronted with an environment he doesn't know how to work, Elias doesn't yet know how much this experience will change his life.
When teenage Ibrahim lands his father with an unexpected debt, he resolves to do whatever it takes to make amends and gain his father’s respect.
Maximum moderne
À Point
The father
Anna is eighteen and has always lived in a housing block in Eastern France. But when her professional future opens up different paths to her, she is paralyzed at the thought of moving away from her neighborhood, her friends, her memories and identity. What is she prepared to leave behind?
Удалить историю
La feignasse
Одержимый тягой к интернет-покупкам Бертран пытается помочь дочери, страдающей от кибербуллинга. Мария противостоит шантажисту: он угрожает выложить секс-видео с её участием в интернет. Зависимая от сериалов Кристин теряет работу и становится таксистом, но её рейтинг упрямо отказывается расти. Их борьба с технологическим бизнесом оборачивается серией смешных и остроумных сцен, порой доходящих до абсурда, но понятных каждому, кто живёт в современном мире.
Мой собственный бизнес
Di Lello
В регионе, который прежде славился своей горнодобывающей промышленностью, двое безработных решают построить парк развлечений на заброшенной угольной шахте.
Mars Colony
Sixteen-year-old Logan is an adolescent uncomfortable in his own skin. Only his science fiction dreams of a better life on Mars draw him away from his ordinary life, which is as equally difficult at home or at school, where he's only seen as an aggressive loser. One evening, he receives a visit from a mysterious man who insists that he has come from the future and that he is also Logan, but forty years older. He then asks the younger Logan to carry out a mission as unexpected as it is important: to save humanity.
Have a Good Death
A man who has lost all hope in humanity, decides to put an end to it all. A woman will try to dissuade him from doing so. Seeing his determination to die, she suggests a more glorious death, in order to enter the history of consciousness through a most irrational act.
Happy Birthday
Pascal, a 45-year-old divorcee, leads a remote and outlandish life. Today is the birthday of his son. Pascal mounts on his moped accompanied by his dog and sets out to find a birthday present.
Чёрная месса
Two down-on-their-luck strangers become improbable companions in misfortune.
Like many men, Philippe is hairy. Like many men, Philippe is losing his hair. Like many men, Philippe is sometimes envious of women. Today, Philippe has chosen to become a new man.
Звезды на вес
16-летняя Лоис, тезка подружки Супермена, весит 100 килограммов и предпринимает сверхчеловеческие усилия по борьбе с наследственным ожирением. Больше всего ее расстраивает невозможность осуществить заветную мечту — стать космонавтом. Преподаватели напрасно пытаются утешить лучшую ученицу с физико-математическими способностями, что исследовать вселенную можно, и не отправляясь в космос. Попав в больницу после голодного обморока, Лоис обзаводится тремя подругами — каждая со своей жизненной трагедией — и отправляется с ними в Космический центр в Тулузе, чтобы представить на конкурсе для школьников свой проект воздушного коллектора, а заодно понять, что в солидной массе тела есть плюсы.
Шок будущего
Фильм повествует о зарождении электронной музыки во Франции в конце 70-х годов на примере одного дня из жизни молодой француженки-композитора.
Moi, maman, ma mère et moi
Benedict missed Mother's funeral. He was stuck in the Eurostar. In the offbeat as always, and a little pitiful, he joined the family home to find his brother, his two sisters - and in a merry bazaar, many memories. There, in the remnants of his childhood, in the intimacy of his room, he sees her - She is waiting for him. And she will not let go.
L'Amour flou
Romane and Philippe separate. After 10 years together, two children and a dog, they do not love each other anymore. They give birth to a "separation": two separate apartments, communicating only through the room of their children.
L'Amour flou
Romane and Philippe separate. After 10 years together, two children and a dog, they do not love each other anymore. They give birth to a "separation": two separate apartments, communicating only through the room of their children.
L'Amour flou
Romane and Philippe separate. After 10 years together, two children and a dog, they do not love each other anymore. They give birth to a "separation": two separate apartments, communicating only through the room of their children.
Soul Mates
Tristan and Louise love each other but they are tugged at by muddled feelings as their relationship is sometimes toxic. During Tristan's birthday in his parents' house, an event makes Louise furious and she decides to take vengence. Adèle and Antonin, two guests at the party, will suffer the consequences.
When a Parisian filmmaker begins work on a new movie about polyamory, she gets lost between fiction and reality, risking both her art and her relationships. As a combination of fiction and documentary, the film could be classified as a ‘UMO’: Unidentified Movie Object! On the one hand: a comedy about a female director who plays with fire by testing out polyamory on her own relationship. On the other hand: a serious, poised, and thought-through documentary with speakers who have reflected on the topic or who live it everyday. Between the two, a grey area in which fiction gets entangled with reality. Will her sweetheart rise up to the challenge of polyamory? Will she finish her film?
In the Game
Claude, Olivier's father
A rebellious teenager must travel the country with his sick grandpa to get to his basketball game.
Armand Münster
On this particular day, Armand Münster, the boss of a caddy factory on the edge of bankruptcy, is drowning in a sea of problems.
Panique au Sénat
The Bailiff
Following elections organized at short notice and a strange game of alliances, the new Senate president is an ecologist. His reign begins.
Northern Wind
North of France. Hervé's factory is relocated. He is the only worker to resign himself to it because he pursues another destiny: to become a fisherman and to transmit this passion to his son. Suburbs of Tunis. The factory is relocated. Foued, unemployed, thinks there is a way to cure his mother, and especially to seduce the girl he loves. The trajectories of Hervé and Foued are similar and answer to each other.
Normandy Nude
At the Mêle sur Sarthe, a small Norman village, farmers are affected by a crisis. Georges Balbuzard, the mayor of the city, is not one to let them down and decides to try everything to save his village ...
On a tiny island encircled by steep cliffs, a unique house stands alone facing the sea. Obsessed by the dream that, one day, man may be able to fly just like a bird, an inventor experiments with machines on this abandoned piece of land. For this man, only a pure, light and naive soul is capable of such a feat. Recruited from the continent, 11-year-old Joseph seems to be the perfect candidate.
Simon & Théodore
Simon is about to become a father. But how can this unusual young man take care of his baby when he can't take care of himself? His encounter with Théodore, an endearing and cantankerous teen raised by his single mom, will seriously upend his... uncertainties. During a single night, while Simon's wife and Théodore's mother will form a common front, the two rebels set out on a crazy quest... toward accepting themselves.
Young Poet
Устав от богемной жизни Парижа, Поль Гоген отправляется на другой конец света. В поисках вдохновения и новых красок жизни он оказывается на Таити. Там он встречает Техуру — дикарку, богиню, объект непреодолимой страсти и испепеляющей ревности, музу, которой мир обязан появлением гениальных творений великого художника.
Des Plans Sur La Comète
Two small time crooks brothers fall apart when they both meet very different women
The Winkles
In Brignogan-Plages, thirty-year-old Zoé works with her father, Guy, at his bar "Les Bigorneaux". Since the premature death of her mother, she wears herself out by taking everything into her own hands. One morning, Zoé starts suffering from dizziness and nausea, which disrupt her daily life.
50 весенних дней
В одном живописном французском городке живет Аврора, у нее две взрослые дочери и одна верная подруга, и Аврора их очень любит. Чего она не любит, так это перемены: когда Аврора теряет работу и узнает, что скоро станет молодой бабушкой, то воспринимает это как намек - мир захватила юность, и ей тут уже не место. К счастью, у Авроры появляется идеальный повод начать жизнь с чистого листа, и даже убедить всех, что лучшее начинается сейчас!
Le prêtre défroqué
An aging gangster (Jean-Pierre Mocky) escapes from prison and is taken in by a very beautiful blonde who asks him to kill her uncle (Richard Bohringer) because he guards her money but prevents her from using it. She asks the gangster to kill him and that way she won't turn the gangster in - she knows he's escaped. The gangster prepares to kill the uncle, except that he realizes he's a very good guy. He becomes friends with the uncle. He won't kill him and will simulate the murder.
A Bun in the Oven
There is one thing that Nicole, who is soon turning fifty, would have loved to be spared, is to learn that the symptoms that have been ruining her life for some time are not those of a latent menopause, but those of a real pregnancy! What a drag…
Человек с тысячью лиц
История, основанная на реальных событиях, и раскрывающая взаимоотношения бывшего секретного агента Франсиско Паэсы и Луиса Рольдана, бывшего главы Гражданской гвардии. Франсиско Паэса, ответственный за проведение важнейшей операции против ЭТА, оказывается вовлечён в дело о вымогательстве в разгар кризиса с грязной игрой правительства против ЭТА и вынужден бежать из страны. Вернувшись спустя несколько лет, он понимает, что его жизнь разрушена. В данных обстоятельствах его посещает Луис Рольдан со своей женой и предлагает ему миллион долларов, если он поможет сохранить им 1.5 миллиарда песет, незаконно выведенных из государственного бюджета. Паэса видит в этом возможность отомстить испанскому правительству и вместе со своим закадычным другом Хесусом Камоэсом разрабатывают беспроигрышный план.
The Together Project
Samir, a lanky crane operator in Montreuil, falls madly for Agathe. As master swimmer at the pool Thorez he decides to take swimming lessons with her. But the lie does not last three lessons - Agathe hate liars. Chosen to represent the Seine-Saint-Denis, Agathe flies to Iceland for the 10th Congress of the International Masters Swimming. Samir has no choice but to fly in turn also.
Розали Блюм
Винсент Машо проживает свою скучную жизнь в маленьком городке.Его мать, невыносимая женщина, усложняет ему жизнь. Он жаждет увидеть свою девушку, которую не видел уже шесть месяцев. Его кузен советует ему не строить иллюзий по-поводу этого романа. Однажды он оказывается в лавке Розали Блюм. Он уверен в том, что это уже встречал её раньше. Заинтригованный этой одинокой женщиной, он начинает следить за ней.. Не особо осмотрительно, так как Розали замечает слежку. Она просит племянницу проследить за этим молодым человеком. За время слежки она привязывается к этому слегка грустному, создающему бумажных змеев парню.
The First, the Last
Apocalyptic neo-western about two gangsters, a town full of crazy people and Jesus...
The White Knights
Luc Debroux
Jacques Arnault, head of Sud Secours NGO, is planning a high impact operation: he and his team are going to exfiltrate 300 orphan victims of the Chadian civil war and bring them to French adoption applicants. Françoise Dubois, a journalist, is invited to come along with them and handle the media coverage for this operation. Completely immersed in the brutal reality of a country at war, the NGO members start losing their convictions and are faced with the limits of humanitarian intervention.
21 ночь с Патти
В середине лета 40-летняя парижанка Каролина приезжает в небольшую деревушку на юге Франции. Сюда её привело печальное событие: она должна организовать похороны своей мамы. Каролина, не очень ладившая с покойной матерью, находит новую подругу, местную женщину по имени Патти, которая посвящает её в местные сплетни и знакомит с теми, кто дружил с её мамой. Каролина узнаёт многое о жизни людей, с которыми почти не общалась, а открытием для неё становится успех, который её мама имела у мужчин. Накануне похорон гроб с телом исчезает, и никто не понимает, как это могло произойти...
Семья в аренду
Пол-Андре застенчивый и замкнутый человек. Он богат, но одинок. От глубочайшей скуки он приходит к выводу, что ему нужна семья. Виолетта — молодая женщина, которая находится под угрозой депортации и боится лишиться опеки над своими двумя детьми. Пол-Андре решает помочь ей, чтобы наконец попробовать вкус семейной жизни…
Musical Chairs
Perrine, a single, slightly awkward musician, loves birthday parties. One day she accidentally causes a man to fall into a skip at the waste disposal centre. When she learns that he´s in a coma, the young woman tries everything to awaken himand starts to meddle in his life.
Мой друг Дед Мороз
В ночь на Рождество 6-летний Антуан загадал только одно желание — покататься в санях Санта-Клауса между звёзд, рассыпанных по небу. И тут, словно по мановению волшебной палочки, на балконе появляется Санта. Антуан был слишком удивлён, чтобы признать в нём бородатого грабителя, переодетого в новогодний костюм, который отправился по парижским квартирам в поисках богатств.
Get Well Soon
Thierry, physiotherapist
After an accident, Pierre, a sixty years old grumpy man, ends up stuck on an hospital bed with a cast. While Pierre dreams of silence and solitude with his strong character, the whole world seems to invite himself to his hospital bed. Powerless, he has to support the daily visits of doctors,nurse and hospital staff then his closes including his brother Herve. Visits after visits, funny or touching, Pierre starts to reconsider some people and reexamine his environment. And after all, his stay becomes a second chance ...
Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father works doesn’t turn out the way he hoped it would. Responsibility is overwhelming, his father is all but present, and his co-junior partner, a foreign doctor, is far more experimented than he is. This internship will force Benjamin to confront his limits… and start his way to adulthood.
Baby Balloon
Могли бы остаться друзьями
Pierre Perusel
Марите работает в Центре профессиональной подготовки. Её миссия - помочь другим людям найти своё призвание и новую работу. Кароль живёт и работает в тени своего мужа Сэма, энергичного и талантливого шеф-повара. Она тоже обратилась в Центр профессиональной подготовки. Но ей, похоже, нужна не столько новая работа, сколько смена мужа. Марите делает всё возможное, чтобы помочь ей выбрать новый путь в жизни. Но каковы истинные причины такой неожиданной активности? Может быть, она подсознательно пытается избавиться от Кароль чтобы занять её место?
Клуб «Грусть»
Это драматическая комедия от французского режиссера Винсента Мэриетта, который вместе с Винсентом Поймиро написал и сценарий к этой ленте. Можно сказать, что фильм был снят для любителей путешествий, поисков сокровищ, старинных моделей Порше. Это о вас? Тогда добро пожаловать в наш клуб под названием «Грусть». Это изящная киноработа, содержащая легкую иронию. Готовы провести вечер с добрым французским юмором? Тогда приступим! Кинолента сосредоточена сразу на нескольких личностях, разницу между которыми требовалось подчеркнуть изначальной задумкой, поэтому все главные персонажи ленты — родственники. Вам предстоит увидеть, насколько могут отличаться друг от друга родные люди, однако пытающиеся все время казаться кем-то другим, а не самим собой. Забавным также выглядит потребность каждого героя в проявлении такого банального чувства, как сострадание к нему, но лишь один намек на которое вызывает в человеке бурю протеста, ведь тому кажется, что ему указывают на собственную слабость.
Zoo's veterinary
Business trips are trapped by multiple temptations, such as a well stocked hotel bar. But this time salesman Pastor might have overdone it a bit. He wakes up in the middle of a field without any memory at all of how he got there. Even stranger is the ugly scar on his back. But what really drives him out of his mind is that the stitches from the operation are still fresh. Has he become the victim of on organ theft? Is he missing a kidney? Pastor starts to put everything in Question; being a father, a husband, a salesman... The only thing he wants is to find out what has happened to him and nothing and nobody will stop him.
Гол живых мертвецов
Футболисты одной из лучших французских команд в конце игрового сезона приезжают в Каплонг, небольшой город на северо-востоке страны, чтобы поучаствовать в товарищеском матче с местными спортсменами. Однако одновременно с началом матча вспыхивает ужасная эпидемия, распространяющаяся по городу со скоростью лесного пожара. Таинственная инфекция превращает зараженных в жестоких зомби, жаждущих крови.
Lulu in the Nude
After a job interview gone wrong, Lulu sets sail leaving her husband and three children behind. But being an adventurer is easier said than done.
One of a Kind
When Frédi loses his mother, he realizes she has passed her healing gift on to him. Frédi rejects it totally, tangled up in his own unhappiness, until a fatal accident changes everything. He is forced to acknowledge that he had healing hands.
La femme qui flottait
Lionel is a middle-aged man. A little naive, maybe. One day, he finds a woman's body floating in his pool...
Mariage à Mendoza
Marcus and his brother Antoine head to Argentina for their cousin’s wedding. They plan to explore all that Buenos Aires has to offer before making the trip to Mendoza in the west. Marcus is thrilled to be on the road and determined to have fun, while Antoine is depressed after being dumped by his wife, who refused to come with them at the last minute. Marcus will do anything it takes to cheer up his little brother. After a very caliente evening in the capital, they hit the road, discovering Argentina vineyard’s and making unlikely encounters –with a crackpot receptionist, a divine beauty, a pregnant ewe, and a guy afflicted by Stendhal syndrome –until, at the end of their journey, the two brothers find peace.
Tennis Elbow
Le père
Des trous dans le silence
Le voisin
Julie comes back in her apartment as usual, but she's beginning to hear voices coming from upstairs. And it's getting more and more disturbing, is she becoming crazy?
Tous les soleils
Alessandro teaches musicology at the university of Strasbourg. He is also a volunteer reader in hospitals. He shares his apartment with his daughter, 15-year-old Irina, and his anarchist brother Luigi. Life is not always rosy at Alessandro's for three main reasons : he is a widower and has never really recovered from the death of his young wife ; his brother is some kind of parasite who refuses to sell his paintings to capitalist speculators and so to contribute to the cost of the household ; Irina, whom he has raised alone since she was five months old and always felt close to, is rapidly changing from little girl to teenager and wishes to be treated as such. One day, Florence, a beautiful young woman, gets into Alessandro's life. Will he eventually take his chances with her? And will he manage to stop stifling Irina? And will he finally get on with Luigi?
Pardon My French
Célimène, a 35 year old writer is troubled by Anaïs, a 17 year old girl.
Where is Kim Basinger?
Edouard Deluc Short Film
Où avais-je la tête?
On a très peu d'amis
Ivan's and Serge's occupation is to enter dance competitions where they meet each time new female partners; a wounded gangster who's just burglarized a bank ,forces them to drive him at gunpoint.
Marée Basse
Les abîmés