András Jeles


Sinister Shadow
The hidden messages in a famed, mysterious painting by Hans Holbein the Younger are slowly revealed to an art restorer hired to reproduce it.
Sinister Shadow
The hidden messages in a famed, mysterious painting by Hans Holbein the Younger are slowly revealed to an art restorer hired to reproduce it.
Сын Саула
Аушвиц, 1944 год. Саул Аусландер — еврейский пленный и член зондеркоманды. Его работа — сопровождать в недолгий путь узников, которые прибывают в лагерь беспрестанно. Потом — зачищать следы их присутствия и ждать новых. Среди тысяч людей, проходящих через газовую камеру, один выживает на считанные минуты. Саул узнает в нем своего сына и решает во что бы то ни стало похоронить тело по всем правилам. Теперь это его единственная цель в расплавленном, так непохожем на жизнь пекле лагеря смерти. Уберечь тело от топки, спрятать его, разыскать раввина, — задачи практически невыполнимые и безумные на фоне мясорубки, жернова которой Саулу приходится крутить самому, чтобы выжить. В лагере зреет восстание, Саул становится слишком уязвимым, но он думает только о сыне… которого, возможно, у него никогда не было.
Hungary 2011
Anthology film made as an act of protest against Hungarian government of Viktor Orban.
Hungary 2011
Anthology film made as an act of protest against Hungarian government of Viktor Orban.
The History of Aviation
Normandy, 1905. The picnic is finished. A group of middle-class people in their Sunday best, get ready to go home. There is one last photo to be taken, but somebody is missing
Why Wasn't He There?
Why Wasn't He There?
Dream Brigade
The heroes of the film are manual workers, members of a Socialist Brigade. Gyula, the brigade leader once has a dream where the gate-keeper searches through Lenin, about to leave the factory. He decides to stage Gelman's play, Premium, with his brigade, since the drama very effectively depicts what they see in the world around.
Dream Brigade
The heroes of the film are manual workers, members of a Socialist Brigade. Gyula, the brigade leader once has a dream where the gate-keeper searches through Lenin, about to leave the factory. He decides to stage Gelman's play, Premium, with his brigade, since the drama very effectively depicts what they see in the world around.
A mosoly birodalma
В райском саду Эдема, Адам и Ева вкушает запретный плод, потому как не мыслят своей жизни без настоящей любви. Изгнанные из Рая прогневавшимся Богом, они попадают под власть дьявола — Люцефера…
В райском саду Эдема, Адам и Ева вкушает запретный плод, потому как не мыслят своей жизни без настоящей любви. Изгнанные из Рая прогневавшимся Богом, они попадают под власть дьявола — Люцефера…
The Tunnel
He starts going, carrying a dinner-can. His eyes are suddenly arrested by the breasts of the girl on the bicycle, riding towards him. Prompted by the strange movements of the girl as well as by seeing another girl in a wheel-chair, his imagination starts working. In his dream, as he follows a young woman dressed in white, he comes to a tunnel. On its wall, which is full of candles, he reads the sign, "Memories Prohibited". Yet he is still able to enter the Tunnel of Memories.
Маленький Валентино
The twenty-year-old young man Sz. László is a lorry guard employed by an agricultural co-operative located in the vicinity of the capital. One day he neither posts the money officially entrusted to him nor goes to work, spending time and money as he likes on things he otherwise cannot afford, such as hanging around, sweets, driving in taxis, restaurants, Lake Balaton, girls, etc.
Маленький Валентино
The twenty-year-old young man Sz. László is a lorry guard employed by an agricultural co-operative located in the vicinity of the capital. One day he neither posts the money officially entrusted to him nor goes to work, spending time and money as he likes on things he otherwise cannot afford, such as hanging around, sweets, driving in taxis, restaurants, Lake Balaton, girls, etc.
Sunday, April 12th
A regular Sunday in 1970s Budapest.
Fehér sereg
This Is How It Will Run
Interesting crime story about woman-prisoner, incest and murder..