He Bing

He Bing

Рождение : 1968-04-26, Beijing, China


He Bing


Song of Youth
A story between school kids and the teacher in a high school happened in 1985 China.
My Other Home
Zheng Ya Lei
A biographical documentary about Stephon Marbury and his time playing for the Chinese Basketball Association.
12 граждан
Juror 8/Lu Gang
Та же история про 12 присяжных, но теперь в Китае.
Love for Life
Set in a small Chinese village where HIV virus is spreading rapidly as a result of illicit blood trade, Mo shu wai zhuan revolves around De Yi and Qinqin are both estranged from their respective family because of their disease and unexpectedly find love with each other by their misfortunes.
Major Secretary
Битва у Красной скалы
Древний Китай, 208 год нашей эры. Хитроумный премьер-министр, а фактически правитель империи, Цао Цао убеждает нерешительного императора начать войну с двумя независимыми царствами, под предлогом объединения Китая.Милионная армия легко разбивает немногочисленные отряды царства Шу и запирает остатки войска в цитадели у Красной Скалы, не оставив им другого выбора, как обратиться за подмогой к правителю царства Восточный У, послав туда военного советника Чжуге Ляна. Ему удается убедить правителя царства послать армию, возглавляемую вице-правителем Чжоу Юем, на помощь осажденным. И теперь неясно, сможет ли грубая сила одолеть мужество и хитрость…
Golden Marriage
Su Li
On the day of their golden anniversary, a couple leave a long note to all their children and board a train. They are going back to the place where they first met each other. They are going to celebrate the golden jubilee by themselves, for themselves.
Sorry Baby
Ruan Dawei's friend
The film tells of the attempts made by a Beijing van driver (Ge You) to obtain his wage arrears from travel agency boss (Fu Biao) - even to the point of kidnapping the latter's Singaporean girlfriend (Jacklyn Wu).
The Dream Factory
Liang Zi
Four friends come up with an unusual idea to make some money and have fun doing it. For a small fee, they will impersonate and act out any character role for their customers. In the course of executing this novel service, they encounter a whole spectrum of people in society, finding ways to genuinely help them boost their morale and overcome their fears, while gaining unusual and new insights into the human condition.
A Born Coward
Family Feud
A family that runs a pawnshop has a few skeletons in the closet.