Pierre Javaux


Une vie après
Marion does not love her husband anymore. She decides to leave him to live fully, not to be locked in the reassuring comfort of a family life. Dominique lives with his wife an identical situation but he can not take the plunge.
Une vie après
Marion does not love her husband anymore. She decides to leave him to live fully, not to be locked in the reassuring comfort of a family life. Dominique lives with his wife an identical situation but he can not take the plunge.
Frenchmen 3
A NY Thing
Executive Producer
Masquerading as another man, Antoine flies to New York for a three-day stay and promptly falls in love with Alice, who's dating someone else. When that doesn't work out for him, Antoine turns to the city itself for inspiration.
Дети края
Май 1940 года Арденнский горно-лесной край Франции, накануне вторжения фашистских войск. Эта часть территории, которая (по мнению командования союзных войск) не пригодная для проведения масштабной наступательной операции со стороны Германии. Однако не все местные жители настроены столь благодушно и предусмотрительно покинули свои дома вблизи границы. В одной из таких деревень остались старый Гюстав (Мишель Серро), его внучка Камилла (Emma Javaux) и внук Этьен (Артур Чазал). И если Гюстава и Этьена такая перспектива даже радует, ведь старику каждый день приходиться сообщать о состоянии дел на границе по рации, то Камилла страдает от одиночества. Но все меняется когда, в почти заброшенную деревню, заходит патруль французских войск, африканского происхождения... А через несколько дней германские войска должны начать наступление на союзные войска через Арденны.
All the Beauty of the World
This is the story of Franck and Tina. Franck loves Tina, but she can't love him. The man of her life has just died and she's having a nervous breakdown. During a journey to Asia, where Tina attempts rediscover her zest for life, Franck gradually becomes indispensable as a guide, traveling companion and, soon, friend... Will Tina eventually fall in love with him?
In the arid Tunisian village of Bizerte, Khorma -- with his blonde-red hair and quirky habits -- is the town's kindly joke. His guardian is Bou Khaleb, the official announcer of births, deaths, and marriages. When the Bou mistakenly announces the death of a woman rather than her daughter's marriage, the film immerses us in the often-hilarious power struggles amongst the clerics of the "religion business".
The Pianist
Production Manager
Mario Gas directed this music-themed Spanish drama set in Barcelona of the mid-'80s. When famed composer Lluis Doria (Laurent Terzieff) visits a transvestite club, he learns his lifelong friend Albert Rossell (Serge Reggiani) is the house pianist. A flashback takes the tale four decades into the past where the younger Rossell (Pere Ponce) rejoins Teresa (Paulina Galvez) after having spent years in prison for helping anti-Franco anarchists. The story continues into Paris of the '30s, the period when Doria and Rossell first met, sharing a mutual interest in music and Teresa, before civil war sent them in different directions.
The Pianist
Mario Gas directed this music-themed Spanish drama set in Barcelona of the mid-'80s. When famed composer Lluis Doria (Laurent Terzieff) visits a transvestite club, he learns his lifelong friend Albert Rossell (Serge Reggiani) is the house pianist. A flashback takes the tale four decades into the past where the younger Rossell (Pere Ponce) rejoins Teresa (Paulina Galvez) after having spent years in prison for helping anti-Franco anarchists. The story continues into Paris of the '30s, the period when Doria and Rossell first met, sharing a mutual interest in music and Teresa, before civil war sent them in different directions.
Безбилетный пассажир
Фильм о том, как магнат умирает в большом лондонском особняке. Совет директоров компании узнаёт у нотариуса, что всё его экстраординарное наследство унаследуется неизвестному сыну: Рене Мерешалу. Совет не заинтересован в том, чтобы найти его, но, по закону, должен будет опубликовать объявление в газете. Получение денег из наследства будет с этого момента целью нескольких персонажей, движимых жадностью, которые отправляются на Таити в поисках Рене.