Vincenzo Musolino

Vincenzo Musolino

Рождение : 1930-05-09,

Смерть : 1969-05-09


Vincenzo Musolino


Quintana: Dead or Alive
Don Juan, the governor of a Mexican province, arrests Manuel, the fiancé of the beautiful heiress, Virginia. When Quintana frees Manuel, Don Juan kidnaps Virginia to force her hand in marriage. The ceremony is interrupted in a violent battle.
Quintana: Dead or Alive
Don Juan, the governor of a Mexican province, arrests Manuel, the fiancé of the beautiful heiress, Virginia. When Quintana frees Manuel, Don Juan kidnaps Virginia to force her hand in marriage. The ceremony is interrupted in a violent battle.
Quintana: Dead or Alive
Don Juan, the governor of a Mexican province, arrests Manuel, the fiancé of the beautiful heiress, Virginia. When Quintana frees Manuel, Don Juan kidnaps Virginia to force her hand in marriage. The ceremony is interrupted in a violent battle.
Проси прощения у Бога... но не у меня
Пока Джаманго находится вдали от своего ранчо, шайка бандитов нападает и убивает всех членов его семьи. Он отправляется мстить. Одного за другим он убивает бандитов и попутно узнает, что к этому преступлению причастен отец его любимой девушки.
Проси прощения у Бога... но не у меня
Пока Джаманго находится вдали от своего ранчо, шайка бандитов нападает и убивает всех членов его семьи. Он отправляется мстить. Одного за другим он убивает бандитов и попутно узнает, что к этому преступлению причастен отец его любимой девушки.
Don't Wait, Django… Shoot!
Django returns home to find out that his father has been killed, by local bandits, in a business deal gone wrong . He swears revenge and a mixture of lone gun men, gang members and bandits get involved with the search for a pouch of money, missing from the ill-fated deal.
Just when Cjamango has won a bag of gold in a poker game, he is attacked by the gangs of El Tigre and Don Pablo. As he recovers from the injuries caused by the attack, Cjamango becomes attached to a Mexican boy, Manuel, and to a beautiful girl, Perla. El Tigre and Pablo are meanwhile at odds with one another about the gold, and Cjamango tries to play them against themselves
Just when Cjamango has won a bag of gold in a poker game, he is attacked by the gangs of El Tigre and Don Pablo. As he recovers from the injuries caused by the attack, Cjamango becomes attached to a Mexican boy, Manuel, and to a beautiful girl, Perla. El Tigre and Pablo are meanwhile at odds with one another about the gold, and Cjamango tries to play them against themselves
Go with God, Gringo
Ramon / Raymond Cris
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB
Go with God, Gringo
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB
Go with God, Gringo
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB
Go with God, Gringo
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB
Зачем опять убивать?
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
Зачем опять убивать?
Executive Producer
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
Зачем опять убивать?
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
Зачем опять убивать?
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
Zorikan The Barbarian
The Film Zorikan The Barbarian
The Triumph of Robin Hood
Guglielmo "Il rosso"
Adventure film about the popular hero Robin Hood, and how he and his partisans take on the defence of King Richard Lion-Heart's interests against his brother John, while the former is in the Holy Land.
Duel of Fire
Antonio Franco's sister is been murdered by a gang of bandits. He swear vengeance and manage to infiltrate the gang to find the murders.
The Hawk of the Caribbean
Rodriguez, Pirate
In the mid-1500s, a ship containing Spanish prisoners being sent to a Spanish penal colony in the Caribbean sinks at sea, but some of the prisoners manage to survive and make it to shore at a nearby island. They organize themselves under the leadership of Juan Olivares (dynamically played by charismatic singer-actor Johnny Desmond), manage to take over a ship with some cargo that they barter for supplies, and eventually are asked to fight on behalf of the Spanish crown against the English... or is the request sincere?
Il segno del vendicatore
Италия. 1943 год. Молодая вдова Чезира бросает лавку в Сан-Лоренцо на попечение прежнего любовника и бежит от американских бомбардировок вместе с дочерью-подростком, Розеттой, в свою родную деревню. После изнурительного путешествия, она встречает Микеле, сына местного фермера, в которого влюбляется юная Розетта, а он влюбляется в ее прекрасную маму. Проходят дни, постепенно городок наполняется беженцами, бомбардировки усиливаются, а продуктов становится все меньше и меньше, и Микеле вынужден вывести из городка нескольких немцев безопасным путем, а Чезира и Розетта возвращаются в уже безопасный Рим. По дороге мать и дочь переживают трагедию, которая меняет их жизнь навсегда.
Все по домам
8 сентября 1943 года главнокомандующий войсками Италии маршал Бадольо объявляет о перемирии и скорой высадке американских войск на Аппенины. Все солдаты, утомленные войной, горят желанием возвратиться домой...
I vagabondi delle stelle
This is an Italian Comedy-Romance starring Terence Hill
Napoli piange e ride
Desiderio 'e sole
Noi cannibali
Fattore Rocco
A Sicilian nobleman is very jealous of his mistress and when she gets married flies off his handle and commits a murder of which an innocent man is accused. He is however tormented by his conscience.
The Bandit of Tacca del Lupo
In 19th century southern Italy (near Melfi, Basilicata), a small force of soldiers fight in the hills against the bandits who are holding their country to ransom.
Nobody Has Betrayed
A retiring teacher tells a young teacher the story of two old pupils, who once the war begins they will become enemies ...
Два гроша надежды
История вращается вокруг романа Кармелы, дочери владельца мастерской, и Антонио, бедного молодого человека, который пытается исправить свое финансовое положение…