Andrej Hryc

Andrej Hryc

Рождение : 1949-11-30, Bratislava, Československo [teraz Slovensko]

Смерть : 2021-01-31


Andrej Hryc, also known as Andy Hryc (* November 30, 1949, Bratislava) is a Slovak actor and businessman. He was a member of VPN and a founding member of HZDS. In 1971 he graduated in acting from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. [1] He began his acting career at the State Theater in Košice (1971 - 1978). From 1978 to 1981 he was a freelancer and since 1981 a member of the Bratislava New Stage ensemble. After the Gentle Revolution, he first entered politics and then founded the independent radio station Twist, of which he was the director until the end of 2004 (licensed in 1991, started broadcasting in February 1993 and broadcasting until April 2006). Since 2005 he has been the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and. with. Radio Twist. He was Honorary Consul of the Republic of Seychelles. For a short time he worked as the director of the New Stage. He has acted in a number of films, television and radio productions. In the Czech television series Black Barons (2004), directed by Juraj Herz, he played the main role of the legendary Major Terazky. Andrej Hryc is also a signatory of Anticharta. He was born in 1949 in Bratislava, where he graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts. As a theater actor, he worked at the State Theater in Košice, on the New Stage in Bratislava (where he was also the general director for a time) or as a freelance guest actor in other theaters. He also devoted himself to politics, founding Radio Twist, in which he also worked as its director. During his acting career, he has acted in more than 50 films (Furious Max and Ghosts, Friend in the Rain I., II., On the Beautiful Blue Danube, Rivers of Babylon), in many television programs and productions, series (Elizabeth's Court, Frankenstein's Aunt , Black Barons), regularly performed on Slovak radio, is a prominent figure in Slovak dubbing. He co-produced the Czech-Slovak production of the musical Hamlet in Prague and Bratislava. He currently performs as a musical actor at the Nová scéna theater in Bratislava and at the Prague Music Theater in Karlín. As the director of Radio Twist, he was the organizer of many public activities for the benefit of children's homes, charities, e.g. Red Cross, Cancer League, Smile as a Gift Foundation, Twist vs. AIDS Foundation. As Honorary Consul of the Republic of Seychelles in the Slovak Republic, he is the head of its embassy in Bratislava.


Andrej Hryc


Kouzelník Žito
Peter Bernard
Лето 2007 года. Через несколько месяцев Словакия вступит в Шенген, поэтому работа над усилением украинского-словацкой границы кипит. Жизнь в этом регионе никогда не была лёгкой, и для Адама - отца, мужа, сына и руководителя контрабандной преступной группы на пограничной территории - начинаются ещё более тяжелые времена. Ему изменяет деловой партнёр, которому он доверяет больше всех, на границе появляется новый товар - наркотики; после неудачной контрабанды долг опасному криминальному авторитету растёт каждый день. В конце концов нарушается и без того опасный баланс сил, а игроки этой арены оказываются в водовороте абсурдных и страшных событий.
Husband to Rent
Four swimmers - water polo players find themselves at the bottom of their existence after losing a match. So desperate that they even find themselves living at the bottom of their emptied pool. To save their "dignity" they start a questionable business "Husband to rent" fixing home items for local housewives. But as time will show the household items are not the only things they end up repairing.
Godfather's Story
Godfather's story is the story of the greatest of Czech post-revolutionary 'entrepreneurs'. His activities often crossed the edge of the law, and his life ended bullet assassin.
История о молодых влюбленных, об их решимости вырваться из безнадежного состояния, об их мужестве перед лицом смерти.
Vůně kávy
Bastardi 2
A man leaves his busy city life for the peace of the country home where he spent his early childhood. His new life is soon disturbed by strange events.
Кровавая графиня – Батори
Village Mayor
Исключительная личность Елизавета Батори интересует историков уже столетия. И даже сегодня, без малого 400 лет со дня смерти графини, взгляды на её жизнь расходятся. В книге рекордов Гиннеса она значится как самая «большая» и кровавая убийца. Фильм о её жизни и переплетениях самых влиятельных венгерских родов того времени.
Útěk do Budína
Rivers of Babylon
Dark satire about bare-knuckled capitalism in the immediate post-Cold War era. Set just as the Communist government is collapsing, the film focuses on the brutish Racz, the handyman in a Bratislava hotel. Knowing that his job is insured for life, Racz turns off the building's heat and demands food, money, and sex to have it restored. The film is narrated by a pimp named Urban who explains that people in the former Czechoslovakia were so used to being abused that they simply put up with Racz's corruption. By the end of the film, Racz's fortunes have changed considerably. Instead of being a lowly worker, he is now a ruthless and wealthy businessman, unafraid to kill or kidnap those who get in his way.
Провокационный абсурдистский эротический фильм рассказывает о таинственных похождениях молодого человека, заблудившегося в лабиринтах пассажа города Праги.
Новое платье короля
Окружённый лживыми и заискивающими придворными беспечно живёт глупый Король. Его голова занята лишь нарядами. А делами королевства заведует жадная Герцогиня. Налоги огромны, тюрьмы переполнены, народ возмущён. Чтобы открыть королю глаза на творящийся в государстве произвол, придворный портной Лоренцо и уличный бродяга Тобиас пускаются на отчаянную хитрость. Волшебная ткань, невидимая для глупцов, всего лишь дерзкая выдумка. Но именно она заставит Короля обратить внимание на свой народ. Только если у него хватит смелости выйти к людям голым, Король, наконец, узнаёт правду о своих придворных.
Es Lebe die Liebe, der Papst und das Puff
Prípad na vidieku
Kamarád do deště II – Příběh z Brooklynu
Janko Gondášik
Sila lásky
Kamarád do deště
Freckled Max and the Spooks
A parody of Frankensteinian stories. It is a story of a little boy, an orphan who arrives at the Castle of Count Frankenstein - a world inhabited by mysterious and sometimes a bit ridiculous scary creatures. Although each one of them is different, they all share one thing: they feel lonely and they are desperate for a little love and affection.
The Galoshes of Happiness
Koník z ebenu
Run, He Is Coming!
Hadzi Rawall
A comedy about happiness, Indian magic and adultery. One day Mr and Mrs Sysel happen to solve the problem of lacking enough room in their tiny flat. They break through the wall into their neighbour's comfortable flat, from which they borrow not only additional square feets of space, but things of his personal property as well.
Uloupené dětství
Chlapec do náručia
Sweet Troubles
Fero Balucha
A comedy about Simon, an honest, clever confectioner. In practical life, the humble bachelor becomes an easy prey to his boss, his mother, and hordes of women eager to get married. The story incorporates well-tested methods of nearly all major periods in the history of film comedy: from a lumierish etude with the garden hose to a melancholic tramp to the menace of the streets Jacques Tati. Director Juraj Herz made a major contribution to the modest tradition of Slovak film comedy.
Drevená krava
Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
Malvína z Bretónska
Pražská terčovnica
Mojmír II.
Princezná s jedným krídlom a jednou plutvou
Vynes na horu svoj hrob
Ráno pod mesiacom
Platiť sa nebude
The Lawyer
The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in private her life.
Poštársky príbeh
If I Had a Girl
Sebechlebskí hudci
Полевые лилии
Zavalitý (voice) / Market Inspector (voice)
Снятый в эстетике старых, пожелтевших от времени фотографий фильм рассказывает о том, как сорванные войной из домов своих предков и затем подхваченные ветром странствий, они разрываются между жаждой свободы, не обремененной никакими привязанностями, и столь же сильной и естественной тягой к родному гнезду, теплу и любви. В образных решениях фильма сюрреалистическая метафоричность уже лишь одно из слагаемых художественного опыта художника, мечтающего возродить непосредственное отношение человека к реальности, освежить восприятие мира, в котором он живет. Последним объясняется его ориентация на асоциальные слои общества в выборе персонажей. Воплощением его идеи полноты и целостности естественной жизни становятся воры, бывшие солдаты, ставшие бродягами, авантюристы, странники и т.п. ...