R. Kannan

R. Kannan


R. Kannan


Kasethan Kadavulada
Kasethan Kadavulada
Kasethan Kadavulada
Kasethan Kadavulada
The Great Indian Kitchen
Post her marriage, a woman tries to fit into the conventional mould that society has prescribed for married women. But somewhere along the way, she starts feeling that this is not the life she wants.
Thalli Pogathey
A woman invites her ex-lover, to spend 10 days with her and her husband to show that she is actually leading a happy life.
Thalli Pogathey
A woman invites her ex-lover, to spend 10 days with her and her husband to show that she is actually leading a happy life.
Thalli Pogathey
A woman invites her ex-lover, to spend 10 days with her and her husband to show that she is actually leading a happy life.
The son of a biscuit maker grows up as a worker in the company that his dead father founded. One say, a guardian angel walks into his life, and tells him stories that change his life for the better.
The son of a biscuit maker grows up as a worker in the company that his dead father founded. One say, a guardian angel walks into his life, and tells him stories that change his life for the better.
The son of a biscuit maker grows up as a worker in the company that his dead father founded. One say, a guardian angel walks into his life, and tells him stories that change his life for the better.
A guy who gets a face transplant done, following a fire accident, realises many are after his life. He sets out to find the reason for the same.
A guy who gets a face transplant done, following a fire accident, realises many are after his life. He sets out to find the reason for the same.
A guy who gets a face transplant done, following a fire accident, realises many are after his life. He sets out to find the reason for the same.
A guy who gets a face transplant done, following a fire accident, realises many are after his life. He sets out to find the reason for the same.
Ivan Thanthiran
Two engineering dropouts stumble upon the activities of a corrupt education minister owning engineering colleges and expose him. The minister wants revenge and launches a manhunt for them. The cat-and-mouse game begins...
Ivan Thanthiran
Two engineering dropouts stumble upon the activities of a corrupt education minister owning engineering colleges and expose him. The minister wants revenge and launches a manhunt for them. The cat-and-mouse game begins...
Ivan Thanthiran
Two engineering dropouts stumble upon the activities of a corrupt education minister owning engineering colleges and expose him. The minister wants revenge and launches a manhunt for them. The cat-and-mouse game begins...
Oru Oorla Rendu Raja
A young doctor decides to expose the inhuman working conditions in a factory run by a selfish owner. Attempts are made on her life, but two aimless drifters whom she encounters on a train come to her rescue.
Oru Oorla Rendu Raja
A young doctor decides to expose the inhuman working conditions in a factory run by a selfish owner. Attempts are made on her life, but two aimless drifters whom she encounters on a train come to her rescue.
Oru Oorla Rendu Raja
A young doctor decides to expose the inhuman working conditions in a factory run by a selfish owner. Attempts are made on her life, but two aimless drifters whom she encounters on a train come to her rescue.
Oru Oorla Rendu Raja
A young doctor decides to expose the inhuman working conditions in a factory run by a selfish owner. Attempts are made on her life, but two aimless drifters whom she encounters on a train come to her rescue.
Oru Oorla Rendu Raja
A young doctor decides to expose the inhuman working conditions in a factory run by a selfish owner. Attempts are made on her life, but two aimless drifters whom she encounters on a train come to her rescue.
Three struggling room-mates unknowingly become potential prey of a ruthless gangster
Three struggling room-mates unknowingly become potential prey of a ruthless gangster
Vandhaan Vendraan
Vandhaan Vendraan
Адитье очень не везет в последнее время, видимо в его жизни началась настоящая черная полоса. С бизнесом дела не ладятся, любимая девушка выходит замуж за другого, домой он возвращаться не хочет… И тогда Адитья садится на первый же поезд и едет в неизвестном направлении. В поезде Адитье попадается болтливая попутчица по имени Гит. Она настолько утомила его, что он решает сойти на ближайшей станции. Но и Гит идет за ним. В итоге оба оказываются просто на улице, поезд ушел, а впереди их ждут приключения…
Адитье очень не везет в последнее время, видимо в его жизни началась настоящая черная полоса. С бизнесом дела не ладятся, любимая девушка выходит замуж за другого, домой он возвращаться не хочет… И тогда Адитья садится на первый же поезд и едет в неизвестном направлении. В поезде Адитье попадается болтливая попутчица по имени Гит. Она настолько утомила его, что он решает сойти на ближайшей станции. Но и Гит идет за ним. В итоге оба оказываются просто на улице, поезд ушел, а впереди их ждут приключения…
Jayam Kondaan
The film revolves around an Information technology professional, who returns to Chennai from London, to set up his own business. Follows the sibling relationship and the threat from the rowdy.
Jayam Kondaan
The film revolves around an Information technology professional, who returns to Chennai from London, to set up his own business. Follows the sibling relationship and the threat from the rowdy.
Assistant Director
В маленькой деревне Идхар живет молодой человек по имени Гурукант, мечтающий оказаться на вершине славы и богатства. Движимый своим честолюбием, юноша отправляется в город вместе со своей женой и шурином для воплощения своейзаветной мечты. Очень скоро становится ясно, что деловой мир - закрытоесообщество, которым управляет горстка богатых и влиятельный людей, и они не потерпят вторжения новичка. Несмотря на преграды, Гуру основывает торговую компанию и начинает свое восхождение по лестнице успеха. На своем пути Гуру встречает издателя Маника Нанаджи, который принимает его как сына, помогает ему и верит его ycпех. Однако Гуру считает, что все им достигнутое -исключительно его рук дело. Нанаджи разочарован...
Aayitha Ezhuthu
Assistant Director
A goon, who dreams of making it big in life, a student leader, who strives to keep politicians away from college election and a third guy who wants to settle abroad. Their lives change after an incident on a bridge.
Kannathil Muthamittal
Assistant Director
A little girl is told by her parents that she is adopted. Determined to find her birth mother, her family eventually agrees to take her to Sri Lanka, where they encounter the militant group known as the Tamil Tigers.
Senthoora Poove
Assistant Director
Story about how a young girl is ill-treated by her step-mother and how her brother's friend saves her and her husband.