Yoshiko Tanaka

Yoshiko Tanaka

Рождение : 1956-04-08, Adachi, Tokyo, Japan

Смерть : 2011-04-21


Yoshiko Tanaka (田中 好子, Tanaka Yoshiko, April 8, 1956 – April 21, 2011) was a Japanese actress. She was also famous as a member of the pop group Candies. While a member of Candies, Tanaka was known by the nickname "Sue"   Still at the height of its popularity, the group disbanded in 1978.  Tanaka was also the sister-in-law of the well-known actress Masako Natsume. Tanaka was born in Adachi, Tokyo, Japan. In her Candies period her nickname was Sue. She also had a role in Godzilla vs. Biollante, portraying Asuka Okouchi. She won the award for best actress at the 14th Hochi Film Award for Black Rain. In 1991, she married golfer Kazuo Odate, and was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1992. In October 2010, Tanaka's cancer relapsed and she died on April 21, 2011. She was 55 years old at the time of her death. Description above from the Wikipedia article Yoshiko Tanaka, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Yoshiko Tanaka


Tenohira no memo
Hitsudan Hostess
Emiko Saito
The story is based on the bestselling autobiography of 25-year-old Rie Saito, who became a number-one hostess in Ginza despite being deaf. "Hitsudan Hostess" was published by Kobunsha this past May, and so far it has sold roughly 115,000 copies. The book depicts the life of Saito, who was born in Aomori and became deaf at the age of 1 due to an illness. She rebelled against her strict parents, and she ran away from home several times as a youth. At a local club, she began taking an interest in "hitsudan" (communicating through writing), which she later made use of when she moved to Tokyo and became a popular hostess at a Ginza club. --Tokyograph
Yukie Inotani
Heartwarming human drama about a former tap dancer who trades in his tap shoes to woo a figure skating instructor. But by a twist of fate, he finds himself coaching a local ice hockey team of hapless youths and leading them to a championship
Best Wishes for Tomorrow
Aiko Mizutani
A Japanese Class B war criminal sets out to take full responsibility for the execution of American Airmen.
Winds From Zero
Keiko Mogi
On April 9, 2000, Suzuki Kyoko receives a phone call from the police. She learns that her 19-year-old son and his friend were killed by a drunk driver while walking along a bridge in Zama. Suzuki Kyoko lost her husband to cancer five years earlier and her world crashes down. The drunk driver was given the maximum sentence at the time 5 1/2 years. Suzuki Kyoko then spearheads a movement to increase the penalty for reckless driving. She also enrolls at Waseda University where her son died just a week after his entrance ceremony. Suzuki Kyoko also starts an exhibit to honor the victims of reckless driving.
In the early morning of January 17, 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck, and Tadao Furuichi (Hidekazu Akai), who was running a camera store in Kobe City, lost his friends, his house, and his property. Tadao is busy volunteering for the reconstruction of the town, and one day he comes across his own golf bag that survived the earthquake. Feeling a miracle, Tadao decides to challenge the professional golf test before he turns 60.
The Deep Red
Kayo Saiko
Shinku is a compelling drama that focuses on the strange relationship that develops between two people who find their lives irrevocably changed as a result of a horrible multiple homicide. The first person traumatized is the lone survivor of the terrible family bloodbath, a girl who grows up to be a pretty college student. The second person affected by this heinous crime is the daughter of the murderer, a young girl who ends up becoming a tattooed bartender. A full decade after the crime, the killer is finally going to be executed, and the surviving member of the massacre decides to reach out and befriend the murderer's daughter. A tentative, odd sort of friendship blossoms between these two people, both of whom seem to have little in common personally, and every reason in the world for not wanting to meet. Yet they do, but not without reservations. And really, is this friendship quite what it seems? Or is it all part of some twisted plan for vengeance?
Megumi Kasa
Asako is your typical seventeen-year-old, high school truant. She has no goals for the future and doesn’t know what direction her life is taking. Then she meets Aoki Kazuyoshi, a ten-year-old boy living nearby. Although still a precocious child, Kazuyoshi poses as a twenty-six-year-old housewife on an erotic internet chat site. Kazuyoshi invites Asako into the erotic business world, and she immediately becomes immersed in an adult world that she had no idea existed. The door is wide open for the curious Asako, who discovers things that she has never dreamed of, but is this truly the right path for her life?
Touch a Dream
Женщина в зеркале
Неторопливая загадочная история семьи Кавасэ. Пожилая Аи Кавасэ воспитывает внучку Нацуки, мать которой Мива Кавасэ оставила ребенка сразу после рождения и сбежала. 20 лет спустя полиция находит Масако Оноуэ, которая хранит у себя документы сбежавшей Мива Кавасэ. У найденной женщины амнезия и она не может признать в Аи Кавасэ свою мать. Однако она охвачена воспоминаниями, которые Аи Кавасэ пытается забыть всю свою жизнь. Для всех окружающих решение лежит на поверхности – это проведение ДНК-теста. Но героини выбирают другой путь - мучительный поиск собственной идентичности в вихре обмана, несправедливости и воспоминаний об атомной бомбардировке.
Звонок 0: Рождение
Akiko Miyaji
Фильм предлагает предысторию роковых событий «Звонка» — рассказ о юной девушке Садако, которая обнаруживает в себе загадочные и устрашающие способности. Может быть, призрак внутри экрана — не исчадие Зла, а жертва людской ненависти.
Railroad Man
Akiko Sugiura
A railway stationmaster at a dying end-of-the-line village in Hokkaido is haunted by memories of his dead wife and daughter. When the railroad line is scheduled to be closed, he is offered a job at a hotel, but he is emotionally unable to part with his career as a railroader. His life takes a turn when he meets a young woman with an interest in trains who resembles his daughter.
Fourteen-year old student Ayumi has leukemia and starts losing hair. She becomes depressed but receives overwhelming support from her classmates when they all shave their heads for her.
Salaryman Senka: Tanshin Funin
Based on the long running manga of the same name by Sadao Shouji.
Salaryman Senka
Based on the manga by Sadao Jouji which has been running in the magazine Shukan Gendai since 1969.
Keiji hebi ni yokogirareru
Starring Ken Takakura, this TV special depicts a detective (Akira Hayasaka) who lives in a harsh life with pride and conviction. Minoru Akiba, Chief of the Investigation Division 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department, is a veteran detective who has passed through the shrine in numerous incidents. His wife was killed by a criminal he caught 13 years ago as revenge. There is a report that his former subordinate, Constable Murasawa, was stabbed to death under Akiba... Suzuki Kyoka plays his daughter.
Послеобеденное завещание
Знаменитая пожилая актриса Йоко отправляется на короткий отдых в горную хижину. Когда-то она блистала в пьесах Чехова… Отголоски «Чайки» и «Трех сестер» можно заметить и в ее собственной истории. Это фильм о жизни японских стариков. О их радостях и горестях. Немного смешной, но в тоже время очень грустный…
Chikako Sato
The story of a bus conductor who dedicates his life to the cherished Japanese symbol.
The Tomb & the Divorce
Atsuko Ishino
Yoshinori sells plots of land in a cemetery, and is involved in a stale ten-year-old marriage with bored housewife Atsuko. When Atsuko makes a male friend at her leather-working class, Yoshinori has a fit. This is on top of the myriad of odd clients that he must appease.
Araki Mataemon: Duel at Kagiya Corners
Watanabe Kazuma's younger brother is brutally murdered by Kawai Matagoro. However, Kazuma's vendetta is denied since the Japanese law in the 17th Century only allowed a samurai to avenge his father or older brother, but not a younger brother. This incident makes his family member Araki Mataemon face his best friend in order to clear path for Kazuma. The tension mounts as they must carry out the vengeance before the murderer Kawai Matagoro reaches the safety of a direct retainer of the Shogun.
Годзилла против Мотры: Битва за Землю
Планета Земля решает отомстить людям за неправильное отношение к природе и насылает на них злобного монстра Баттру. Единственное спасение от него — гигантская бабочка Мотра, но она давно спит, и её нужно разбудить. К тому же есть ещё и Годзилла, и никто не знает, чью сторону он примет в этой битве.
Годзилла против Биолланте
Asuka Okouchi
Гениальный ученый Шурагами создал супер организм Биорант, используя для этого радиоактивные клетки Годзиллы, за которыми охотится международная мафия. А в это время извержение вулкана возродило спящего на дне Токийского залива Годзиллу к жизни. Жители Япония в панике — встреча двух монстров неизбежна и выживет только один из них. И на этот случай силы обороны приготовили своё новое оружие «Супер Икс-2», с помощью которого они готовы уничтожить уцелевшего монстра.
Черный дождь
Атомная бомба перевернула, искалечила судьбы всех главных персонажей фильма. Не говоря уже о чисто физических страданиях, она изменила и их психологию. Через пять лет после взрыва все выглядит внешне спокойно в деревне близ Хиросимы: женщины обрабатывают рисовые поля, убирают урожай, сплетничают, мужчины удят рыбу. Но те, кто стал жертвой атомной бомбардировки, больше не чувствуют себя равноправными членами общества. К ним относятся с недоверием, их сторонятся.
Дневник Юмэтиё
Сатико Нагаи всю жизнь прожила в чайном доме. Никто не называет её по имени, для всех она обаятельная гейша Юмэтиё. В детстве она стала жертвой атомной бомбардировки. И вот теперь врачи ставят ей страшный диагноз, и утверждают, что ей осталось жить не более полугода. Что она должна успеть сделать за эти последние несколько месяцев?
The Man from Shimizu
On the day his mother dies, young gambler Jirocho swears in front of her grave that he'll never gamble again. But, that night, Jirocho heads to a gambling den, where he bets the condolence money for his mother's funeral. No surprise to learn he loses the lot. Not the hard-boiled yakuza story it seems, this is a comedy featuring many new artists who were making a name for themselves at the time.
Himeyuri no Tô
Haruko Kaura
A remake of the 1953 film of the same name.
The First Catch
Based on the comic book series of the same name by Yûsuke Aoyagi.
Chotaro and Nakanishi, a duo of unemployed advertisers, drifted to Isehama, a port town near Yokohama, but a gang was making its presence felt in the town and the shopkeepers in the shopping arcade were troubled by it. Chotaro poses as a journalist and uses his words of wisdom to suggest that pen is mightier than the sword, so they create a mini-comic magazine and launch a campaign to expel the gang.
Перевал Косудзумэ
Токутаро - ребенок-сирота, который становится продавцом уличных конфет. Он продает конфеты, напевая песню, которой он давно научился у своей мамы. Однажды по пути он встретился с ворами, и эта встреча изменила их жизнь так, как они не могли себе представить.
An Eraser in My Head
Kono Azusa
An art school student and an artist find love but soon must face a painful struggle.