Solène Rigot

Solène Rigot

Рождение : 1992-09-09, Paris, France


Solène Rigot (born 1992) is a French actress and musician. She is mostly known for playing the lead role in the Belgian movie Puppylove. Her first big role was in 17 Girls. Her performance was praised in the French movie Les Révoltés. She starred in the music video "Up All Night" by Beck. She is also a member of the French musical group known as Mr. Crock. The French newspaper L'Express reported that she grew up in the Paris suburb of Rosny-sous-Bois. In her interview to French magazine Les Inrockuptibles, she said that she took music lessons from childhood and then she auditioned for her first film La Permission de minuit. Source: Article "Solène Rigot" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Solène Rigot


Ceux de la nuit
The French-Italian border at the Montgenèvre pass. Daytime reality: tourism, capital invested to make the mountain profitable. At night: the fragile destiny of more than ten thousand men, women and children who, in four years, risked their lives to cross the border.
To avoid facing her heavy past, a young woman with a borderline personality tries to seduce her strange neighbor. A singular love story between these two lonely and wounded souls is born, but will it be enough to save them from themselves?
Любовное письмо
La jeune voyageuse
Отвергнутый бывшей девушкой, Джонас заходит в кафе рядом с ее домом и пишет ей прощальное любовное письмо. Погруженный в свои переживания, он не замечает, как рядом маячит новая история любви, а текст страница за страницей превращается в нечто большее, чем просто письмо...
Electric Bodies
In a future where human memory is recorded on cards and biomechanical bodies are replaced by biological ones, anyone can change appearance following their mood, as long as they can afford it. But people who can not continue to rent their expensive bodies and are forced to abandon them. This is what threatens Emma Beaufort.
Anna is a young aspiring actress. Living in a small and old apartment in the projects and failing all her castings next to more talented young girls, she dreams of being someone else and living another life. During a movie casting, she steals an expensive purse belonging to one of the contestants. Inside of it, she finds a letter informing its rightful owner that her biological parents have revealed their identities. This is the opportunity for Anna to play a role hopefully rewarded with a cash prize. Unfortunately for Anna, she is going to learn the hard way that it is dangerous to play with someone else's identity.
Capucine, her sick mother and Eugénie hit the road to try to escape the radioactive cloud that is heading straight for their little town.
Хороший доктор
Rose Malaparte
У дежурного врача прихватило поясницу. Чтобы не оставлять пациентов без внимания накануне праздников и уберечь себя от увольнения, он уговорил простого курьера ходить на вызовы.
Чёрная месса
Two down-on-their-luck strangers become improbable companions in misfortune.
French Touch: Girls on Fire
Charlotte (archive footage)
Nothing can stop these girls from getting what they want in life, but if you try to touch, you might get burnt. An anthology of short films with women blazing in the lead.
Неженская игра
Corine Fricoteau
Реймс, 1969 год. Поль Кутар, неисправимый ловелас и спортивный журналист газеты «Шампенуа», решил бросить вызов своему директору и организовать на ежегодном празднике газеты женский футбольный матч. Его заклятый враг, секретарь дирекции Эммануэль Бруно, была вынуждена помогать ему. Они и не подозревали о том, что создадут первую во Франции женскую футбольную команду.
Camille, an assistant at an art gallery, hosts Masato Kimura, a Japanese video game designer who has come to France to promote his latest creation. Indifferent to his world, Camille finds the man inscrutable until Masato asks to use her face in his next game.
A young woman who moves to Paris and has a brush with disaster. The grown-up at last, an accomplished woman, who thought she was safe from her own past. Gradually, these characters come together to form a single heroine.
Marion Lamiral
История молодой атеистки, которая во время оккупации Франции Германией встречает на своём пути католического пастора. Отец Моран заставляет юную коммунистку усомниться в своих представлениях о Боге и в корне изменить свою точку зрения.
On the Hunt
Twenty-year-old Anaïs works with her father on a farm that is struggling to keep operating. When their fertilizer distribution machine, borrowed from the farming cooperative, is stolen, Anaïs reacts, and fights in order to continue working, and to keep her father, on the brink of giving up and selling their farm, afloat. She also grows closer with a seasonal worker who she suspects is behind the robbery.
Light Thereafter
Pavel, an emotionally volatile and socially alienated young man, sets off across Europe in search of his idol, the enigmatic painter Arnaud. Desperately lonely and adrift, Pavel tries to adhere to the host of characters he meets along the way.
The Together Project
La nageuse trop maquillée
Samir, a lanky crane operator in Montreuil, falls madly for Agathe. As master swimmer at the pool Thorez he decides to take swimming lessons with her. But the lie does not last three lessons - Agathe hate liars. Chosen to represent the Seine-Saint-Denis, Agathe flies to Iceland for the 10th Congress of the International Masters Swimming. Samir has no choice but to fly in turn also.
Сент-Амур: Удовольствия любви
Jennifer, la serveuse du restaurant
Крестьянский увалень Брюно мечтает о женитьбе. Он больше не хочет быть фермером и заниматься разведением племенных быков. Его отец, стремясь помочь сыну преодолеть кризис, отправляется с ним в поездку по винодельческим регионам Франции. В пути их сопровождает незадачливый ловелас Майк. Трое авантюристов не только наслаждаются восхитительными винами, но и попадают в самые невероятные любовные истории.
Eaux vives
Anna, a young mother, lives alone with her son in the suburbs. But when her son is placed in a home, her life falls apart and her feelings become confused.
The Girls
It's the summer. Charlotte is working in a tollbooth on the Autoroute du Sud motorway and training for the amateur football match organised by her sister Nathalie.
Chez Ramzi
Young Girl
Thomas cannot get over his breakup. He heads to the fast food restaurant run by his friends Mickael and Ramzi. They do everything possible to give him generally useful pieces of advice.
Les Révoltés
Pavel has a good job in the village factory and is sure to marry Anja, his best friend from childhood. It's written in the Book of Life. But reality doesn't follow books.
Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.
Helix Aspersa
A dad and his two daughters are looking for old materials to recycle in a forest rubbish tip. Despite the apparent peace of the forest, each of the three characters is going to face up to the dangers running through the tip and its surroundings.
I Made My Own Course Down the Passive Rivers
Flore, eighteen years old, joins Arthur to go to a party which does not exist. On their way, strange characters and hallucinations lead them into the night. Flore experiences mourning and her lost childhood to find herself at the heart of her desire.
Your Violence
La fille de l'avocat
A lawyer and his daughter are the victims of a brutal assault. When the police find the perfect suspect, an obsessive search for the truth begins. As the man himself walking the line between distressed father and ethical lawyer, he is faced with an inner struggle of conscience.
The story of Maxime, a 33-year-old musician, who has come to find refuge in his father’s home in the town of Tonnerre. There he will have the joy and the bad luck of meeting Mélodie, a 21-year-old girl trapped by her love for her childhood sweetheart. One and the other will not experience the same story at the same time, which will trigger a series of incidents.
Lulu in the Nude
After a job interview gone wrong, Lulu sets sail leaving her husband and three children behind. But being an adventurer is easier said than done.
The Good Life
Sylvain and Pierre have been running from the law ever since a custody battle with their mother pushed their father Yves into hiding ten years ago. But now that they’re older, the two brothers are road-weary and eager to take advantage of the perks of young adulthood. When the authorities discover their whereabouts, they are forced to move yet again and Pierre, the elder, disappears. Alone with his father on an island in the Loire River, Sylvain meets Gilda: his first girl, his first crush, and the first stop on his way to “the good life” – his own.
Diane is a mysterious and lonely teenager. Sharing special bonds with her father Christian, she takes care of the education of her brother Marc. The arrival of Julia in the neighborhood, a charismatic and liberated young British woman, is going to disturb Diane’s daily life. Desperately willing to become an adult, Diane is going to live, for a semester, the most shattering experiences of her life. The more she gets close to Julia, the more she gets irresponsible, ignoring consequences and limits to her desires.
Anna et Otto
Otto and Anna, a brother and sister in their twenties, separated by the divorce of their parents, live on two continents. The vagaries of life keep them apart.
Ренуар. Последняя любовь
Лазурный берег, 1915 год. Седовласый Огюст Ренуар получает известие о том, что любимый сын Жан ранен на фронте. Единственное, что скрашивает горькое отшельничество художника, — присутствие рядом молодой рыжеволосой натурщицы. Ослепительная Андре становится последней музой мастера и наполняет его мир новыми красками. Не удивительно, что вернувшийся с фронта Жан страстно влюбляется в удивительную красавицу…
Mona is fifteen years old and she still wets the bed. Alone, she is trying to find a solution to this increasingly embarrassing problem.
17 девушек
После того как упрямая девушка-подросток по случайности становится беременной, группа сверстниц-школьниц заключают между собой пакт и осознанно следуют её примеру. Это становится настоящим шоком для их родителей и всего небольшого консервативного городка.
Полночное разрешение
13-летний Ромен болен редкой генетической болезнью, из-за которой он не может появляться на солнечном свете. 50-летний Давид профессор дерматологии, который присматривал и ухаживал за ним с двухлетнего возраста. За эти годы они сильно привязались друг к другу, и между ними возникла необычная дружба, но теперь Давида ожидает перевод в другое заведение и неизбежное расставание со своим пациентом и близким другом, к которому тот совершенно не готов.