Claudio Treves
Фильм воссоздаёт обстоятельства похищения и убийства лидера итальянской антифашистской оппозиции Джакомо Маттеотти в начале 20-х годов,, публично разоблачавшего фальсифицированные результаты голосования в парламент. Убийство Маттеотти фашистами вызвало взрыв возмущения в стране и привело к созданию антифашистского Авентинского блока и к острому кризису фашистского режима под управлением Муссолини.
Anna is a girl who has been under psychiatric therapy for a long time and she needs lots and lots of love.
Don Paolo, a young parson troubled by his love for Agnese, tries to make peace in a little village in Sardinia where two families are at war.
Il funzionario della Casa per il Mezzogiorno
Когда молодая и привлекательная Лина, воровка, как и все члены ее семьи, решает обокрасть таксиста Паоло, она даже не подозревает, что это раз и навсегда изменит ее жизнь.
Domenico Barbaja
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Il sovrintendente
История семьи Рикорди, самого престижного музыкального издателя во всей Италии.
(Voice dubbing for Franco Fabrizi)
A team of highly trained Italian seamen are taken to the island of Stampalia where there are to take their torpedo-laden attack craft on a daring attack on the port of Suda.
A satire of the Cold War, Italian style. Soviet flunkey Boris Popovitc is sent on a goodwill mission to Rome, where he is to deliver a symbolic dove of peace to a group of WW II freedom fighters. Somehow, Boris winds up in Venice minus the dove. As he searches up street and down canal for the missing bird, he meets and falls in love with luscious flower-girl Maria.
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
Ambasciatore d'Inghilterra
A young bourgeois who launders money for the mafia gets accused of murder.
Il falsario
In a post-war Rome (1946) a cat burglar inadvertently saves the life of a would-be suicide man who returns from the war to find that he has been betrayed by his fiancée while fighting in the war. From that moment the thief takes the ex-soldier under his wing. They leave house together for a night full of misadventures. In a streets of Rome they meet the struggling typist who can’t pay her rent and opts to street life; a wandering amnesiac who lost his memory and keeps asking everyone “Do you recognize me?”. Thieves, gamblers, hookers, policemen, soldiers and endless chain of cigarette-smoking and alcohol/espresso-drinking.