Nazmi Kırık

Nazmi Kırık

Рождение : 1976-01-01, Diyarbakır, Turkey


Nazmi Kırık
Nazmi Kırık
Nazmi Kırık


Elaha, 22, believes she must restore her supposed innocence before she weds. A surgeon could reconstruct her hymen but she cannot afford such an operation. She asks herself: why does she have to be a virgin anyway, and for whom?
Песня сердца
Во время выступления на свадьбе, которая вскоре срывается, странствующий музыкант влюбляется в невесту, попавшую в беду из-за своей семьи. Теперь он должен спасти ей жизнь.
Рабие Курназ против Джорджа Буша
Рабие Курназ - обычная бременская домохозяйка турецкого происхождения. После 11 сентября 2001 года ее сына обвиняют в подготовке теракта и отправляют в лагерь Гуантанамо. Это знаменует начало путешествия решительной женщины на пару со своим адвокатом в сердце мировой политики – вплоть до Верховного суда в Вашингтоне.
The Verdict in the Case of K.
Following a trial and a verdict, a family tries to find their way back to normality. They are forced, however, to deal with the expectations of the Turkish community to which they belong.
Цыганская Королева
Цыганская мать-одиночка Али, которую отец выгнал из дома, пытается устроить свою жизнь в Гамбурге, вкалывая на нелегальных работах. Однажды в ночном клубе, где проходят бои, она встречает такого же неудавшегося, бывшего боксера Танне. Он обнаруживает в ней боксерский талант — когда-то Али была чемпионкой среди юниоров. В финальном бою побеждает не тот, кто злее или сильнее, а кому есть за что биться.
Miracles Of Love
During the 1960s, a disabled man finds himself in an arranged marriage to the most beautiful girl in the village.
The Heavy Burden
AVDEL feeds his family with the salary of his old donkey, BOZO, who works in the waste department of the city of Mardin in Turkey. It is also home to his nephew, SALIH, who fled Syria because of the war. After BOZO’s “retirement”, Avdel must find a younger ass to continue to earn his salary. So traumatized by the war Salih returns to Syria to recover his.
22 мая 1963 года. Группа военных, недовольных существующей социальной и политической ситуацией в стране решают совершить военный переворот, захватит правительство в Анкаре. По плану, в это же время их единомышленники в Стамбуле должны захватить Национальную радиостанцию, чтобы объявить о смене власти. Но ситуация выходит из-под контроля. Столкнувшись с непреодолимыми преградами, в виде внезапного ливня, отсутствия технического сотрудника радиостанции, предательства, связей с Анкарой и собственной бестолковостью, стамбульская группа несмотря ни на что полна решимости следовать плану - захватить контроль над радиостанцией и объявить народу о перевороте. Если он, конечно, произошел.
The Nested Game
An unfair game filled with lies and tricks played around a table covetously by big brothers of the neighbourhood... The nested game...
1960s Turkey countryside. A newly assigned teacher finds out that the solitary village is missing a school. He gets fond of the village people and especially a disabled man. The teacher helps the village to build a new school and educate the children and the disabled man.
Memories on Stone
Kurdish childhood friends Hussein and Alan want to produce a film about the genocide of Kurdish people in Iraq, the Anfal campaign in 1988. They learn that, to achieve veracity by the means of cinema and to face their own identity, it's worth putting everything on the line - even their own life.
Letter to the King
In Letter to the King we meet a group of refugees, all with their own agendas, on an excursion to Oslo. A young man about to be deported visits his former employers to collect his off-the-books salary, a martial arts expert is looking for work, a young woman is haunted by the past and out for vengeance and an old man named Mirza is busy writing a letter to the king to get his final wish granted. An altogether urgent and nuanced portrait of a motley group of individuals, too often regarded as a homogeneous group.
Government Woman 2
Government Woman
Xate is an ordinary woman from Midyat with eight children in tow. The only thing that sets her apart is her husband's job as Mayor of Midyat. Until, that is, an extraordinary day changes her life - and the lives of everyone else in Midyat. For the illiterate, uneducated Xate becomes Mayor of Midyat! While she takes on her mayoral duties much as she does those in her house, the infantile rivalry between her children in municipal matters leads to adventures that have the Midyat folk howling with laughter.
Твоя красота ничего не стоит
Семья 12-летнего Вейсела недавно эмигрировала из Турции в Австрию. Приспособиться к новой жизни мальчику нелегко. Он почти не знает немецкого языка и испытывает серьёзные проблемы в общении с одноклассниками. Не ладятся дела и дома: старший брат обвиняет отца-курда в том, что тот оставил жену и детей и много лет воевал за независимость турецкого Курдистана. Поддерживает мальчика лишь любовь к ровеснице Анне, на которую он каждый день любуется в школе. Ради неё он хочет перевести на немецкий стихотворение своего любимого поэта и певца Ашика Вейселя, которое начинается со слов «Твоя красота ничего не стоит без моей любви…»
If You Die, I'll Kill You
In Paris' cosmopolitan and colorful 10th arrondissement, Philippe, who's fresh out of prison, crosses paths with Avdal, a Kurd who is trying to track down an Iraqi war criminal. Avdal, who dreams of staying in France, plans to bring his fiancee Siba to Paris. She's due to arrive in the next few days. The two men strike up a friendship and when Avdal dies suddenly and unexpectedly, Philippe finds himself left to organize the funeral arrangements. What should he do with the body? Siba arrives in Paris, and soon learns that Avdal has died. She is taken in by a group of Kurdish men and before long she also meets Philippe - all of whom are quite smitten by her beauty. Meanwhile, Avdal's father Cheto, a devout Muslim, comes to Paris to grieve for his son. He intends to force Siba to return to her homeland, but the young woman has now had a taste of freedom.
Maman est folle
Dol: The Valley of Tambourines
On his wedding day, a Kurdish man must flee through Turkish, then Iraqi and eventually Iranian Kurdistan.
Tekin Yayladali
It is 80's Turkey, local musicians of Adiyaman are hired by the military and trained to welcome one of the forceful generals of coup regime.
Magic Carpet Ride
Hıdır Durulmaz
A struggling, suicidal young comedian meets a car thief who is willing to teach him a few things about his profession.
Kilometer Zero
Set during the Iraq-Iran war in the 80s, the film tells of a tragicomic road trip set in Iraq's Kurdistan.
A Little Bit of Freedom
In the metropolitan city of Hamburg, illegal immigrant Chernor, an openly gay African youth with blond hair, makes his money by dealing drugs and dreams of one day living in Australia. Baran, meanwhile, is a Kurdish bicycle delivery boy living in constant fear of deportation, who keeps his past in a video camera. The two form a bond when they meet, and their shared struggles to survive soon develop into a relationship that is threatened when Baran loses his job.
Journey to the Sun
Mehmet, a young Turkish man newly migrated from the village Tire, takes a job searching for water leaks below the surface of the streets of Istanbul. Due to a strange set of events, he is mistaken for a Kurd, imprisoned, and brutally beaten. Upon his release a week later, he becomes an outcast marked as a Kurd, losing his apartment, his job, and eventually his girl friend, Arzu. When a Kurdish friend, Berzan is killed in a street protest triggered by a hunger strike, Mehmet takes a trek to return the body to Berzan's home village near the Iraqi border, and learns why so many Kurds are refugees.