Set Dresser
Рэй, Клэр и их семилетняя дочь Зои — обычная американская семья, живущая в Кингсвилле, Северная Каролина, — вот только живут они в бомбоубежище с тех самых пор, как наступил конец света, который изменил все. За 301 день они превратили свою бетонную темницу в дом, держась за воспоминания о прошлом и надеясь когда-нибудь вернуться к нормальной жизни. 301 день им удавалось избегать того, что обитает на поверхности, — тяжелое дыхание, грохочущие шаги, раздающиеся в ночи, внушают страх находящимся в хрупком убежище. Все это время семье удавалось оставаться незамеченной. До сих пор. Сейчас их безопасность под угрозой… и нечто идет за ними.
When 12 year old twins Madison & Reagan Church wanted to know why they couldn't find bank bailouts, takeovers of car companies and universal health care in the Constitution they were "studying" in school, they asked their dad where to find it. The result is an exciting journey through the Founding era to discover the truth behind our governments founding document and the men who proposed and opposed it.
Sound mixer
When 12 year old twins Madison & Reagan Church wanted to know why they couldn't find bank bailouts, takeovers of car companies and universal health care in the Constitution they were "studying" in school, they asked their dad where to find it. The result is an exciting journey through the Founding era to discover the truth behind our governments founding document and the men who proposed and opposed it.
When 12 year old twins Madison & Reagan Church wanted to know why they couldn't find bank bailouts, takeovers of car companies and universal health care in the Constitution they were "studying" in school, they asked their dad where to find it. The result is an exciting journey through the Founding era to discover the truth behind our governments founding document and the men who proposed and opposed it.
When 12 year old twins Madison & Reagan Church wanted to know why they couldn't find bank bailouts, takeovers of car companies and universal health care in the Constitution they were "studying" in school, they asked their dad where to find it. The result is an exciting journey through the Founding era to discover the truth behind our governments founding document and the men who proposed and opposed it.
When 12 year old twins Madison & Reagan Church wanted to know why they couldn't find bank bailouts, takeovers of car companies and universal health care in the Constitution they were "studying" in school, they asked their dad where to find it. The result is an exciting journey through the Founding era to discover the truth behind our governments founding document and the men who proposed and opposed it.