Junior Singo


Судья Дредд
Будущее не столь красочно и великолепно, каким его представляют современные люди. Через несколько столетий человечество окажется на грани самоуничтожения, захлёбываясь в кровавых преступлениях, смертельных грехах и беспорядочных убийствах. Старую систему правосудия будет невозможно использовать — анархия, всеобщие беспорядки вынуждают ещё сохранившуюся власть, тем не менее, потерявшую всякий авторитет и легитимность, пойти на отчаянные крайние меры и ввести институт Судей — универсальных полицейских, правоприменителей, а по совместительству — и прокуроров, которые упростили бы весь процесс задержания, следствия и судебных тяжб, совмещая в одном лице все должности блюстителей и защитников правопорядка.
Hopeville tells the story of Amos, a reformed alcoholic on a mission to forge a relationship with his estranged son, Themba. When father and son arrive in the dusty town of Hopeville, they discover a mean little community where apathy, fear and suspicion are the order of the day. When Amos decides to restore the public swimming pool so that his son can purse a swimming career, he is met with skepticism and resistance from the town's authorities and its inhabitants. Through patience, determination and above all courage, Amos' selfless acts ripples through Hopeville, inspiring others to take action and to do what they know is right. Slowly but surely, good ripples through Hopeville, transforming the town and its inhabitants for good.
Red Dust
Sarah Barcant, a lawyer in New York City who grew up in South Africa, returns to her childhood dwelling place to intercede for Alex Mpondo, a Black South African politician who was tortured during apartheid.
Beat the Drum
Young Musa is orphaned after a mysterious illness strikes his village in KwaZulu Natal. To help his grandmother, Musa sets out for Johannesburg with his father's last gift, a tribal drum, in search of work and his uncle. The journey confronts him with the stark realities of urban life, but his indomitable spirit never wavers; he returns with a truth and understanding his elders have failed to grasp.
The Wooden Camera
A township near Cape Town. Two young teens, Madiba and Sipho, find a gun and a camera. Sipho takes the gun, and Madiba the camera, sealing their fate.