John Corfield


Penny and the Pownall Case
A glamour model helps Scotland Yard to catch a criminal gang.
A crime reporter begins to investigate the disappearance of his bosses wife who had witnessed a murder.
This England
Set in Claverly Village, it follows the fortunes of the Rookebys (Clements) and the ne'r-do-well Appleyards (Williams) from the time of the Normans, 1588, 1804, 1914, and 1940. Made to support morale during the war, its message is basically that you can't suppress the British; they've been there since the beginning; they'll be there to the end.
Old Mother Riley in Business
Executive Producer
Old Mother Riley starts a new business.
Old Mother Riley in Society
Old Mother Riley does the laundry for the dancers in the pantomime "Aladdin", where her daughter Kitty works as a chorus girl. Sneaking a peek at the show one day, Mother Riley accidentally pops up through a trap door onto the stage. Accosted by the angry star, Mother Riley’s belligerent responses have the audience in stitches. Outraged, the star walks out, leaving Kitty to take over the leading role, to great success.
Газовый свет
Конец 19-го века, Викторианская Англия. Юная влюбленная невеста не может поверить, а потом и убедить других в том, что ее новоиспеченный супруг – грабитель, убивший ее тетю, а сожители сговорились, чтобы убить ее саму. Каждый раз, когда она видит тусклый газовый свет, происходит нечто страшное...
When a neutral Danish merchant ship is forced to put into port after trying to evade British wartime contraband control, its captain becomes involved in a beautiful British Naval Intelligent agent's efforts to capture a group of German spies operating from a London cinema.
The Second Mr. Bush
A writer poses as a shy butterfly hunter who has a fortune and is hounded by reporters.
Laugh It Off
As WWII begins, vaudeville entertainer Tommy Towers is called up to serve. He arranges a job for his girlfriend at the local pub. To keep moral up, his commanding officer orders him to perform for the troops.
Old Mother Riley Joins Up
Mother Riley plays a nurse who was forced to volunteer for the Auxiliary Territorial Service. Mayhem ensues until she is able to prevent German spies from acquiring important documents.
Lassie from Lancashire
Struggling young actress Jenny (Marjorie Browne) joins her dad (Mark Daly) when he moves into Aunt Hetty's (Elsie Wagstaff) boarding house. Aunt Hetty overworks them, but Jenny is lucky enough to find love in the form of aspiring songwriter Tom (Hal Thompson). But their romance is threatened and nearly destroyed by the jealous star actress of the local pantomime company. However, the young lovers move on to bigger and better things after winning a London West End theatre contract.
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Debt of Honour
A Colonel's daughter steals from the regimental mess funds to pay off her gambling debts. One of the officers, who is love with her, takes the blame, and is sent to Africa.