C. Gardner Sullivan

Рождение : 1884-09-18, Stillwater, Minnesota, USA

Смерть : 1965-09-05


Во время англо-американской войны 1812 года генерал Эндрю Джексон располагает только 1200-ю солдатами для защиты Нового Орлеана от Британских кораблей, хотя знает, что британский флот в составе 60 кораблей и 16 тысяч человек вскоре прибудет, чтобы взять город. В этой ситуации особой стратегически важной зоной становится остров около города, но на беду он находится в руках последнего большого пирата Жана Лафита. Это самый известный среди флибустьеров пират, разбойник с повадками джентльмена и сердцем патриота. Его неотразимость разбила сердца всех женщин вокруг, а мужчины признавали его лидерство безоговорочно. Хотя Лафит никогда не нападает на американские суда, губернатор ненавидит его за то, что он продает товары без налогов, а граждане любят его по той же самой причине. Когда большое сражение становится неотвратимо, Лафит разрывается между двумя фронтами. Его сердце принадлежит Америке, но его люди убеждают его сотрудничать с теми, кто наверняка победит…
The Gracie Allen Murder Case
The zany plot follows nitwit Gracie Allen trying to help master sleuth Philo Vance solve a murder.
Юнион Пасифик
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
В августе 1814 года британскими войсками был захвачен и сожжен Президентский дворец в Вашингтоне. Под ударом — Новый Орлеан. Сенатор Кроуфорд от Луизианы вместе с британскими морскими офицерами планирует привлечь на свою сторону знаменитого пирата Жана Лафитта. Он не присягал на верность ни одной стране, но явно питает слабость к американцам, предпочитая не нападать на суда под американским флагом. Однако пираты есть пираты и однажды один из его капитанов нападает на американский корабль и, ограбив его, топит вместе с пассажирами. Спасается только одна молоденькая голландская девушка Гретхен, которая влюбляется в Лафитта.
Three Live Ghosts
Three WWI veterans thought long dead turn out to be still alive and return home - much to the consternation of their friends and family.
The Awakening of Jim Burke
After his divorced wife dies, Jim Burke takes their son who she had been raising and he hasn't seen in many years. Jim Burke is a tough, hard-nosed construction boss on engineering projects, and he is looking forward to molding Little Jim into his own image. Jim Burke is more than a little bit dismayed and a whole lot disgusted when Little Jim arrives and it doesn't take Big Jim long to figure out that Little Jim...ain't nothing but a sissy. Little Jim is fond of practicing on his violin and reading and studying. What's a poor father to do?
Car 99
A story of the Michigan State Police and the strong sense of loyalty and duty it instills in its men. It follows the career of a newly-inducted rookie, Ross Martin, who has joined the force at the urging of his sweetheart, Mary Adams. Martin soon distinguishes himself by his bravery in the apprehension of criminals. But when the leader of a gang of bank robbers falls into his hands and then escapes, because of carelessness on Martin's part, he is suspended from the force.
Отец Браун, детектив
После того, как печально известный вор драгоценного камня Фламбо встречает Эвелин Фишер во время налёта на казино, он откровенно влюбляется в неё. Позже Фламбо посылает записки как Леопольду Фишеру, который незнакомый ему дядя Эвелин, так и к отцу Брауну, в котором он клянётся, что украдёт у них десять алмазов, составляющих «Летающую звезду». Фламбо намерен отдать эти алмазы Эвелин. Отец Браун, чей золотой крест содержит несколько алмазов «Летающей звезды», полон решимости встретиться с Фламбо до его ареста, исправить и искупить свою душу.
Men Must Fight
Prophetic tale of a mother in 1940 trying to keep her son out of war.
Странная интерлюдия
Сюжет основан на жизни Нины Лидс, дочери профессора, которая совершенно опустошена, когда ее обожаемый жених убит на полях сражений Первой Мировой войны. Проходит время. Она не обращает внимания на явную любовь своего друга и писателя Чарли, поскольку он не просто скромен, а робок и застенчив, и никогда не скажет о своих чувствах. Нина в итоге выходит замуж за любезного, но странноватого ухажера Сэма Эванса, хотя рядом находится врач Нед Даррелл, который хотя и влюблен в Нину, но хочет посвятить себя врачебной практике. В медовый месяц Нина узнает ужасную тайну от матери Эванса, что она не может родить ребенка от мужа, поскольку в их семье есть сумасшедшие и ребенок может унаследовать плохую генетику. Она вынуждена прервать беременность. Но ребенок необходим для спокойствия мужа и мать настаивает на том, чтобы она зачала его с другим. Нина принимает решение «привлечь» к этому делу Неда…
Skyscraper Souls
Skyscraper Souls is a Pre-Code 1932 drama film starring Warren William and Maureen O'Sullivan. The film was directed by Edgar Selwyn and is based upon the novel Skycraper by Faith Baldwin. The film depicts the aspirations and lives of several people in the Seacoast National Bank Building. Among them is David Dwight, the womanizing bank owner who keeps his estranged wife happy by paying her bills. His secretary Sarah wants him to get a divorce so they can marry.
The Cuban Love Song
A guilt-ridden U.S. Marine returns to Cuba to try to find the woman he promised to marry.
Young Desire
A carnival sideshow dancer falls in love with a handsome young man.
The Locked Door
On her first anniversary, Ann Reagan finds that her sister-in-law is involved with a shady character that she used to be intimate with, and determines to intervene.
Chick Williams, a prohibition gangster, rejoins his mob soon after being released from prison. When a policeman is murdered during a robbery, he falls under suspicion. The gangster took Joan, a policeman's daughter, to the theater, sneaked out during the intermission to commit the crime, then used her to support his alibi. The detective squad employs its most sophisticated and barbaric techniques, including planting an undercover agent in the gang, to bring him to justice.
The Woman Disputed
An adventuress in love with an Austrian agrees to become the mistress of a Russian officer in exchange for the release of Austrian hostages.
История любви и страсти простого солдата из крестьян, выбившегося своими способностями и усидчивостью в офицеры и аристократки, дочери генерала, на фоне первой мировой войны и революции в России…
Сэди Томпсон
В Паго-Паго, что на Самоа, прибывает корабль. Временная остановка обернулась задержкой на десять дней - на судне объявлен карантин. Немногочисленные пассажиры нашли приют в гостинице Хорна. Начинается бесконечный дождь; говорят, что Паго-Паго - самое дождливое место на свете, и дождь этот сводит с ума... Бытовой и, казалось бы, незначительный конфликт между Сэди Томпсон, "девушкой сомнительного поведения" и миссионером-проповедником Дэвидсоном приводит к роковым последствиям. Влияние Дэвидсона на правительственные власти столь велико, что даже вмешательство нового друга Сэди, лейтенанта О'Хара не может помочь. Мисс Томпсон ожидает высылки в Сан-Франциско, но она любыми путями стремится избежать этого... Дэвидсон неумолим. Что движет им? Маниакальная мстительность, искажённое религиозное рвение или низменное вожделение?..
The Bugle Call
Tale of a young bugler whose stepmother attempts to supplant the mother who only lives in his memory.
Посреди болот на юге Америки находится ферма, где зловещая семья Гримсов содержит приют для сирот. Приют больше похож на тюрьму, так как с детьми плохо обращаются и морят их голодом. Старшая девочка Молли заботится о своих маленьких товарищах по несчастью и пытается всячески поддерживать их дух. Когда на ферму обращает внимание полиция, Гримс приказывает своему сыну Эмброузу утопить Дорис, похищенную ранее из города, в болоте.
Chief Standing Rock's tribe has a treaty protecting their fishing grounds, but a canning corporation is violating the treaty through intimidation and force. The tribe is divided as to how to handle the threat. Standing Rock's son, Braveheart, is sent to college to study law so that he can protect their rights, but others in the tribe, led by the hot-tempered Ki-Yote, want to provoke a more violent confrontation.
William S. Hart stars in this 1925 silent film as a cowboy intent on claiming land during the 1889 land rush in the Oklahoma Territory. Though hardened from years of taming the new frontier, he falls in love with a beautiful woman. Before he settles down, however, he must contend with men who wish to bring him harm. In the prologue of the 1939 Astor Pictures revival of this film, Hart gives a moving eight-minute introduction-- the first and only time he appeared in a film accompanied by his striking voice.
The Pinch Hitter
Joel Parker is sent to college by his crabby farmer father only because it was his mother's dying wish that he get an education. At college, he's immediately pegged as a chump and is constantly victimized by the other students, headed by Jimmie Slater. Only Abbie Nettleton, who works at the campus bakery, has any sympathy for him.
Playing with Souls
Amy and Matthew Dale separate and they place their young son, Matthew Jr., in a London boarding school. The boy grows up without knowing his parents, and is taunted by his schoolmates, who doubt the legitimacy of his childhood. By the time he is 20, Matt wants to find out about his parentage, so he travels to Paris, leaving behind his sweetheart, Margo.
Cheap Kisses
Refusing to join his family in their new social life when Henry Dillingham suddenly becomes wealthy, Donald Dillingham causes even greater disapproval by marrying chorus girl Ardell Kendall. Learning that famous sculptor Gustaf Borgstrom wishes to use Ardell as model, the Dillinghams suddenly welcome Donald and Ardell to their estate. Donald surrenders to both the jazzy pleasures and the attentions of Maybelle Wescott, but Ardell remains aloof and in order to pay off Maybelle threatens Mr. Dillingham with exposure of his infatuation with a chorus girl.
Cheap Kisses
Refusing to join his family in their new social life when Henry Dillingham suddenly becomes wealthy, Donald Dillingham causes even greater disapproval by marrying chorus girl Ardell Kendall. Learning that famous sculptor Gustaf Borgstrom wishes to use Ardell as model, the Dillinghams suddenly welcome Donald and Ardell to their estate. Donald surrenders to both the jazzy pleasures and the attentions of Maybelle Wescott, but Ardell remains aloof and in order to pay off Maybelle threatens Mr. Dillingham with exposure of his infatuation with a chorus girl.
The Only Woman
A 1924 film directed by Sidney Olcott.
Dynamite Smith
Gladstone Smith, a fearful young reporter, gets on the wrong side of a murderous criminal and flees to Alaska, along with the killer's wife, who is equally frightened of her husband. But the murderer pursues them to the frozen north and Gladstone must overcome his cowardice in order to overcome his nemesis.
Wandering Husbands
Diana Moreland, suspecting that her husband is cheating on her with Marilyn Foster, catches the two of them having a rendezvous at a roadhouse. Instead of screaming at them, she invites Marilyn back to her home. However, Diana has prepared a test to see just who it is that her husband really loves.
The Goldfish
A newly married husband and wife make an agreement that should either of them want to terminate their relationship then a bowl with goldfish would be presented to the other signalling the end of their marriage.
Long Live the King
A young crown prince, wishing to be just an ordinary boy, runs away with his friend. The king dies, and when the prince does not appear, the people begin to rise in revolution. When the crown prince finally hears the death knell for the late king he immediately attempts to return to the palace, however is abducted by revolutionaries and held captive. Will he be rescued in time to restore order?
Long Live the King
A young crown prince, wishing to be just an ordinary boy, runs away with his friend. The king dies, and when the prince does not appear, the people begin to rise in revolution. When the crown prince finally hears the death knell for the late king he immediately attempts to return to the palace, however is abducted by revolutionaries and held captive. Will he be rescued in time to restore order?
The Dangerous Maid
Barbara Winslow helps her rebel brother, Rupert, escape from the king's forces by disguising herself as him. Captain Prothero captures her, but he has fallen for Barbara's charms so he lets her go. As a result they are both arrested and imprisoned.
Dulcy, a devoted but scatterbrained bride, tries to improve her absent husband's finances by inviting two of his business prospects to dinner. Though at first thoroughly confusing the deal, she does get her husband a bigger share than he bargained for.The film is now considered to be lost.
Human Wreckage
An attorney's wife is determined to fight the evils of addictive substances.
Soul of the Beast
This northwoods comedy-drama, by way of a circus drama, was directed by John Griffith Wray for Thomas H. Ince, and stars Madge Bellamy.
Hail the Woman
Oliver Beresford is a stern, Puritanical, and uncompromisingly rigid father. When shameful stories about his daughter Judith surface, rather than determine whether the stories are true, he bans her from his house. Her brother David, a pusillanimous reprobate, has secretly married and fathered, then abandoned, a child. Judith takes care of the child and finds a way to restore her family through the love for the babe.
Greater Than Love
Grace Merrill works as a shill in a gambling hall. Her five roommates are even less honestly employed. One of them, Elsie Brown commits suicide because her main squeeze, Frank Norwood has left her. Elsie's small town mother comes to the city and meets Elsie's roommates. But Mother Brown's faith and purity are so compelling that the ladies of the night reform. Grace, in fact, gives up her affair with a married man -- even though she really loves him -- to go live with Mrs. Brown in the country.
Love Madness
When respectable Lloyd Norwood becomes infatuated with moll Goldie Lewis, he falls into a life of debasement, which results in his being accused of the murder of gangland henchman Joe the Swell. Norwood's wife Mary, convinced of her husband's innocence, determines to clear his name. Disguising herself as a vamp and infiltrating the underworld, Mary extracts a confession from the real murderer, Pussyfoot Connor, who is duped by Mary into believing that he sees the ghost of the murdered man. Later, in order to have witnesses to the story, Mary takes a midnight dinner with gang leader Jack Frost, arousing the jealousy of Connor, who enters and accuses Frost of instigating the murder. The police, alerted to the scheme, rush in and arrest the criminals.
Love Madness
When respectable Lloyd Norwood becomes infatuated with moll Goldie Lewis, he falls into a life of debasement, which results in his being accused of the murder of gangland henchman Joe the Swell. Norwood's wife Mary, convinced of her husband's innocence, determines to clear his name. Disguising herself as a vamp and infiltrating the underworld, Mary extracts a confession from the real murderer, Pussyfoot Connor, who is duped by Mary into believing that he sees the ghost of the murdered man. Later, in order to have witnesses to the story, Mary takes a midnight dinner with gang leader Jack Frost, arousing the jealousy of Connor, who enters and accuses Frost of instigating the murder. The police, alerted to the scheme, rush in and arrest the criminals.
The False Road
Roger Moran, a member of a gang of thieves headed by Mike Wilson, is released from prison after having served a two-year sentence. He has learned his lesson and vows to leave his life of crime, but his girlfriend Betty Palmer--also a member of the gang--won't leave "the false road".
Adrienne, the queen of the Frivolity Theater, is a self-centered vamp who steals other women's husbands. Her current conquest is Phillip Overman, and when Overman's wife pleads with the vamp to free her husband, Adrienne turns a deaf ear. Daisy, a chorine, is shocked by her colleague's callousness, but Adrienne asserts that she is only being practical. When she meets Pittsburgh millionaire Dave Wallace, Adrienne falls in love and casts Overman aside. Soon after their marriage, Adrienne learns that her husband is having an affair with Daisy, who is now the reigning queen of Broadway. She pleads with Daisy to release her husband, who responds by repeating the philosophy that Adrienne had given her. Despondently boarding a boat bound for Europe, Adrienne sees the Overmans, who are now happily reunited, and realizes the shallowness of her life.
The Woman in the Suitcase
Mary Moreland discovers the photograph of a woman not her mother in her father's suitcase and sets out to find her in hopes of returning her father to his rightful place in the family.
Dangerous Hours
Idealistic young American falls under the influence of Communist agitators.
Dangerous Hours
Idealistic young American falls under the influence of Communist agitators.
John Petticoats
John Haynes is known as "Hardwood" in the Northwoods town where he is the boss lumberjack. But his uncle bequeaths him a store in Louisiana, which he discovers to his dismay is the modiste shop. When Judge Meredith needs a graduation dress for his granddaughter Caroline, but can't afford it, John comes to the rescue by offering to board at the judge's residence.
Wagon Tracks
Buckskin Hamilton guides a wagon train across the wasteland, caring well for the pioneers he escorts, but hoping to solve the murder of his brother by one of the travellers.
Actress Mignon is the toast of Paris until she marries young American engineer John Stanley. He is commissioned to go to work in the Sahara desert, and Mignon accompanies him with their baby. But it isn't long before she is lonely and horribly bored. When a wealthy Russian, Baron Alexis, passes through the camp, he offers to take her away to Cairo. She goes with him, and he surrounds her in luxury. Years pass, but the situation does not bring her happiness.
The Poppy Girl's Husband
A silent romantic love triangle crime melodrama about a man who gets out of prison after ten years and discovers that his wife has divorced him and married the man who sent him to prison. Worse yet, she fears he will want to exact revenge, so she sets up her new husband to frame her first husband, so he will be sent back to prison!
Branding Broadway
Drunk and disorderly cowpoke Robert Sands is banished from an Arizona frontier town and hops on a freight train heading for New York. Arriving in Manhattan, the rough-and-tumble cowboy obtains a position as "physical guardian" to a spoiled member of the social register.
The Border Wireless
Cowhand Steve Ransom discovers that German spies are operating along Mexican border, relaying their radio messages into Mexico and thus on to Germany. The spies learn that Steve is a fugitive from American justice.
Vive la France!
Scenario Writer
A couple's suffering finally comes to an end when Jean, having lost his memory through shell shock, sees the cross of shame on Jenevieve's breast, gets his memory back and the two pledge their troth.
The Vamp
Nancy, a naive young girl who works backstage at a musical-comedy theatre, learns from the chorus girls the notion of winning a man by the seductive method of "vamping" him. She tries the method on the shy minister she loves, and it works.
Shark Monroe
In this 1918 film, newly restored by MoMA, Hart is a ship's captain in the Pacific Northwest who abandons his post to pursue a woman who does not love him (MacDonald) across the Klondike, eventually rescuing her from the grip of a white slaver.
Selfish Yates
The story is set in Arizona, where the aptly nicknamed Yates is the proprietor of the local saloon. Unable to find any other work, pretty Mary Adams is forced to scrub floors in Yates' establishment. At first treating her with the same disdain that he extends to the rest of the townsfolk, Yates slowly but surely falls in love with Mary.
Love Me
Scenario Writer
In a Western mining town, millionaire Gordon Appleby meets Maida Madison, a civil engineer, and proposes. The two marry and return to Philadelphia, where they are coldly received by Gordon's snobbish family. Gordon's elder brother Mortimer's highbrow sensibilities are particularly offended by Maida's breezy manner, and he determines to break up the marriage.
The Hater of Men
Convinced that her impending marriage to fellow reporter Billy Williams will result in a loss of her freedom, Janice breaks her engagement and enters a period of Bohemian living.
The Girl, Glory
Scenario Writer
Glory Wharton is the granddaughter of civil war veteran Jed Wharton. Jed entertains everyone with his war stories, but has a serious drinking problem. Glory is determined to help him overcome this. -from IMDB.com
Doris Wingate is featured in a Sunday magazine supplement as the most snobbish girl in America. In reality, Doris is lovable and eager for friends, and it is her Aunt Priscilla who deliberately cultivates the false impression. Realizing this, her uncle ships Doris off to a co-educational college, but unfortunately, her reputation preceded her and she is snubbed by the other students.
The Pinch Hitter
Shy Joel Parker seems bound for nowhere, until Abbie Nettleton enters his life. With her prodding, Joel goes from timid nobody to a baseball star with bravura.
The Iced Bullet
Scenario Writer
A "scientific detective" story about the attempted murder of a wealthy New Yorker in his mountain lodge is framed with a satire of Hollywood as the writer of the story comically tries to get the script read and accepted by a studio.
The Iced Bullet
A "scientific detective" story about the attempted murder of a wealthy New Yorker in his mountain lodge is framed with a satire of Hollywood as the writer of the story comically tries to get the script read and accepted by a studio.
The Return of Draw Egan
A small town marshal’s secret past as an outlaw comes back to haunt him when an old associate shows up and threatens to expose his former dark deeds.
Plain Jane
The Dawn Maker
Half-breed Joe Elk wavers between the "civilized" nature of his white father and the passion of his Indian mother. He falls in love with Alice McRae, but Alice is in love with Bruce Smithson, who is an officer at the Hudson Bay Trading Company.
The Wolf Woman
An narcissistic woman with the ability to charm, Leila Aradella reaps delight from preying upon weak men. Her first victim is John Morton, a talented lawyer, whom she ruins both morally and financially. Her second victim, Rex Walden, the generous son of society matron Mrs. Walden, becomes her complete slave. Mrs. Walden sends her elder son Franklin to try to dissuade Leila from toying with Rex's affections. Franklin, however, also falls under Leila's spell, and Rex is driven to suicide by her callous behavior. Desperate, Mrs. Walden enlists Adele Harley, a girl of strong moral character, to fight Leila for Franklin's affections. Adele's determined victory causes Leila to lose her confidence, and in a drunken state, she cuts her own face with a shard from her shattered mirror. Permanently disfigured, Leila ends a broken and lonely woman.
The Thoroughbred
The Colonel is at a financial low ebb, and his only recourse is to get his horse safely to the big race and win. But obstacles appear at every turn.
Scenario Writer
Bessie Wheaton returns from Europe to find her nouveau riche family has adopted and magnified the worst characteristics of the upper class. Her father spends all of his time at the club, her mother cultivates snobbishness, and her sister thinks only of marrying into royalty. To shake them out of their aristocratic poses, Bessie decides to reflect all of their faults, becoming as lazy as her father and as status conscious as her mother. She even rejects her own sweetheart, Allan Shelby, to lure Count d'Orr away from her sister. Finally, the members of the family confront Bessie, and she angrily tells them that she was only mirroring their behavior. Bessie then runs away, but Allan, with whom she quickly reconciles, brings her back, just as her family acknowledges its recent burlesque of the upper crust.
Shell 43
William Berner is an English spy who is doing his job behind German lines. While working for the allies, he proves sympathetic toward a German Lieutenant and saves his life. He gives up his own romance for the cause and is killed when the Allies shell the German trench where he happens to be.
The Eye of the Night
William H. Thompson plays a likeable old lighthouse keeper who must contend with his less likeable fellow villagers. One of Thompson's acts of kindness is to bless the "scandalous" romance between hero and heroine.
The Dividend
Wealthy John Steele has a handsome young son, Frank, on whom he pins his hopes. But riches lead Frank not into social standing and duty, but into depravity, drug-addiction, criminal activity, and finally to tragedy.
Count Ferdinand, a submarine commander and secret pacifist refuses to torpedo a defenseless passenger ship during wartime. His submarine is sunk in the following fracas. In the spirit world, Christ commends the captain, and returns to earth in the commander's body to promote His message of peace.
The Market of Vain Desire
The Beggar of Cawnpore
Dr. Robert Lowndes of the British army practices in a small Indian outpost during a cholera epidemic, and to ease his fever, uses morphine. He becomes an addict, but his sweetheart, Betty Archer, makes him promise to reform. Another of Betty's suitors, however, Captain Guy Douglas, uses drugs to tempt Lowndes.
Civilization's Child
After an idyllic mountain life in Russia, Berna goes to live with her uncle in the Jewish section of Kiev, arriving just as Cossacks massacre most of the Jews in the city. Berna escapes to New York and works at a sweatshop controlled by Boss Jim McManus, but he seduces her, then throws her out on the street, and she becomes a prostitute. Berna later marries Nicolay Turgenev, a young musician,
The Aryan
Steve Denton, rich from years of prospecting, is fleeced by the citizens of Yellow Ridge. In his rage, he kidnaps the woman most responsible and makes her his slave in a desert hideaway.
Hell's Hinges
When Reverend Robert Henley and his sister Faith arrive in the town of Hell's Hinges, saloon owner Silk Miller and his cohorts sense danger to their evil ways. They hire gunman Blaze Tracy to run the minister out of town. But Blaze finds something in Faith Henley that turns him around, and soon Silk Miller and his compadres have Blaze to deal with.
Honor's Altar
After building a financial empire, Frederick Mallery feels chained to his wife Winnie, who stood by him during the years of poverty. As a result, he offers Warren Woods, a down-and-out former playboy, $50,000 to seduce Winnie, so that he will have an excuse for a divorce.
The heroine, Peggy Cameron, is a high-society debutante with a mind of her own. After making a public spectacle of herself once too often, Peggy is bundled off to Scotland, where she is to be looked after by her no-nonsense uncle Andrew Cameron (William H. Thompson). If Peggy's family had hoped that she would straighten up and behave herself in Scotland, they were sorely mistaken. Restored in 2018 by the Academy Film Archive with restoration funding provided by the Louis B. Mayer Foundation.
Between Men
When Ashley Hampdon becomes the target of a scheme to ruin him by his daughter's suitor, Hampdon sends for his old friend Bob White. Bob discovers that the suitor, Gregg Lewiston, cannot hope to win Lina Hampdon while her father's wealth remains intact. Lewiston hopes that if her family becomes destitute, she will turn to him. But Bob White is there to upset the scheme.
The Forbidden Adventure
Scenario Writer
Cecil Weatherby, travelling in the Arabian desert, comes upon a hidden and secret city. There he finds love in the form of a beautiful priestess, Ameera. Their love results in their being condemned to death, but even in the City of Death, love will find a way.
Scenario Writer
It all begins when Mrs. Rossmore (Dean) discovers that her husband (Howard Hickman) has begun "playing the field" with other women. Too much the lady to make an issue of Mr. Rossmore's infidelities, Mrs. Rossmore nonetheless begins plotting her strategy to win him back. She does so by putting on a great show of pretending not to want her husband to return to the nest.
The Iron Strain
Scenario Writer
The story is set in Alaska, where spoiled and pampered heiress Octavia Van Ness has come for her health. Here she meets 'Chuck' Hemingway, who despite his rough exterior is likewise a child of wealth, and a Yale graduate to boot. When Van Ness violently rejects his romantic overtures, Hemingway turns to an old Indian chum for advice. The Indian suggests rather chauvinistically that the way to win a headstrong girl is to "tame" her -- that is, treat 'er rough and make 'er like it.
The Iron Strain
The story is set in Alaska, where spoiled and pampered heiress Octavia Van Ness has come for her health. Here she meets 'Chuck' Hemingway, who despite his rough exterior is likewise a child of wealth, and a Yale graduate to boot. When Van Ness violently rejects his romantic overtures, Hemingway turns to an old Indian chum for advice. The Indian suggests rather chauvinistically that the way to win a headstrong girl is to "tame" her -- that is, treat 'er rough and make 'er like it.
The Toast of Death
Scenario Writer
Ballerina Poppea is adored by all the men of Calcutta, especially British soldier Captain Drake and Indian PrinceYar Khan. Because of his title and wealth, Poppea decides to marry the prince, while keeping Drake as a lover. But the prince eventually discovers what she's up to and goes out of his way to catch the adulterers together. He takes two glasses of wine, pours arsenic into one, and tells Poppea to choose which glass each man will drink. She innocently picks the poisoned glass for Drake and he dies horribly. The prince disposes of the body and drives Poppea out into the desert.
The Phantom Extra
John Zeldon, the newly elected State senator and pledged to fight for the Miners' Bill, requiring the installation of new safety devices in the coal mines, in his speech to the miners the night before his departure, assures them that they can count on him to the last ditch.On his arrival in the capital he is taken up by Mr. Whalen, the brains of the lobby and secretly its chief, who flatters John and invites him out with a brilliant set of men and women who make a lion of him in order to gain his vote against the proposed bill. John's head is turned by their flattery and when Hazel Flemming, his fiancée and star reporter on his home paper, comes to the capitol for an interview with John, she is amazed to find him wavering and realizes the fight is lost unless she can make him realize the mistake he is making. To do this she has a phantom extra printed telling in thrilling headlines of a horrible accident in the coal mines, wherein 200 miners have lost their lives
The Ruse
"Bat" Peters, reformed gunfighter turned prospector, travels to Chicago to collect on a business deal with a mine promoter who turns out to be crooked.
The Reward
Scenario Writer
A poor young boy falls for a chorus girl after he finds out that she is not like the "loose women" she works with. He determines to get her to leave the immoral show-business life and marry him.
Tools of Providence
Scenario Writer
Dakota Dan, who runs the saloon and gambling hall, is refusing to take another drink with the boys, who commence to kid him, saying he's been scared to drink ever since he heard the new parson's daughter was going to convert him. Dakota flushes and replies half angrily that he has never seen the parson's girl and don't ever want to. However that afternoon Daisy goes to the saloon and invites Dakota to attend church. Dakota refuses her invitation. Daisy tells him she will make a bargain with him to tend his bar for five minutes if he will go to church the next day. Dakota is slightly startled, but he admires her grit and accepts the challenge. Daisy goes behind the bar. The men line up and she is about to serve a fresh guy when he suddenly reaches over and kisses her. Dakota immediately knocks him "cold," and, ashamed of his bargain with Daisy, grimly escorts her to the door. The next day he tells the men that if they don't accompany him to church he will close.
The Darkening Trail
Yukon Ed has asked saloon owner Ruby McGraw to marry him several times, and has been turned down each time. However, she falls for Jack Sturgess, a no-account who has seduced and abandoned a poor young girl and is escaping from his father's anger. She takes up with Jack to Ed's dismay, and soon the thing that Ed feared would happen does happen.
The Man from Nowhere
In Snake River, Buck Farley breaks up a fight staged by crooked Chicago Saloon owner Johnson, who set-up alcoholic Jake Frazer as the town's sheriff as a joke. Johnson pretends to have saved Buck's life (when in reality he was planning on shooting him), which indentures Buck to Johnson, and Buck becoming his deputy. Buck also starts to have feelings for Jake's daughter, Emma, who has also rebuffed the advances of Johnson. Johnson uses a ruse to get Buck searching for some allegedly stolen horses in the desert, but Buck forces Johnson to accompany him (after he realizes that Johnson is not on the up and up, and also has designs on Emma)...
The Man from Nowhere
Scenario Writer
In Snake River, Buck Farley breaks up a fight staged by crooked Chicago Saloon owner Johnson, who set-up alcoholic Jake Frazer as the town's sheriff as a joke. Johnson pretends to have saved Buck's life (when in reality he was planning on shooting him), which indentures Buck to Johnson, and Buck becoming his deputy. Buck also starts to have feelings for Jake's daughter, Emma, who has also rebuffed the advances of Johnson. Johnson uses a ruse to get Buck searching for some allegedly stolen horses in the desert, but Buck forces Johnson to accompany him (after he realizes that Johnson is not on the up and up, and also has designs on Emma)...
The Cup of Life
Sisters Helen and Ruth Fiske work in a department store and live in an East Side tenement. While Ruth is satisfied with her "regular fellow," a mechanic, Helen yearns for fine clothes, wealth, and attention. Ruth marries the mechanic and they struggle for a modest existence. Helen leaves her squalor to be the mistress of wealthy John Ward, despite Ruth's pleas. As the years pass, Helen goes from one man to the next, looking for more luxuries. When James Kellerman, who really loves her, proposes, she laughs at him.
On the Night Stage
A stagecoach robber falls in love with a saloon girl. However, she falls for a pastor, who converts her and she marries him. The robber is so impressed by this that he decides to turn over a new leaf. However, a shady gambler sets his sights on the former saloon girl, and the robber has to protect her from his advances.
The Roughneck
Avis and Franklin Hilliard are the spoiled, overbearing children of a wealthy father who has just died. Lord Cecil Oakleigh, a fortune hunter, is Avis's fiancée, although there is no love between them, he marrying her for her fortune and she marrying him for his title. Mr. Hilliard has left the superintendent of his mine in full charge of his fortune.
In the Switch Tower
IN THE SWITCH TOWER stars Walter Edwards (who also directed) as Bill Wharton, a middle-aged alcoholic who was once a leading engineer with a railroad. Wharton is estranged from his son Joel (Frank Borzage), who now works as an executive with the railroad, but Frank does send him money through Bill's longtime friend, Louis Hall (Robert Hall).
Winning Back
Scenario Writer
Ruth Castle plans to surprise her husband on their fifth wedding anniversary with a very elaborate dinner and promises their two little children that they may eat at the big table that night. Rex, her husband, is infatuated with Yvette, a dancer, and, having forgotten all about the anniversary, has a date with Yvette, whose birthday it is. He buys Yvette a beautiful diamond necklace which he leaves in his overcoat pocket. Ruth peeks in his pocket for her expected present and discovers the necklace. She is much surprised when Rex leaves without having given it to her.
The Grudge
A Western tale of revenge and redemption.
Mr. 'Silent' Haskins
Lon 'Silent' Haskins competes for the affection of a woman who recently inherited ownership of the local watering hole.
In the Land of the Otter
Ben Anderson, factor of the trading station, impatient with his daughter Anne's coquetries, calls all the trappers to him and promises to wed her to the one who brings back the most valuable catch of furs in the spring. Anne fancies herself in love with Henri Levesnue, a Frenchman. So when he is reported to have brought in the biggest prize she is delighted. But the following day, Joe Eagle, a quarter-breed, reaches the station with twice Henri's catch, Ben insists that Anne marry Joe, but she swears she never could become the wife of the French Indian, and because he really loves her, Joe, who has overheard her protestations, hides half his furs under his cabin floor. Anne is married to Henri, but in a few months is very unhappy. He is a heavy drinker; he neglects her, and at last, being penniless, he steals a bale of furs from the station. The factor sets Joe to catch the thief.
The Scourge of the Desert
Bill Evers, a gambling house keeper, is in reality the "Desert Scourge," an outlaw.
The Italian
An immigrant leaves his sweetheart in Italy to find a better life across the sea in the grimy slums of New York.
The Last of the Line
A film about Sioux leader Chief Gray Otter who sends his son Tiah off to a "white man's school" so that he can become a great leader. The son returns home as a worthless drunk, disappointing the father but things get worse when the son joins a group of renegades and robs a payroll. The father is then forced to make a decision.
Two-Gun Hicks
Two-Gun Hicks is a silent western.
Scenario Writer
Willie Clark is in love. His girl. Jane Fetherly thinks a great deal of him also. Willie, whose training has made him a home boy and a mama's pet, fears the loud voice and stentorian tones of Jane's father. Jane urges Willie to take the fatal step and speak to her father, which Willie finally does under protest.
The Wrath of the Gods
An American sailor falls in love with a fisherman's daughter and convinces her that Jesus is more powerful than the gods who have cursed her.
In the Sage Brush Country
In what scenarist C. Gardner Sullivan misleadingly called “The Romantic Adventures of a Woman of the ’50s,” this story has Hart play Jim Brandon, who has just robbed the Wolf Creek stage of a payroll meant for Frank Wilding’s Lost Hope Mine. Fearing another holdup, Wilding reluctantly entrusts his daughter Edith with the next payroll. Confident of his concealed identity, Brandon comes to town, orders drinks at the local saloon, and hears that this is “payday” for the mine. Outside, he realizes Edith will be carrying the payroll and follows her onto the stage. When it stops at the Mountain House Restaurant, Brandon protects Edith from a man forcing his attention on her, which forges an unacknowledged bond between them. strangely leaves her to barricade the door.
The Reaping
The Reaping is a 1913 silent film.
The Seal of Silence
Scenario Writer
A railroad plant is set afire by striking workmen, and the firemen are prevented from extinguishing the flames by the infuriated strikers. The troops are called out and martial law prevails.
The Boomerang
Scenario Writer
Virginia Chester visits her Aunt Betty who resides near an army post. Lieut. Calhoun falls in love with Virginia, and after a whirlwind courtship persuades her to marry him secretly. Helen Brassey, the daughter of the Colonel, is in love with Calhoun, and gets her father to help her win the lieutenant's affections.
The Invaders
Scenario Writer
The U.S. Army and the Indians sign a peace treaty. However, a group of surveyors trespass on the Indians' land and violate the treaty. The army refuses to listen to the Indians' complaints, and the surveyors are killed by the Indians. A vicious Indian war ensues, culminating in an Indian attack on an army fort.