Georges Bever

Georges Bever

Рождение : 1884-09-22, Paris, France

Смерть : 1973-01-14


Georges Bever


Le Père Goriot
Jean-Joachim Goriot, a merchant who got rich during the Revolution, is obsessed with the love of his two daughters, whose social promotion he wants. He endows them richly, ruins himself to pay their debts, but Delphine and Anastasie do not return his affection and abandon him at the time of his death to run to a big ball.
Hotel Porter
A car salesman journeys to France and encounters an apparently lonely woman. He immediately begins to successfully woo her only to learn that she is actually a baron's wife. Fortunately, the baron believes in open marriages and winds up hiring the Englishman to teach his son (from an earlier marriage) everything about automobiles. Meanwhile the car salesman finds himself falling seriously in love with the wife. The baron really doesn't mind as he himself is involved with another.
Annie is a middle-age wife, still sexy and pampered by her husband, Phillippe, who is the owner and general manager of a dynamic company. Under the deluge of sexy Swedish movies, sexy advertising on the streets, sexy intimate clothing in ladies' shops, and even talks about sex and marital infidelity with her mother and female friends, Annie starts feeling left aside by her husband, and trying to attract in a number of ways - and failing. It's not the all-purpose secretary at the office that is keeping him late, it's a tax expert that, asking the most innocent questions, is finding out how Philippe can manage a company without profits, and still manage a home, may be two... with high quality levels.
Маленький купальщик
Le majordome des Fourchaume
Крупный судостроительный магнат Луис-Филипп Форшом опрометчиво выгоняет своего ведущего конструктора Кастанье после того, как один из его кораблей тонет прямо во время церемонии спуска. Однако скоро Форшом узнает, что яхта, спроектированная Кастанье, выиграла престижную регату в Сан-Ремо. Форшом бросается на поиски своего бывшего служащего, заваленного теперь предложениями от конкурентов, чтобы вернуть его любыми средствами.
Le Mariage de Figaro ou La Folle Journée
Spotlight on a Murderer
An old count hides just before he dies to annoy his heirs. The heirs search a manor for the count's body and are killed off one by one. Jean-Marie, his fiancée Micheline, and Edwige investigate the deaths and search for the count's body.
Les amants de demain
un locataire
A man throws a revolver in the Seine and checks into a hotel run by an unhappy Turkish couple. The wife falls for the mysterious guest, and kills her husband to prevent him from the turning the man in to the police.
Un majordome au bal
Экранизация романа Федора Михайловича Достоевского.
Порт де Лила: На окраине Парижа
the pharmacist (uncredited)
Появление в квартале гангстера меняет жизнь многих его обитателей. Преступник находит прикрытие у доброго парня по кличке «Артист», и мало того, что не собирается уезжать в обозримом будущем, так еще и влюбляет в себя самую красивую девушку квартала.
Через Париж
Consumer (uncredited)
Безработный шофер Мартен подрядился перетащить два чемодана контрабандной свинины через ночной Париж. Ему очень нужны деньги, и он берётся за такое рискованное дело не в первый раз. В помощники к нему навязывается Гранжиль, преуспевающий художник, идущий на авантюру лишь ради новых острых ощущений. Много приключений выпадет на долю случайных партнёров, пока они не попадут в руки ночного патруля немцев. А за нарушение комендантского часа у гестапо наказание одно — расстрел.
The Little Rebels
Un client (uncredited)
Judge Julien Lamy regularly deals with the welfare of children, namely down on their luck delinquents. When an orphan named Alain Robert burns down a barn belonging to his abusive foster family, Judge Lamy has no choice but to send him to a juvenile jail. There he meets an older boy named Francis Lanoux, who is desperate to escape and be reunited with his girlfriend Sylvette. The boys eventually flee the institution, as Francis goes in search of his lost love and Alain continues looking for his parents. Unfortunately, the little rebels run into some big problems once on the outside.
Воздух Парижа
Worker (uncredited)
Простой рабочий парень Андрэ, мечтающий вырваться из нищеты и окружающей его серости, влюбляется в прекрасную незнакомку, случайно увиденную им на вокзале в проносящемся мимо поезде. Эта мимолетная встреча переворачивает его жизнь и он отправляется в Париж искать свое счастье. Ему повезло — он знакомится с великолепным тренером по боксу Виктором Ле Гарре, фанатиком своего дела, решившим вроде бы завязать со своей профессией и посвятить жизнь любимой жене Бланш. Увидев Андрэ, Виктор понимает, что это самородок, которого он всю жизнь надеялся найти и потому уговаривает его профессионально заняться боксом под своим началом.
It's Parisian life
Le maître d'hôtel
Trois jours de bringue à Paris
A group of inhabitants from Ferté-sous-Jouarre decide to spend their jackpot on a three day trip to Paris.
Good Lord Without Confession
Stuck in a loveless marriage, bourgeois industrialist Francois falls in love with Janine, another man's wife. Francois sets up Janine as his mistress, and she, mercenary soul that she is, likes the set-up so much that she continues the relationship even when her own husband returns from WW II. In the long run, however, Janine is the loser in the situation.
Жизнь порядочного человека
Десятилетиями упорного труда и бережливости пробивался к своему положению промышленник Альбер Менар-Лакост. Свою добродетель он привык возводить в абсолют и не прощал людских слабостей, за что, в свою очередь, не пользовался симпатиями ни в семейном кругу, ни в деловых отношениях. Однако внезапное возвращение из Канады блудного брата-близнеца Алена, благополучно «похороненного» Альбером 30 лет назад, заставляет его другими глазами взглянуть на свою жизнь и оценить упущенные возможности.
The Lottery of Happiness
Mr Lucas, a grocer, wants to attract the clientele; he imagines a lottery; every week, you can win a bike. It's a big success.
Double or Quits
In Bourganeuf, an old maid, Charlotte Bourdier, confesses to Marie Chassagne that she has forged a sentimental intrigue by correspondence with the presenter of the Radio Circus, Zappy Max. Marie agrees to meet him when he comes, but she in turn falls in love with him, who confesses his love to her.
Her Last Christmas
Le régisseur (uncredited)
A very ill little girl having expressed the wish to live until Christmas, the whole neighborhood agrees to anticipate the celebration.
Ночные красавицы
Le garçon de café (uncredited)
Молодой композитор Клод влачит жалкое существование в одном из бедных Кварталов захолустного городка. Он подрабатывает учителем пения в школе, — над ним смеются ученики и подшучивают друзья детства — обладатели более земных профессий, а ко всему прочему сосед, владелец автомастерской, мешает сочинять ему музыку, заглушая звуки пианино (которое вот-вот заберут за неуплату аренды) ревом моторов. Утонченный Клод убегает от удручающей реальности в свои сны, которые переносят его в разные эпохи. Там он — известный композитор, храбрый офицер, сражающийся в Африке, светский лев и одновременно революционер, мушкетер и дамский угодник. Мир снов гораздо ярче и реалистичнее мира подлинного.
Le secret d'une mère
After his wife's death, a man discovers that his daughter may not be his.
Минута истины
Un patient
Главный герой, врач, Пьер Ришар узнает о том, что его жена, актриса Мадлен Ришар, ему изменяет. Оба проводят ночь, обмениваясь горькими упреками и вспоминая прошлые обиды…
Drôle de noce
Mr and Mrs Barbezat,Concierges are to marry their only daughter to a butcher's boy. Both the in-laws and the groom have an obsession: come what may, they are keen on honoring their engagements: promises are made to be kept is their motto. And when, on the wedding day, the unfortunate parents cannot provide the newly weds with...the "Mérinos" mattress which is part of the bride's Trousseau ,they are desperate. The husband will spend the whole wedding festivities trying to keep his word.
Une enfant dans la tourmente
Lily Ferronais can't stand her husband who, out of weakness, has let himself be led down the wrong road. She flees with her little Jeannette, whom she makes believe in the death of her father. Hired by the restaurateur Jean Garaud, the latter falls in love with her, to the chagrin of his mistress Hélène.
Le pharmacien (uncredited)
Личная жизнь Поля Браконнира и его жены Бландины очень далека от идеала. Лучшие супруги просто ненавидят друг друга — на грани желания убийства. Когда Поль слышит о Матра Обане, адвокате защиты, который не проиграл ни одного дела, он отправляется к законнику. Поль хочет знать, как он сможет убить жену и избежать наказания. Вдохновленный тем, что он услышал, Браконнир закалывает жену, в то время как она собралась отравить его…
Mr Gaillard
Личная жизнь Поля Браконнира и его жены Бландины очень далека от идеала. Лучшие супруги просто ненавидят друг друга — на грани желания убийства. Когда Поль слышит о Матра Обане, адвокате защиты, который не проиграл ни одного дела, он отправляется к законнику. Поль хочет знать, как он сможет убить жену и избежать наказания. Вдохновленный тем, что он услышал, Браконнир закалывает жену, в то время как она собралась отравить его…
Париж в Бель Эпок (1890−1914). Мсье де Понтаньяк — большой любитель красивых женщин, что создаёт ему немало проблем. Однажды следуя за прекрасной Люсьенн Вателен, он попадает в её дом, где встречается с её мужем нотариусом Вателеном, человеком его круга. С этого момента в доме начинают кипеть страсти, происходят семейные сцены, ссоры и перемирия…
Musique en tête
The gardener
Jacques Hélian, an attractive charm singer, too stifled by the jealousy of the radio director's niece, flees with his orchestra, on the advice of his secretary Bob. They fail in a small village, where there is a boarding school for young girls. Bob responds to the love letters the teacher sends to the handsome singer.
Адемар, или Игрушка судьбы
Le mari trompé
Адемар Помм с детства, вызывает смех окружающих. Виной тому — необычайно подвижная и выразительная мимика. Отчаявшись, Адемар обращается в приют для людей с явными физическими недостатками, с просьбой принять и его. Он рассказывает приемной комиссии о том, как Тисале — армейский товарищ Адемара, пытался пристроить друга на работу, но, всякий раз, затея оканчивалась провалом — Адемар невольно смешит людей даже на похоронах…
Jean-Gaspard Deburau is a very successful mime, the most famous in his category. One day, he falls head over heels in love with Marie Duplessis, a courtesan better known as "La Dame aux Camélias". But he soon realizes that he is but a number in her long list of lovers. He will find comfort in devoting his time teaching his art to his son Charles.
Les maîtres-nageurs
The gardener
A married industrialist maintains three mistresses. On the instructions of his wife, the tax inspector seizes the small notebook where he records his illegal dealings. After a stormy marital explanation, the industrialist decides to reduce his costs by getting rid of his mistresses and expresses the intention of returning to legality. But he realizes that everyone, even his wife, prefers the old situation, fraud and mistresses, thanks to which everyone found his little profit.
Lost Souvenirs
L'ordonnateur des pompes funèbres (uncredited)
Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Tu m'as sauvé la vie
A wealthy baron, without offspring, who knows death is approaching, wants to adopt a man who kept him alive a bit longer, when he was almost run over by a horse drawn cart.
The Treasure of Cantenac
While he was about to end his life, Baron de Cantenac wanted to return one last time to the land of his ancestors. He then discovers a treasure that he will strive to use to revive his village.
L’atomique Monsieur Placido
A gangster, thief of atomic formulas, has a double in the person of a naive musician. A music hall artist who makes eyes at the musician is deceived by the gangster who also takes advantage of the resemblance to track down a band of thugs who are chasing him. Virtue is ultimately rewarded.
Les nouveaux maîtres
Durand, a big industrialist, works with an international adventurer, Mr. Ernest, who covets Mrs. Durand and threatens to bankrupt her husband if she does not consent. She calls him a jerk. Mr. Ernest sets out to ruin the Durands, and leaves in the castle that they must sell their couple of servants, Victor and Marie, who become the new masters, at the same time as they serve as a screen for Ernest for his dubious business.
Le sacristain
A provincial ingenue leaves her mother’s tobacco shop with dreams of a life in the Parisian theater, only to become entangled in relationships with a lecherous aristocrat, his starry-eyed nephew, and an old ham actor.
Love and Companionship
The doorman of the Hôtel de Paris
The accountant of an insurance company, rather eccentric and quick to push the song, is responsible for monitoring the actions of an alluring South American whose suicide would mean the collapse of the company. Finally, the accountant discovers an attempted insurance scam and marries the surly and charming interpreter who was the liaison between the South American and himself.
À la culotte de zouave
Le client
The Farm of Seven Sins
Le maire de Luynes
In 1825, Paul-Louis Courier, a Republican writer known for publishing pamphlets against the French monarchy, was killed in the farm where he had retired. Was it a political assassination or a vicious crime? Those who have known him loved him or hated him are interrogated by the police. Will the guilty person(s) be ferreted out?
Return to Life
Gaston (segment "Le retour de Jean") (uncredited)
In France in 1946, the difficult return to civilian life of five deportees and prisoners of war after having lived through the hell of the Second World War.
La louve
A chronicler gets himself hired as a gamekeeper in Monsieur De Saint-Ricquier's mansion where he lives with his stepdaughter, Henriette, everybody considers insane .
Wear His Heart on His Sleeve
Léon Ménard, the village verger, is a decent young man whose hobby is to play the accordion. One day he is fired for having accompanied Mary Pinson, a singer deemed scandalous by the right-minded parishioners. Blinded by his love for Mary, Léon follows her to Paris where he becomes her plaything. With Mary's complicity, a gang of swindlers make him the puppet proprietor of a night club. But Léon can't live in a fool's paradise forever and soon finds himself on the street, forsaken and desperate. Luckily, the manager of a circus notices him while he is busking and he hires Léon at once. Not only will success come to him but he will win the love of sweet Solange.
Man to Men
The story of the Swiss soldier, Henri Dunant, who was responsible for the founding of the Red Cross, and who was offered the first Nobel Peace Prize.
The Eleven O'Clock Woman
Stanislas Oscar Seminario, aka SOS, is a young explorer, just back from Africa, visiting old friends: the Pescara's. But the father keeps receiving anonymous letters. And soon a mysterious murder is committed. SOS begins to investigate...
The Private Life of an Actor
Biography of Lucien Guitry, stage comedian, by his son, movie director, and a poetic reflection on the passionate love of both men for their chosen art forms.
One Night at the Tabarin
Together with his uncompromising friend Marie Girard, André de Lurvire clamors for moral reasons for the closing of the Bal Tabarin, a famous Paris cabaret. So, imagine André's reaction when he... inherits the joint! But, following the seductive schemes of Cora, Tabarin's sultry star, Lurvire gradually lowers his guard, discovers the good life and abandons his wife.
Le charcutier de Machonville
In a town on the banks of the Saône1 Grasalard, a butcher, likes to feast and play boules with his friends. Although married, he falls in love with another woman.
Silence Is Golden
Le ministre (uncredited)
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
Мартин Руманьяк
Un citoyen de Clairval
Бланш Ферран - очаровательная блондинка, владелица магазина певчих птиц и светская львица - знакомится во время боксерского матча с Мартином Руманьяком - простым парнем, строительным подрядчиком. Их любовный роман вспыхивает как порох. Обуреваемый пожаром любви Мартин залезает в долги и вкладывает все свои деньги в постройку скромной виллы, будущего их совместного дома. Но семейный уют не для Бланш, которая привыкла к роскоши и флирту - она постоянно окружена поклонниками, список которых возглавляет консул Де Лабури. Сложившиеся обстоятельства доводят Мартина до безумной ревности, которая приводит бурный роман к печальному концу.
Back Streets of Paris
Madame Rose runs a seedy hotel in a suburb of Paris. Strong-minded but without the least moral scruple, she once killed her husband whose honesty was a hindrance to her business. Under a suspended sentence, she now indulges in smuggling. One day, Victor, one of her former accomplices hounded by the police, finds sanctuary with her. During a drinking spree, he has the bad idea to entrust to her a suitcase filled with bank notes, a loot with which Victor hopes to rebuild his life in South America. But Rose, lured by temptation, betrays Victor, who is arrested by the police. However, he manages to escape with only one thing in mind, to take revenge on Rose...
Le Capitan 1ere époque : Flamberge au vent
Un homme du peuple
France under Louis XIII. 1615. The Duke of Angoulême is at the head of a group of gentlemen who are conspiring to drive the Florentines out of court, of whom Concini is the all-powerful leader. A cadet from Gascony, Adhémar de Capestang, who was later to become the Capitan, left his native province to come and try his luck in Paris. Along the way, he saves a young girl, Gisèle d'Angoulême, from a masked individual who wanted to kidnap her.
The King of Dodgers
Mimile is a street singer and also a very inventive free rider. With his friend Georges, a musician in the same orchestra, they meet Arlette Sicleton and Lulu. Arlette is the sister of Sicleton, a sports event organizer and Lulu is the daughter of Ledoux, the supervisor in charge of tracking down free riders. After many misunderstandings, love will triumph.
Blind Desire
A violinist passes on to his daughter three rings which represent three passions of his romantic past, and urges her to save each for men who truly deserve one.She squanders them all on one man who is undeserving.
Hanged Man's Farm
Filladeau, le rebouteux
A large farm in Vendée. The father is dying and the three brothers and sister swear not to marry not to break up the field. Months pass. Francis, the eldest, took things in hand. For him, the promise to their father is sacred. So he does everything for his brothers and his sister Amanda are not tempted. However, the latter lets himself courted by a young man from the neighboring village ...
The White Blackbird
Jules Leroy, an industrial shoe polish manufacturer, on his deathbed reveals to his son Achille that the family fortune originates from an inheritance stolen 23 years earlier. The one who should have inherited is one of the factory employees, Hyacinthe Camusset. The latter is also one of the lovers of Lucienne Leroy, the daughter of the family, who has a penchant for Jean Bernon, a boy who dedicates verses to her. Hyacinthe is unaware that he has been robbed but the Leroy family, who are not sure, try to woo him. The family, Hyacinthe, Jean and Lucienne meet at the castle.
Children of Chaos
An officer, two of his comrades and a social worker want to create the "Carrefour", a place for lost children and teens to give them a chance not to fall by the wayside and spend most of their life in jail.
The Ménard Collection
Coffee boy
Renée Ménard, a young mixed-race Indochinese, arrives in France to find her French father, whom she only knows is called Paul Ménard. In the hope of identifying her father, she meets a series of men with that name.
Le frotteur (as Bever)
In Paris in 1887, Irène works as a governess to Douce, the grand-daughter of the dowager Countess de Bonafé. Douce believes she is in love with Fabien, the handsome manager of the estate. However she cannot hope to marry him because of their class difference. Douce's widowed father, the Count de Bonafé, has a wooden leg, and is infatuated with Irène. Douce discovers that Fabien is planning to flee to Quebec with Irène, and also finds out that the Count has asked Irène to marry him. So Douce tells Fabien this and convinces him to run away with her, causing consternation in the family.
The White Truck
A young mechanic is given a strange job: to convey the king of the gypsies' embalmed dead body on a very long route.
Love Marriage
Pierre, who is a Fine Arts student, and Denise, who is a chemistry student, work for a department store where, wearing wedding suits, they distribute flyers to passers-by. The store manager, Bernard, falls in love with Denise and arranges to take her to an inn not far from Paris, run by the handsome Robert. This one opens Denise's eyes who ends up returning to her home. After a fight between Pierre and Bernard, Denise ends up choosing to stay with Pierre.
The Law of Spring
The children born from a first marriage of a widower and a widower who have remarried do not get along. Frequent quarrels break out in the household which finally finds calm thanks to the presence of a new little girl.
Pension Jonas
A tramp has taken up residence in the belly of a museum whale.
Despite a perfect marriage and a superb career as a singer, Jean Dupray cheats on his wife. She dies while listening to the song he dedicated to her, "Maria". He then retired to the south where he led a life in complete anonymity. But his best friend's fiancé recognizes him and seduces him. Following a fight with his best friend, he decides to return to order by becoming a monk.
Pontcarral, Empire Colonel
The footman
For 15 years after Waterloo, a baron refuses to accept the defeat. He reluctantly marries one of 2 Bourbon sisters but lands up dueling with the wife's former lover. Finally he gets a chance to prove himself again in battle.
Bearer Check
Le garçon d'hôtel
Returning from America where he received a large inheritance, Alaric would like to have a wedding before returning to the family home where his sister, who is as cantankerous as she is uncompromising on principles, awaits him. He asks a “porter” from the station who looks like him to replace him.
Le valet maître
Some, like Ravier de l'Orne are born... masters, but ,like him, do not live up to their rank. Others, like Gustave Morillon, are... born masters, even if, like him, they are valets. Morillon will indeed prove better at bridge than his master and will eventually win the affection of Antonia, a lively foreigner Ravier also coveted.
Paris Romance
Georges Gauthier is an electrician who lives with his mother and his sister Madeleine. He is the son of a womanizing singer who made his mother miserable. For all that, Georges is attracted to show business all the more as he falls in love with Jeanne, the daughter of singer Lormel. Georges is spotted by Cartier, the manager of the Folies Concert and makes his debut as a singer under the assumed name of Jean Papillon.
Her First Affair
Micheline Chevassu is a young, naive woman living in an orphanage. Through classified ads, she has a date with an unknown man. She escapes from the orphanage to go to it, dreaming of the Prince Charming. But comes Nicolas Rougemont, an unattractive middle-aged man... He pretends not to be the author of the letters, who could not come...
Moulin Rouge
A poor wretch, who has just been hired as a music-hall artist, in spite of himself becomes the tenant of a particular Parisian building.
Hangman's Noose
In England, a boxer is sentenced to death for a murder he does not seem to have committed.... Anthony Gethryn, who has just resigned from the police on the occasion of his marriage, has three days left to find the real killer.
The Man Who Seeks the Truth
Jean Vernet, an unselfish banker, feels fine : he has a charming mistress, Jacqueline ; a godson, Fernand, that he took in when he was a child and that he has brought up and cherished ever since ; a faithful friend, Lamblin ; and an adorable dog. But things are not so rosy as they look. Adrienne, Jean's sister, hates Jacqueline and is prepared to do everything to separate the couple. Worse, it looks as though Fernand has betrayed his godfather by sleeping with Jacqueline. To know more about those around him, Jean, a modern Volpone, decides to fake deafness.
Schubert's Serenade
Le commis
Serenade represented the return to the screen of international favorite Lillian Harvey after an absence of two years. Based loosely on the life of composer Franz Schubert, the film casts Bernard Lancret as Schubert, Harvey as his dancer sweetheart, and Louis Jouvet as a possessive Baron who has his own designs on our heroine.
Whirlwind of Paris
A gang of broke student musicians travel to Paris to take exams. But very quickly, the lack of money pushes young people to pass themselves off as professionals during the performance. They will then win the victory!
Maxim's Porter
The hunter at Maxim's, whose family is unaware of the profession, turns around and plans to marry his daughter to a marquis when he recognizes a regular in this nobility. Everyone meets at Maxim's where, unmasked, the hunter agrees to marry his daughter to the reveler but repentant Marquis.
Extenuating Circumstances
Harsh Parisian judge Gaetan (known as Monsieur Maximum), chafing in the idleness of retirement, leaves for a seaside holiday. But Gabriel the chauffeur has his mind on his girl, not the car; Gaetan and wife Nathalie are stranded in the country, where they find shelter in a low class bistro patronized by cheerful jail birds. Once the ice is broken, they have a wonderful time, but as the judge tries to trick his new friends into reforming, inevitable exposure approaches...
Vous seule que j'aime
After the death of her trapeze artist father, a little girl is taken in by two clowns.
Immediate Call
In September 1938, an American diplomat negotiated in London the peace of Munich, rather than rush to Paris where his wife, a famous film actress, is about to fall into the arms of a young first. He gains peace but loses his happiness.
Trois artilleurs à l'opéra
Le brigadier (as Bever)
Le veau gras
Jules Vachon, a pharmacist, has two sons, Gabriel, a steady-minded young man dedicated to his job in the pharmacy, and Gaston, a good for nothing whose only talent is to seduce rich women and take money from their pockets. But it is Gaston who is hailed as a great man when he returns to his native village thanks to his deep pockets.
Конец дня
Le garde-champêtre
В аббатстве Сен-Жан-Ля-Ривьер, приюте для престарелых актеров (не знающих, что их общему дому грозит закрытие), изводят друг друга три пожилых жильца: Рафаэль Сен-Клер, старый красавец, когда-то обласканный славой и женщинами, а ныне растративший состояние на азартные игры и любовные похождения; Жиль Марни, актер амбициозный и уважаемый собратьями, но никогда не знавший успеха (его жена ушла от него к Сен-Клеру и погибла на охоте; ее смерть была похожа на самоубийство, и эта тайна до сих пор преследует Марни) и, наконец, Кабриссад, затейник и шутник, любящий при случае приврать, всю жизнь просидевший в дублерах. Марни — его главный мучитель — презирает Кабриссада. В отместку Кабриссад каждый день изобретает новые каверзы и однажды зачитывает вслух некролог Марни, по ошибке напечатанный в местной газете…
The Deserter
During WW1, a train is stopped by a bombing, a young soldier takes advantage of the opportunity to go to his native village to see his parents.
Behind the Facade
Un chauffeur de taxi (uncredited)
The owner of an apartment building is found murdered. Two rival policemen, Boucheron and Lambert, investigate the matter and get into the private lives of the tenants: an unfaithful judge, a crippled blind man and his daughter, an eccentric knife thrower, a shoplifter (and proud of it!), a bourgeois lady who has a bone to pick with a gigolo, a mistress who cheats on her lover, not forgetting the caretaker and a soldier in love.
Le prince Bouboule
Bouboule is a taxi driver. A Russian princess wishing to acquire French nationality offers to marry her to divorce a few months later. After incredible adventures, Bouboule manages to save the inheritance of his wife, divorces and finds his sweet Lucette.
Vacances payées
Prosper, the accountant of a fashion house, takes a vacation to Monte Carlo without his wife Sabine. And if he goes alone it is for a very good reason: he has a rendezvous with Olga, a beautiful woman. Once in Monte Carlo, he wins a large sum of money at the casino. Unfortunately for him he immediately becomes the prey of three gangsters who proceed to relieve him of his newly acquired fortune.
Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élysées
L'Apothicaire (uncredited)
The history of one of France's most famous streets is retold, featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.
I Sing
The gas worker
Charles's uncle is the headmaster of a chic girls school .He is short of the readies and he has lots and lots of debts.
Prince de mon cœur
One of the subjects of the Prince of Slopoldavia, followed him to Paris, not out of love but to take revenge for the monarch's betrayal of one of his friends. Involuntary architect of a plot, she forces the prince to return to the throne and agrees to share the burdens of power with him.
The Midnight Airplane
During a stopover, Morel, an airline pilot and Colette spin the perfect love. She hides from him that she is compromised in the actions of a band of criminals. She manages to escape her dangerous friends while a shootout wipes them all out.
Alexis gentleman chauffeur
Alexis, a former war pilot, attempted the Paris-Tokyo raid and failed. He became a taxi driver. The film actress, Margot Fontane, forgets her bag in the taxi and Alexis thus meets her. He goes to see the great actress shoot, he is hired for a small role as an aviator, and to simulate a take-off, he flies to Tokyo. It is the signal of happiness for the two lovers.
Golden Venus
La Venus D'Or (Golden Venus) was based on Business, a play by Pierre Sabatier. Mirielle Balin stars as Judith, the mistress of ruthless oil magnate Harfstrong (Jacques Copeau). What Harfstrong doesn't know is that Judith is a spy for his hated business rival. When he does find out, he cannot get rid of her because she knows too much about his own crooked dealings. After several more reels of mutual betrayal and recriminations, the story suddenly shifts to the "good" characters, clean-limned young pilot Andre (Daniel Lecourtois) and his sweetheart Michelle (Andree Giuze). Set up as a fall guy for the villains, Andre somehow emerges from the experience none the worse for wear.
La Glu
A young Breton sailor falls in love with a visiting stranger called 'La Glu'. He drops his betrothed, mother and friends so that he can live with her. La Glu is murdered. Who did it? Relatives and friends are all suspects.
The West
The film portrays the relationship between a female Moroccan student, who has been forced to leave her studies at the Sorbonne for financial reasons and works as a dancer in a Paris nightclub, and a French naval officer. However, on returning to Casablanca she is tricked into believing that he had the led attack on her village that wiped out her family. She begins to plot her revenge.
Les deux combinards
The first schemer, short of money, offers himself at a high price to facilitate the fantasies of the other, by playing the role of substitute. The second is an unscrupulous banker who sows ruin and grief but who is soon ruined and fooled in turn.
Story of the Siberian monk Gregory Rasputin and the hold he exerted over the court of the last Russian czar, Nicholas.
Êtes-vous jalouse?
Germaine Moreuil's insane jealousy triggers such violent marital quarrels that the spouses file for divorce. When Germaine's parents find out, they sham a fierce spat to disgust their daughter and her husband with the pathetic spectacle of a couple at loggerheads. But just as their farce is on the brink of becoming a tragedy, events combined with the blunders of all four happily reconcile everyone.
Mon député et sa femme
An outgoing deputy, put on ballot, experiences many political and marital difficulties before regaining his seat. Ultimately and without suspecting it, he owes his victory obtained by a withdrawal at the last minute, to his young wife who did not hesitate to seduce the opponent.
Un scandale aux galeries
No overview found
The Beauty of Montparnasse
Mr. Pontbichot has long dreamed of cheating on his wife. To achieve his goals, he looks for a son-in-law who could help him, and finds him in the person of a young painter, who pleases his daughter.
A reveler who has experienced setbacks tries to become unemployed without ever having worked.
Une femme qui se partage
Louis Cruciol, a married man, leads a double life: he maintains his mistress by taking the identity of one of his employees, Louis Cornette. A series of misunderstandings ensues.
Les maris de ma femme
A poor boy, having consented to play the role of the victim in a fake car accident story, is also invited to marry in the place of his crush who wishes to keep his freedom.
The Bureaucrats
A comedy about the petty bureaucrats who need special leather props under their posteriors because of the long hours they spend sitting at their desks.
Everything is Going Very Well Madame la Marquise
After he loses a servant job when his employer's mansion burns down, a yokel makes money entertaining tourists in Breton garb, lands up appearing in a Paris show ,and meets another property owning lady, this one of dubious reputation.
Adventure in Paris
le domestique de Raymond
Michel Levasseur is a joyous reveler who does not care about the next day. So much so that one day a bailiff bursts into his Paris apartment and seizes his furniture on behalf of Raymond Sauvaget, his landlord, a rich food industrialist. But far from resenting Sauvaget's act of hostility, Michel ... becomes his friend. Now Raymond, although prosperous, does not know how to handle women. That is why he asks Michel, a regular Casanova, to give him lessons in seduction.
Because they brought her back a lost piece of jewelry, a very rich lady accedes to the request of three old people and transforms a vacant lot into a park for the neighborhood children.
The lab boy
Helene is based on Helene Wilfur, a novel by Vicki (Grand Hotel) Baum. Madeleine Renaud essays the title role, a young medical student in love with aspiring musician Pierre Regnier (Jean-Lous Barrault). Pierre's father, a noted surgeon, puts pressure on his son to give up music in favor of medicine. Unable to withstand his father's remonstrations, Pierre kills himself, prompting the grieving Madeleine to forget all about romance and dedicate her life to the cause of healing others. Wilfur avoids the usual soap-opera goo by offering realistic performances and credible dialogue (the English-language subtitles were composed by erudite film critic Herman G. Weinberg).
Prête-moi ta femme
Gontran is required to marry if he wants to benefit from his aunt's inheritance. To convince the latter in favor of a visit, he calls on the wife of a friend who will play the role of the future wife. This maneuver will cause many misunderstandings.
Symphonie D'Amour
Theater assistant
A ten-year old film when it was first released in the USA as "Symphonie D'Amour" in 1946. Panard (Fernand Gravet) is a talented composer who is having little success in his musical career. He is reduced to hiring out as a sandwich-board man to advertise what proves to be his own show. His girl, Jacqueline Francell, interests a Marquis in backing the show. She and Panard are happily reunited after the successful opening of his operetta.
Славная компания
Un voisin
Пять бедняков выигрывают в лотерею и решает открыть придорожную закусочную около реки Марна. Но благие намерения этой славной компании разрушает неизменные «спутники» Человека – слабости и пороки...
Seven Men, One Woman
At the urging of her childhood friend Brémontier, Lucie de Kéradec, a wealthy widowed countess who wishes to remarry, invites all of her seven suitors to her mansion. Her untold intention is to test them by claiming to be ruined. The experience is a success in that each of the potential husbands reveals his inner nature but a failure when it comes to finding a new life partner. None of the guests passes the test except - the eighth man, namely Brémontier who loved Lucie in secret but, being penniless, had not dared declare his flame to her.
Une gueule en or
The Marquis de Barfleur, an unattractive man, decides to resort to plastic surgery to ensure the fidelity of Colette, his young mistress. Now endowed with a face to die for, he is about to achieve his goal. But the Marchioness de Barfleur, the Marquis' loving wife, does not hear it that way. She has her revenge claiming everywhere that her husband is... dead! An assertion people believe since they do not recognize the Marquis! When her vengeance has lasted long enough, she forgives the Marquis and husband and wife fall into each other's arms.
A Hen on a Wall
A little peasant girl claims to have been raped. The detective who arrives in the village discovers that it is a set-up, but at the same time reveals carefully hidden and very surprising truths about each.
Le roman d'un spahi
The spahi Jean Peyral is very in love with the flirtatious Cora. When he realizes that she betrays him, he tries to kill himself. He is saved by the tenderness of a young native, Fatou.
Train de plaisir
Marguerite and Verdurin, both employed in l'Atout Prix, a store run by Prosper Biscoton, would like to take a vacation at the beach, but they need more money than they earn. They decide to trick their boss into paying for the trip by pretending Marguerite is interested in him. Biscoton falls in the trap and puts himself in a difficult position with his own wife.
Haut comme trois pommes
Madame Dupin is the most influential character in her village. She is at odds with her daughter because the latter married a showman.
A Bombshell Night
A banker threatened by gangsters is replaced by a tramp who is his perfect double. The gangsters arrest the fake banker and take him for a madman.
La mascotte
The turkey keeper, Bettina, brings good luck to those who make her work. She becomes the mascot of the good King Laurent XVII whose finances are in bad shape. In order for her to retain her beneficial power, an attempt is made to separate her from her lover, but in vain.
What a Funny Kid!
Lucie turns the house of chic dandy Gaston upside down.
Jonny, haute-couture
Mam'zelle Spahi
Two mistresses snubbed by their respective lovers crash a military ball and their lovers then resort to an unusual strategy to win them back.
Midnight Prince
A record seller, and not very serious, Henry spends his nights in a cabaret where there is a Slavic prince in exile. His resemblance to the Prince of Palestria makes him designated to replace the young man who prefers to stay in Paris. And Henry takes with him the one he loves.
Le chéri de sa concierge
The young Eugène Crochard, whom his entourage believes to be a billionaire following a joke published in a newspaper, is pursued by a cohort of people including his very pretty concierge. Really become very rich, he will end up being loved by the young girl he was secretly in love with. He will become the darling of his concierge.
An aviator lands on the estate of a duchess, who has an attractive daughter. Will he overcome the obstacles that are put in his path?
C'était un musicien
Skinny fiancé
When he is not conducting his orchestra, a talented young man invents a device to thwart car thieves.Associating himself with a rich Dutch baron, he falls in love with the baron's daughter.
Les surprises du sleeping
Prince Philippe of Bracowa must join his fiancée by train. The young and pretty Gisèle is on the same train, for her too to join her fiancé.
Ah! Quelle gare!
A traveler without a ticket gets off the train he has stopped, becomes an occasional station master, fraternizes with the inspector who is chasing him, protects the loves of the wife of the real station master who has abandoned his post to make sure of his wife's fidelity, and takes the train back when everything is settled.
Le gros lot
La femme invisible
A young woman whose family doesn't want her to marry is taken by her lover to a seance, where before the eyes of her parents she is conjured away. Her man awaits on the other side.
Le mari garçon
Wanting to hide in the countryside, a young couple finds all the friends they were fleeing from.
A gypsy and a boatman fall in love with each other. They do not understand each other and make each other suffer. When, at last, their hearts are confounded, the young girl’s father kills the young man, thus accomplishing the implacable Bohemian law.
Sa meilleure cliente
It is one thing to open a beauty salon (which Edwige and her young lover Gaston have just done) but it is another to keep it on its feet.To best promote their speciality, fountain-of-youth treatments, Edwige decides to apply to the letter the old slogan "It pays to advertise" by posing as... Gaston's mother, a sixty-year-old woman, miraculously grown younger.
We ask for an employee
A misunderstanding between two candidates for an open position take each other to the boss.
Fun in Barracks
The life of disorderly soldiers in the barracks dealing with daily routines.
Mister Albert
Monsieur Albert is a very elegant and much-appreciated butler. One day he falls in love with a client, Sylvia Robertson, and follows her to a winter sports resort. Sylvia does not recognize him and imagines that he is related to a king who goes incognito.
With Assurance
Racetrack Winners
I'll Be Alone After Midnight
A woman's marriage is on the rocks ; to avenge herself, she decides to take a lover for one night .So she buys all his stock from a balloon man and flies them through the Parisian sky ; all her balloons carry a message :"I will be alone after midnight" (hence the title); a lot a suitors comme to the rendezvous : a fisherman, a soldier, a traveler , a gentleman cambrioleur (a nod to Arsène Lupin?) and others ,much to Michel, a young man in love with her's displeasure.
Le Collier
Beauty Cult