Jaromil Jireš

Jaromil Jireš

Рождение : 1935-12-10, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia [now Slovak Republic]

Смерть : 2001-10-24


Jaromil Jireš was a director associated with the Czechoslovak New Wave movement. His 1963 film The Cry was entered into the 1964 Cannes Film Festival. It is often described as the first film of the Czechoslovak New Wave, a movement known for its dark humor, use of non-professional actors, and "art-cinema realism".


Jaromil Jireš


CzechMate: In Search of Jiří Menzel
An epic exploration of the Czechoslovak New Wave cinema of the 1960s and 70s, structured around a series of conversations with one of its most acclaimed exponents - Closely Observed Trains director Jiří Menzel.
Double Role
An intimate psychological film which elaborates the Faustian theme about the dispute between the body and the soul - a study on human identity. Two young doctors carry out the surgical exchange of the brains of two women who are dying after a car accident - a young girl and member of a criminal gang, and a lonely seventy-year-old associate professor of oriental studies. The young girl wakes from the operation thinking like the elderly intellectual and tries in vain to live with her new identity. (https://www.filmovyprehled.cz/en/film/22344/double-role)
Double Role
An intimate psychological film which elaborates the Faustian theme about the dispute between the body and the soul - a study on human identity. Two young doctors carry out the surgical exchange of the brains of two women who are dying after a car accident - a young girl and member of a criminal gang, and a lonely seventy-year-old associate professor of oriental studies. The young girl wakes from the operation thinking like the elderly intellectual and tries in vain to live with her new identity. (https://www.filmovyprehled.cz/en/film/22344/double-role)
Učitel tance
Antonín Dvořák
Antonín Dvořák
Rakovina vůle
Rakovina vůle
Lion with a White Mane
The film tells the exciting life of the great Czech composer Leos Janácek (1854-1928), also known by the thick silver hair that crowned his head and his strong character, which could overcome the adversities of fate.
Lion with a White Mane
The film tells the exciting life of the great Czech composer Leos Janácek (1854-1928), also known by the thick silver hair that crowned his head and his strong character, which could overcome the adversities of fate.
Extended Time
Extended Time
Adaptation of Vladimir Paral's comic novel, which criticizes consumerism as an attitude of life.
Adaptation of Vladimir Paral's comic novel, which criticizes consumerism as an attitude of life.
Incomplete Eclipse
Marta (Lucie Patikova) was blinded in an accident brought on by her careless and indulgent younger sister. Now in a school for the blind, Marta keeps up her hope that she will one day see again, mainly because her mother - out of good intentions - has led her to believe that the blindness is only temporary. Before long, Marta comes to realize that her condition will last until she dies, and she begins to despair, hating her mother for giving her false hope. Only a dedicated psychologist, Dr. Mos (Oldrich Navratil) seems to have the means of retrieving Marta from her depression.
Incomplete Eclipse
Marta (Lucie Patikova) was blinded in an accident brought on by her careless and indulgent younger sister. Now in a school for the blind, Marta keeps up her hope that she will one day see again, mainly because her mother - out of good intentions - has led her to believe that the blindness is only temporary. Before long, Marta comes to realize that her condition will last until she dies, and she begins to despair, hating her mother for giving her false hope. Only a dedicated psychologist, Dr. Mos (Oldrich Navratil) seems to have the means of retrieving Marta from her depression.
O labuti
Story about fate, and their fatal consequences.
Escape Home
A twelve-year-old is looking for his biological parents after discovering the fact that he was adopted.
Escape Home
A twelve-year-old is looking for his biological parents after discovering the fact that he was adopted.
Payment in Kind
In an unusual, apolitical approach, director Jaromil Jires has fashioned a standard drama that features an older lawyer with failing health who goes to practice in the countryside. His series of odd court cases reveals more about the human condition than about law. In one of these litigations a wayward nephew has cheated his elderly aunt out of her savings. In court, the nephew insists the money was a gift, but his aunt explains she only gave him the money as a loan. Although the lawyer technically wins the case, everything of value seems lost in the meantime. His services are paid for in rabbits because the aunt has no currency, and in the end, the nephew cons his aunt into parting with her savings anyway. Other cases expose similar types of petty corruption.
The Young Man and Moby Dick
Good-looking Edita Beningerová (Jana Brejchová) arrives at a chemical factory in the North Bohemian town of Ústí nad Labem together with her young assistant Nada (Zlata Adamovská). She is hoping that her ex-husband, outstanding practical chemical engineer Vik Panc (Eduard Cupák), will help her conduct an experiment to validate her proposed theoretical method of isolating cholesterol from lanolin. The success of Edita's invention is crucial for her career at the Prague Institute of Chemistry. Vik's roommate from his hostel Bréta (Ivan Vyskocil) is thrilled. He will finally meet the mysterious and fascinating Edita about whom he has learned so much from Vik.
The Young Man and Moby Dick
Good-looking Edita Beningerová (Jana Brejchová) arrives at a chemical factory in the North Bohemian town of Ústí nad Labem together with her young assistant Nada (Zlata Adamovská). She is hoping that her ex-husband, outstanding practical chemical engineer Vik Panc (Eduard Cupák), will help her conduct an experiment to validate her proposed theoretical method of isolating cholesterol from lanolin. The success of Edita's invention is crucial for her career at the Prague Institute of Chemistry. Vik's roommate from his hostel Bréta (Ivan Vyskocil) is thrilled. He will finally meet the mysterious and fascinating Edita about whom he has learned so much from Vik.
Zápisník zmizelého
Zápisník zmizelého
The Island of the Silver Herons
The late summer of 1918. Paul, Willi and Heinrich from an age-old German town are good friends, although there is a great deal that divides them. Heinrich comes from an officer's family with an army tradition and is preparing to enter cadet college. Paul's father and grandfather are workers, and Willi, left to depend on himself, works as a hotel messenger. The last year of the war is hard for everyone, but while Paul and Willi know their own minds and do not hesitate to help the war fugitives Tony and Sepp, for Heinrich everything is more complicated.
Flying Saucers Over Our Village
A model Communist village is visited by a flying saucer.
People from the Subway
Three short stories. Prague finally sees the approval of the subway construction. Thousands of individuals took part in preparing, course and finalizing construction of subway and their lives crossed at certain points of this construction.
People from the Subway
Three short stories. Prague finally sees the approval of the subway construction. Thousands of individuals took part in preparing, course and finalizing construction of subway and their lives crossed at certain points of this construction.
People from the Subway
Three short stories. Prague finally sees the approval of the subway construction. Thousands of individuals took part in preparing, course and finalizing construction of subway and their lives crossed at certain points of this construction.
Il Divino Boemo
Il Divino Boemo
Il Divino Boemo
Královský gambit
Královský gambit
And Give My Love to the Swallows
This film, chronicling the last days of Czech resistance fighter Maruska Kuderikova (played by Magda Vasaryova), is based on her diaries. Though she was tortured and eventually executed by the Nazis, her diaries indicate that she was optimistic for the humanity of her captors and did not by any means hate them. Told with simple dignity, this film makes clear why Maruska became a national hero.
And Give My Love to the Swallows
This film, chronicling the last days of Czech resistance fighter Maruska Kuderikova (played by Magda Vasaryova), is based on her diaries. Though she was tortured and eventually executed by the Nazis, her diaries indicate that she was optimistic for the humanity of her captors and did not by any means hate them. Told with simple dignity, this film makes clear why Maruska became a national hero.
And Give My Love to the Swallows
This film, chronicling the last days of Czech resistance fighter Maruska Kuderikova (played by Magda Vasaryova), is based on her diaries. Though she was tortured and eventually executed by the Nazis, her diaries indicate that she was optimistic for the humanity of her captors and did not by any means hate them. Told with simple dignity, this film makes clear why Maruska became a national hero.
Валери и неделя чудес
Фильм ужасов про 13-летнюю девочку Валерию, вступающую во взрослую жизнь и переживающую первые любовные увлечения. Фильм находится на грани реальности и сна, сказки, сомнамбулической лирики и ночных кошмаров, пронизанных сексуальными откровениями подсознания.
Валери и неделя чудес
Фильм ужасов про 13-летнюю девочку Валерию, вступающую во взрослую жизнь и переживающую первые любовные увлечения. Фильм находится на грани реальности и сна, сказки, сомнамбулической лирики и ночных кошмаров, пронизанных сексуальными откровениями подсознания.
Даже спустя пятнадцать лет героя преследует студенческая шутка, за которую он в 50-х гг. был исключен из института и как враг народа отправлен на службу в штрафном батальоне. Он намеревается отомстить доценту-карьеристу, одному из тех, кто был причиной его несчастий. Но у его мести горький привкус.
Даже спустя пятнадцать лет героя преследует студенческая шутка, за которую он в 50-х гг. был исключен из института и как враг народа отправлен на службу в штрафном батальоне. Он намеревается отомстить доценту-карьеристу, одному из тех, кто был причиной его несчастий. Но у его мести горький привкус.
Don Juan 68
Don Juan 68
Don Juan 68
An Occasion to Speak
Documentary about the film academy in Prague and the Czech Film in 1965.
Жемчужинки на дне
Картина является сборником из 5 новелл, поставленных каждым из режиссеров по мотивам сюрреалистических произведений чешского писателя Богумила Грабала: «Смерть пана Балтазара», «Мошенники», «Дом радости», «Автоматический свет», «Романс».
Жемчужинки на дне
Картина является сборником из 5 новелл, поставленных каждым из режиссеров по мотивам сюрреалистических произведений чешского писателя Богумила Грабала: «Смерть пана Балтазара», «Мошенники», «Дом радости», «Автоматический свет», «Романс».
It is the depths of winter and in the middle of a desolate landscape on a snowy slope stands a log cabin, inhabited by an old man. The man puts his last log into his stove and the warmth of the fire visibly delights him. He rocks his rocking chair energetically and sings merrily. The flames die away and the old man looks around for something to put on the fire. In the end he sacrifices the chair, but soon that too is burnt up. The man tears the remnants of posters from the walls, gathers various rags and throws everything into the stove. Then he takes an axe and gradually chops up the wooden walls of his house, although it is obvious that he cannot win this duel with cruel nature. The fire gradually eats up the planks and beams until the cabin entirely collapses. The man wants to get warm, and so runs around the dying flames. (https://www.filmovyprehled.cz/en/film/396670/the-log-cabin)
It is the depths of winter and in the middle of a desolate landscape on a snowy slope stands a log cabin, inhabited by an old man. The man puts his last log into his stove and the warmth of the fire visibly delights him. He rocks his rocking chair energetically and sings merrily. The flames die away and the old man looks around for something to put on the fire. In the end he sacrifices the chair, but soon that too is burnt up. The man tears the remnants of posters from the walls, gathers various rags and throws everything into the stove. Then he takes an axe and gradually chops up the wooden walls of his house, although it is obvious that he cannot win this duel with cruel nature. The fire gradually eats up the planks and beams until the cabin entirely collapses. The man wants to get warm, and so runs around the dying flames. (https://www.filmovyprehled.cz/en/film/396670/the-log-cabin)
It is the depths of winter and in the middle of a desolate landscape on a snowy slope stands a log cabin, inhabited by an old man. The man puts his last log into his stove and the warmth of the fire visibly delights him. He rocks his rocking chair energetically and sings merrily. The flames die away and the old man looks around for something to put on the fire. In the end he sacrifices the chair, but soon that too is burnt up. The man tears the remnants of posters from the walls, gathers various rags and throws everything into the stove. Then he takes an axe and gradually chops up the wooden walls of his house, although it is obvious that he cannot win this duel with cruel nature. The fire gradually eats up the planks and beams until the cabin entirely collapses. The man wants to get warm, and so runs around the dying flames. (https://www.filmovyprehled.cz/en/film/396670/the-log-cabin)
Славек и Ивана — молодая чета, с нетерпением ожидающая рождения ребёнка. Когда Славек отвёз Ивану в родильный дом, он очень беспокоился в течение дня о ней, о том, как пройдут роды. Воспоминания Иваны и Славека воскрешают историю их отношений с момента знакомства. Но вот раздался первый крик новорожденного. Славек и Ивана счастливы и в то же время обеспокоены — воспитание ребёнка накладывает на них большую ответственность...
The Hall of Lost Steps
Director of Photography
In a series of juxtaposed images and sounds, Jaromil Jireš comments on the tragic premature death of thousands as well as their posterity due to the atomic bomb.
The Hall of Lost Steps
In a series of juxtaposed images and sounds, Jaromil Jireš comments on the tragic premature death of thousands as well as their posterity due to the atomic bomb.
The Hall of Lost Steps
In a series of juxtaposed images and sounds, Jaromil Jireš comments on the tragic premature death of thousands as well as their posterity due to the atomic bomb.
Славек и Ивана — молодая чета, с нетерпением ожидающая рождения ребёнка. Когда Славек отвёз Ивану в родильный дом, он очень беспокоился в течение дня о ней, о том, как пройдут роды. Воспоминания Иваны и Славека воскрешают историю их отношений с момента знакомства. Но вот раздался первый крик новорожденного. Славек и Ивана счастливы и в то же время обеспокоены — воспитание ребёнка накладывает на них большую ответственность...
The Dynamite Watcher
This early short by Jaromil Jireš anticipates the formal and stylistic experimentation that would characterize VALERIE AND HER WEEK OF WONDERS.
Уже вечер. Вор проникает в квартиру через открытое окно. Маленький мальчик просыпается в кроватке. Он просит человека, которого он называет своим дядей, починить плюшевого мишку, а затем деревянную игрушечную машинку. У воров нет другого выбора, кроме как сделать это, потому что в противном случае ребенок предал бы его ...
Уже вечер. Вор проникает в квартиру через открытое окно. Маленький мальчик просыпается в кроватке. Он просит человека, которого он называет своим дядей, починить плюшевого мишку, а затем деревянную игрушечную машинку. У воров нет другого выбора, кроме как сделать это, потому что в противном случае ребенок предал бы его ...