Jacques Derives


Когда б Париж поведал нам
Un Garde
Профессор университета беседует со студентами в форме «ясного признания в любви» и рассказывает им о разных исторических фактах, которые складываются в историю Парижа… Это история Шарля VII и Аньес Сорель, создание типографии при Луи X, Лувр во времена Франсуа I, Варфоломеевская ночь, убийство Анри III монахом-фанатиком, процесс над Марией Антуанеттой, Парижская коммуна, дело Дрейфуса и другие…
Жизнь порядочного человека
Десятилетиями упорного труда и бережливости пробивался к своему положению промышленник Альбер Менар-Лакост. Свою добродетель он привык возводить в абсолют и не прощал людских слабостей, за что, в свою очередь, не пользовался симпатиями ни в семейном кругу, ни в деловых отношениях. Однако внезапное возвращение из Канады блудного брата-близнеца Алена, благополучно «похороненного» Альбером 30 лет назад, заставляет его другими глазами взглянуть на свою жизнь и оценить упущенные возможности.
Личная жизнь Поля Браконнира и его жены Бландины очень далека от идеала. Лучшие супруги просто ненавидят друг друга — на грани желания убийства. Когда Поль слышит о Матра Обане, адвокате защиты, который не проиграл ни одного дела, он отправляется к законнику. Поль хочет знать, как он сможет убить жену и избежать наказания. Вдохновленный тем, что он услышал, Браконнир закалывает жену, в то время как она собралась отравить его…
Jean-Gaspard Deburau is a very successful mime, the most famous in his category. One day, he falls head over heels in love with Marie Duplessis, a courtesan better known as "La Dame aux Camélias". But he soon realizes that he is but a number in her long list of lovers. He will find comfort in devoting his time teaching his art to his son Charles.
Just a Big Simple Girl
The tour of a theatrical troupe is disturbed by the waltz-hesitation love of the young actress Stepha between the young first and the director.
Master Love
Director of a music hall, the dubious Ribero, to save himself from bankruptcy, only hopes for the victory of his horse. An English lord enlists his crack Master Love in the race. Ribero will try to prevent its departure. He is thwarted in his dark projects by the lord's daughter, captain of a troop of girls, and by a wise and determined sportsman who does not hesitate, for the occasion, to become a jockey. Master Love wins the race, Ribero is confused, a few weddings are celebrated.
L'aventure est au coin de la rue
A rich young man, Pierre Trévoux, has a desire for adventure and boasts of his courage. While he is staying with friends in the countryside, his hosts, to play a trick on him, organize a fake burglary, but he discovers the hoax. When he returns home, he finds his house broken into. Convinced that the game continues, he does not understand that he is dealing with real gangsters. His recklessness allows him to rout the criminals.
The Law of Spring
The children born from a first marriage of a widower and a widower who have remarried do not get along. Frequent quarrels break out in the household which finally finds calm thanks to the presence of a new little girl.
The Chain Breaker
The doctor
Antoine Mouret, an authoritarian restaurateur, is the head of a large family where, for reasons of interest, people only marry cousins. But some have other plans, Marcus especially when he meets a passing circus girl.
Bach en correctionnelle
A parodic trial, in which one sees a merry luron, tried for trifles, rallying the whole court to him as soon as one learns that he inherits a large fortune.
The Mondesir Heir
Bienaimé, a modest postman, in love with Janine, the village postmistress, does not know that he is the illegitimate son of the old Baron de Mondésir. The Baron dies and in happy amazement, Bienaimé finds he is the sole heir to the deceased's estate. But he should be careful, for two crooks, Waldemar and Erika, are after his newly-acquired wealth.
Une de la cavalerie
The merry Vigoulette wants to escape the yoke of his wife and asks to be recalled to a barracks regiment in Nice. Every night, he and his friend Poupardin have a great time. But one evening, he is missing. Fortunately his wife, who had arrived to spy on him, takes her place in the bedroom.
Boys' School
In a college, three friends form a secret society. Their objective - going to America. One night, after one of their secret meetings, one of them sees a man coming out from a wall. The next day, after he talks about it, he disappears. Then, the second one vanishes. Are they gone to their dreams? That's when the art teacher is murdered. Suspicions now are too high so the third one decides to investigate.
My Little Marquise
Jacotte, a little orphan, is adopted by two single uncles who are looking for a governess for her. Monique hides that she is very rich to be hired because she is seduced by the little girl. Her father, chocolate manufacturer and competitor of the uncles, decides to sink them. But everything works out when Monique marries one of the brothers.
The Gateway Streak
A brave man accidentally gives some good tips to a client who immediately hires him as a secretary. But he is kidnapped by a rival bank and there is a queue to get his predictions. He finally understands that he makes everyone's fortune except his own. He opens a private pharmacy where he earns everything he wants and even love.
Jacques et Jacotte
Jacotte and her older sister Annie live in a Montmartrois workshop where Annie paints pictures of flowers. But the paintings do not sell. The bailiff threatens to seize the furniture so Jacotte decides to go see the owner. Jacques is conquered by the little girl and soon after by Annie.
Le choc en retour
A rich sugar factory manager wants to marry his daughter to an aristocrat, while the young girl is in love with an engineer, employed in a rival company.
Le père La Cerise
Father La Cerise sells advice on the racetracks. He finds a wallet and returns it to its owner. The reward allows him to bet himself.
Dora Nelson
Dora Nelson, a famous actress, leaves both her husband Philippe de Moreuil and the role she was playing in a movie directed by Nivert, to follow her lover Santini in Italy. But she soon realizes that Santini deceives her with a girl named Elsa. In vexation she decides to return to her husband and to her career. Unfortunately for her, Suzanne Verdier, a little working girl, has in the meantime replaced her not only in the film she had left unfinished but in her husband's heart as well. Dora eventually understands she must step aside.
L'Article 382
While walking back home at night, an examining judge is robbed of his watch. Fortunately he offers resistance and, by roughing up the mugger, manages to recover his belonging. Imagine his surprise when he realizes his thief is none other than... the President of the Court of Justice! How will the poor man behave with him knowing what he knows?
La roche aux mouettes
To restore health to their little boy, the Henry couple decided to live in Brittany. The child has a cult of the sea. One day, he follows a band of little Bretons to the high seas and the children would all be drowned if their fathers had not arrived in time.