A group of dodgy businessmen and their girlfriends/mistresses discover a container drifting next to their yacht with 3 escaped prisoners inside,all are brought aboard and procede to terrorise and humiliate their hosts until rather predictably the victims begin to fight back and turn the tables on their crackpot captors.
Goldface fights dr. Cobra's, aided by a bare chested African named Kotar. When Kotar's not punching folks, he's eating peanuts, bugging out his eyes, and speaking gibberish while referring to Goldy as "B'wana".
Luisa Solmi
Инопланетяне из созвездия Гидры потерпели катастрофу и оказались замурованы в горах на острове Сардиния. Выдающийся ученый Сальми, его дочь, несколько молодых людей и пара восточных шпионов стали заложниками инопланетян, так как тем нужны их мозги и руки для ремонта и управления кораблём. Корабль успешно стартует, но люди поднимают мятеж против троих пришельцев, в результате корабль сбивается с курса и попадает в фотонную бурю.
A 1965 Italian adventure-Eurospy film directed by Sergio Sollima (credited as Simon Sterling). This is the first chapter in the Sollima's spy film trilogy with Agent 3S3. Here the intelligence agent from the U.S. is tasked with uncovering the leader of the Black Scorpion.
La Cieca Di Sorrento (also known as Revenge of the Black Knight is a 1963 cloak and dagger film directed by Nick Nostro and based on the novel of the same name by Francesco Mastriani. Masked knights fight the cruel Tyrant Amedeo, tutor of the beautiful, rich and blind orphan Isabella. The knights are led by a young doctor who in the end will defeat Isabella's evil oppressor, give her her sight and marry her.