Sławomir Orzechowski
Рождение : 1958-07-06, Warszawa, Polska
Wiktor Gold
A storm causes damage to a bridge that connects the world of the living with the world of the dead. For this reason, the information about Maria’s own death reaches her with delay.
The Polish national football team manager's adult daughter is wooed by one of the team's players and a sports journalist who is critical of her father.
komendant Wacławski
Kaja Miller is a police officer that is abducted and abused on one of her missions. Eight years later she meets her former boss Nowicki, who takes her to Gdynia with the task of exposing a large criminal circuit.
Franz Necel
После смерти своей матери Матеуш Крол, мальчик из Кашубии, был принят на воспитание прусской аристократкой Гердой фон Краусс. Он растет во дворце вместе со своей ровесницей Маритой, дочерью фон Краусса. Позже, молодые люди влюбляются друг в друга. Крестный отец мальчика, кашубский патриот Базили Миотке, принимает участие в мирной конференции в Версале, где сражается за место Кашубии на карте Польши. Версальский договор, провозглашающий Польшу независимой страной, также приводит к тому, что семья фон Краусс теряет свое положение и влияние. Все чувствуют, что мир, каким они его знают, может измениться самым радикальным образом.
Ojciec gwardian
Recreation of facts and stories of both experts and people who met Maximilian Kolbe and were shocked by his words and actions.
dozorca Marian
A little known episode from the life of Stalinist security police office Julia Brystiger. Her nickname Bloody Luna was a reference to her incredibly brutal methods of interrogation. In the early 1960s, she appears in a centre for the blind on the outskirts of Warsaw, a place often visited by Cardinal Wyszyński, whose imprisonment in 1953-1956 Brystiger supervised personally. During a difficult and heated discussion with the cardinal, Brystiger denounces the communist ideology and begs for forgiveness for her crimes and for guidance in her search for God.
Jerzy Osowiecki, funkcjonariusz UBP
In the spring of 1945, the commanding officer of the National Armed Forces in Mazowsze and older brother of 20-year-old Mieczyslaw Dziemieszkiewicz, is assassinated by Soviet soldiers. Mieczyslaw then joins the National Military Union. He becomes the commander of a partisan unit fighting for the next six years to free Poland from Soviet tyranny by terrorizing the UB and its collaborators. Communist authorities will do whatever it takes to track down the "enemy of the people's power."
Rainer Dulsky, a professor of psychiatry from Switzerland, comes to Melania, the granddaughter of Mrs. Dulska. He feels he’s got something in common with the tenement house in which the Dulski family live... Melania, a film director, intrigued by her family history joins Rainer in his research. Their discoveries will take them back to the past full of secrets that were meant to stay hidden forever. The Dulski family have much on their conscience...
ojciec Katarzyny
Действие фильма происходит в современной Италии, России и Польше. Девушка молодого итальянца Анджело неожиданно уходит в монастырь. Он едет вслед за ней, устраиваясь на работу в крупную энергетическую компанию, надеясь, что она передумает и они смогут быть счастливы. Молодой человек даже не предполагает, что его ждёт серьёзное испытание не только его чувств, но и веры. Ему придётся столкнуться с жестокостью и цинизмом современного мира, где правят корпорации, и сделать, возможно, самый сложный выбор в его жизни…
'Fragments' - a collection of loosely connected scenes, depicting a breakdown of a relationship and a collapse of the world to which the main female character is desperately clinging on to. Anna and her partner have well-paid jobs, intense sex and go jogging every other morning. They live comfortable yet monotonous bourgeois life. That makes Anna slowly fall apart.
Embarking on a journey across southern Poland to find his long-lost father, twelve-year-old Tomek receives help from a mysterious youth named Gabriel.
Andrzej Wilecki
Three guys (John Cena, Tomasz Karolak, John Frycz) and a beautiful girl (Katarzyna Glinka). Their fate will combine the integration leaving the title that is out of control and become a true Recreational apocalypse. The film integrates ensemble acting team - apart from those in an event attended by Katarzyna Figura, Slawomir Orzechowski, Bartlomiej Topa, Grzegorz Halama, Mariusz Czajka, Robert Gonera, Zbigniew Buczkowski, Jaroslaw Jakimowicz and Miroslaw Zbrojewicz and support their comic performances of African, Eskimo, pair of Norwegians and ... Indian team disco. The sum of all kaców just in front of you!
radca Grossen
Jest rok 1776. Radca wiedeńskiej Kancelarii Nadwornej Henryk Klein (Mariusz Bonaszewski) otrzymuje skargę na hrabiego Jakuba Franka (Olgierd Łukaszewicz), który kilkanaście lat wcześniej został skazany za głoszenie herezji i zbiegł do Wiednia. Donos napisany został przez jego byłego wyznawcę, Jakuba Golińskiego (Andrzej Chyra). Klein dowiaduje się, że za zdradę Goliński został ukarany i obrabowany, a teraz czeka go śmierć ku przestrodze innych. Radca przeprowadza dochodzenie. Udaje mu się ustalić, że pseudomesjasz ogłosił się Bogiem, tworzy ze swoich wyznawców armię i szuka kontaktów z dworem cesarzowej Marii Teresy. Klein podejrzewa spisek, którego celem jest zamach stanu
Tadeusz Kowal
Pawel, a Polish man in his early 30s, makes a living with his father Zygmunt importing second-hand clothing from the North of France to Southern Poland. On his way back from one of regular "business trips", Pawel is shocked to discover his father's picture on the cover of a Polish tabloid newspaper. The headline "traitor" is written next to his name. Zygmunt is a genuine hero of the struggle against totalitarianism and a recognized member of the "Solidarnosc" labor movement of the 80s. But now, Zygmunt is suddenly accused by the paper of having acted as a secret informer called THE MOLE by the communist regime.
Stefan Olszowski
Antoni Krauze reminds one of the darkest history of the cards with PRL. Spectacular reconstruction of the dramatic events in Gdynia, ended a brutal pacification of demonstrators by troops and militia in 1970.
Действие разыгрывается в суровых бещадских декорациях в унылый зимний день военного положения. Оперативно-следственная группа милиции под руководством поручника Мруза проводит осмотр места происшествия в хозяйстве Дзябасов. Подозреваемый Шродонь рассказывает историю, которая произошла осенью 1978 года, бурной, пьяной ночью. Мрачная, вначале комичная, постепенно все более ужасающая история Шродоня и Божены и Здислава Дзябасов переплетается с тайнами милиционеров, которые участвуют в расследовании.
sekretarz POP w ZLP
There is a writer who in the late 1970s managed to publish a poem in the monthly "Nowy Wyraz". It was enough to become a self-confessed writer whose name began to appear in the state media. The writer takes full advantage of his privileges - he flirts with power, sympathizes with the opposition, and collapses his studies at the same time. He is saved from going to the army by an exalted essayist whose sister is the head of the psychiatric hospital in Tworki. In a psychiatric institution, a writer meets a schizophrenic who writes a novel. After his suicide, the protagonist takes over the draft, which he publishes outside of censorship under his name, thanks to which he gains fame, fame and money. August '80 breaks out....
Detektyw NYPD
kierownik hotelu
Главный хирург Польши доктор Гашински организовал съезд, на котором собирается объявить своего преемника. Известный нейрохирург Филип Хофман приезжает на этот съезд со своей любовницей. Гашинский, считая Хофмана честным и порядочным, сообщает ему, что преемником будет он. В то же время он принимает любовницу Хофмана за его жену. В этот же отель приезжает ассистент Хофмана который ждет приезда невесты и настоящая жена Хофмана со своим любовником который только что ограбил банк. Чтобы избежать скандала Хофман уговаривает ассистента выдать его любовницу за свою невесту. С этого начинается жуткая путаница в которой все выдают себя не за тех кем являются и врут чем дальше тем больше.
"Nie kłam, kochanie" nie jest bajką. To miłosna historia, podana lekko, jednak nie pozostająca w oderwaniu od życia, w której wszelkiego rodzaju zawirowania towarzyszące jej bohaterom wypływają z sytuacji realnych. Ma pokazać, w jaki sposób kłamstwo i manipulacja może stanąć w szranki z uczciwością, prostolinijnością i naiwnością. I – kto kogo "przechytrzy", kto wygra ten pojedynek, w którym stawką jest miłość… A co robi w naszej historii kaktus? Cóż, dziewczyna, która kocha kaktusy i mówi do nich po imieniu to chyba jedyna osoba, która potrafi w kłamcy i cyniku dostrzec coś dobrego i zmienić go… A wtedy – nawet kolczasty kaktus potrafi zakwitnąć pięknym kwiatem. W większości miłosnych historii dotąd królowały róże. W naszej – kaktusy. Też z kolcami. Ale z jakim charakterem!
Gustaw Schielke
Neighbour Makowski
It's a story of a young woman from Warsaw - Iwona who has two children and works in a supermarket. He lives with his unemployed husband in a block of flats. They are always short of money - that causes many quarrels and destroys their relationship . One day Iwona receives a great offer from her old friend - Wojtek. He wants her to move to London and start a brand new life.
Lucjan Bohme is a ruthless debt collector working in a post-industrial Silesian town. In the land of unemployment and misery, he's got a lot of work and no mercy at all. Until something happens.
Three young guys got work from unlucky gangster... they try to make a great job but everything goes wrong
While the days drag by in prison, an inmate nicknamed Lawstorant (Zbigniew Buczkowski) passes the time by planning the ultimate heist -- a foolproof plan involving a bogus warehouse and enough profit to secure his financial future. But Lawstorant's decision to hook up with the risk-taking Fragler (Michal Wisniewski), the man-eating Monika (Jolanta Mrotek) and the binge-drinking Kazio (Tomasz Sapryk) may spoil a foregone conclusion.
Dyrektor hotelu "Grand"
Bogdan and Marta take part in a TV show 'Blind Date' and eventually win a romantic stay at the luxurious hotel for the long May Day weekend. They seem to be so different, however, that they hardly stand each other.
Proboszcz Józef
Jan Gołębiewski, ojciec Eli Gołębiewskiej
On an ordinary winter's day, various people from outside Warsaw come to the Polish capital city for different reasons. They all have something to deal with, and their paths eventually intertwine.
Krzysztof Bublewicz "Buba", człowiek Starewicza
ksiądz Józef
In the mid-1960s, a respected surgeon dreams of leaving Poland to see his wife and daughter in England. To get the money for his escape, he needs to consider taking part in a bank robbery.
Rose, an older woman living in Paris was born in Poland as a daughter of an aristocratic family. Her family house is now an impoverished home for the elderly.
Jan Kochanowski
policjant u fryzjera
Двое гангстеров должны доставить по адресу чемодан с деньгами, предназначенными на оплату крупной партии наркотиков. Двое подростков решают снять проституток, чтобы раз и навсегда избавиться от сексуальных комплексов. Плюс африканская статуэтка, музыка в стиле «ретро» и красный свитер. Все это сплетается в тугой сюжетный узел…
Andre, an assassin working on behalf of French government goes to Poland to kill Polish businessman Muran.
Using the backdrop of the banality and ordinariness of everyday life in a small provincial town, the film analyses the relationship between two women friends, who struggle to find their way in post-communist Poland. The small events of their lives represent universal feelings of being trapped and lost in a new world, in contrast to the successes of the dark side of democracy - drug dealing, crime and pornography. By its very nature, the film creates a picture of provincial Poland after democracy, but its charm is in the understated relationship between the two friends and the people around them and in the mosaic structure that builds up the film piece by piece.
A slice of life type movie. A main plot goes around showing common behavior and psychological portraits of inhabitants of a typical little town in Poland.
nieznajomy (Kiler)
Обычного таксиста Ежи ошибочно принимают за профессионального убийцу с международной известностью по прозвищу «Киллер». Оказавшись в тюрьме, он неожиданно для себя встречает уважение и восхищение окружающих: сокамерников, полицейских и охранников. Позже гангстеры освобождают Ежи из тюрьмы и ему начинает нравиться новая жизнь, не сравнимая с прежней жизнью неудачника…
The film was made according to the idea and under the care of Krzysztof Kieślowski. A contemporary story about 10-year-old Sebastian and Eugene, a retired elevator man. Despite the age difference between them, they are struggling with a similar life situation - they are lonely, with no support in the family, forced to fight for survival, in a world that does not care about them. The fate of the characters is linked by a desire to get a 500-franc note, lost by a French pianist. The money fell into a deep sewage grid, from which it is not easy to take it out. They start a war with each other, use deceit, sometimes join forces to try to get the banknote on their own. With time, they become more and more exposed to each other.
Mieszkaniec Bieszczad
poseł Rutecki
Польша после падения коммунизма. У нескольких бывших сотрудников Управления безопасности — большие сложности с адаптацией к новой действительности. Теперь их начальниками в полиции стали соперники в прошлом, мягко говоря, не испытывающие к ним симпатии. Бывшие гэбэшники убеждаются, что борьба с бандитами сильно отличается от того, чем они занимались в УБ: уже в одной из первых ночных операций погибают полицейские, а преступникам удается скрыться. Лейтенант Францишек Маурэр решает отомстить убийцам…
Multiple recidivist Tadeusz Wilk out of jail thanks to an amnesty. He has no idea where to go and what to do with themselves. Post lays down back behind bars.Wolf meets Celine and tells the woman that she is his mother. Mysterious, strangely behaving stranger arouses more and more anxious new parents
tragarz na Okęciu
Told as a film within the film, the story concerns an aging actress. Ewa is a flamboyant, pushy actress whose career and love life have come to a dead end. She lives in a faceless housing development. She is totally engrossed in herself and dreams of making a comeback as a singer. But her overbearing personality time after time sets her into conflict with those she tries to work with in the theater and her bedroom.
barman, słuchacz Sołtana; nie występuje w napisach
In 1969 a young writer decides to write an essay on a well known Polish writer, who had to leave the country in the 50's, later living, working and dying in exile. He slowly assembles the character and even the exterior appearances of his idol until his own identity tragically disappears.