Mario Feliciani

Mario Feliciani

Рождение : 1918-03-12, Milan, Italy

Смерть : 2008-08-11


Mario Feliciani (12 March 1918 – 11 August 2008) was an Italian actor and voice actor. Born in Milan, after completing his classical education Feliciani attended the Accademia dei filodrammatici obtaining the diploma. He made his stage debut in 1941, with the theatrical company "Palcoscenico". Later he was part of various companies, obtaining his first personal successes in 1946, with the drama La luna è tramontata. From 1947 to 1952 he was a member of the Piccolo Teatro's stage company directed by Giorgio Strehler. He had also a very long and important collaboration on stage with Vittorio Gassman, also performing tours abroad with him. In the 1970s he came back to Piccolo Teatro for two important works, Santa Giovanna dei macelli (1970–71) and Le case del vedovo (1975-76). Feliciani was also very active in films, on television and as a voice actor, on the radio and in the dubbing. Married to the actress Giuliana Pogliani, after obtaining the annulment Feliciani was married to actress Vittoria Martello. Source: Article "Mario Feliciani" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Mario Feliciani


Мои друзья 3
General Mastrostefano
Нецци, Меандри, Мацетти и Сассароли — неразлучная четвёрка старых шутников снова в деле. На сей раз Мацетти угодил по состоянию здоровья в клинику для пожилых пациентов, а его друзья автоматически сделали это место полигоном для своих проделок.
Pierino medico della SAUB
Dottor Tambroni
Alvaro Gasperoni, alias Peter returned to Rome with their families from Addis Ababa, where he received his bachelor's degree in medicine. Helped by his father through a recommendation from the P2 Lodge, he manages to get in a hospital in Rome as assistant to the primary. Here begins the struggle with other colleagues to buy up the post of deputy prime. As any good doctor is measured by the number of patients who, the whole family and all his friends are hospitalized; He, in this way, comes from the league winner. The fatal destiny wants its affair is discovered by an inspector of the Ministry of Health, and Peter will be dismissed from the hospital. This will not deter the protagonist by the medical profession; who continue to indulge in a private clinic run "family".
The Sandman
A young student, haunted by the memory of a mysterious figure called Coppelius who killed his father, starts to slowly lose his mind when he encounters an emotionless woman that is actually an automata, as well as a weird salesman who actually could be the man responsible for his father's death.
Лев пустыни
Снятый под названием "Омар Мухтар" с бюджетом, превышающим 20 млн. долларов, фильм отличается прекрасными постановочными качествами. Это захватывающий рассказ о войне и национальном герое Ливии, сражавшемся за независимость. В 1929-1931 гг. итальянцы пытаются завоевать Ливию. Муссолини (Род Стайгер великолепно сыграл эту роль) посылает генерала Грациани (Рид) уничтожить бедуинов, возглавляемых Омаром Мухтаром (Куинн). Куинн создал образ седобородого старого учителя, борца за свободу. Многочисленные крупномасштабные батальные сцены включают в себя две превосходно поставленные засады, в которых Мухтару удалось разбить превосходящие силы итальянцев. Фильм понравится любителям военной тематики
Convoy Busters
In Rome, a vagrant finds the body of a teen girl, her throat professional slashed. Police inspector Olmi uses his brutal and violent methods to follow a trail that leads him toward high government officials. When his methods leave an innocent bystander dead, the corrupt officials have an excuse to get Olmi transferred to a coastal town where the pace is slow and he has time for a romantic dalliance. Soon, Olmi discovers that fishing isn't the only local occupation, and out comes his gun and his ruthless tactics of investigation.
The Silk Worm
Planget, a lawyer
Smeralda Amadier, a retired singer, lives in an isolated villa with her secretary Marcella and her lover Didier (but throws out the latter after catching him with another woman). Smeralda has huge debts and when creditors threaten her with bankruptcy she decides to sell her valuable jewels. That evening, she meets Costas, a handsome young man who seduces her. Next morning, there is no sign of him or the jewels. He was apparently a penniless gigolo, but who was his secret partner in the theft?
Pianeta Venere
Roma bene
Teo Teopoulos
Nino Manfredi is a police captain, giving an onlooker's point-of-view towards the decadent society folk. Party itself features a down & out baron, who dances with the party's glamorous hostess Virna Lisi so that he can steal her valuable earrings. When they're missing, she's angry enough to call in the cops (Manfredi shows up) and have the baron taken away.
Cose di Cosa Nostra
Calogero Bertuccione
A young man unwantedly gets caught up in an international gang war in this humorous crime farce!
Люди против
Colonel Doctor
Трое главных героев: лейтенант Сассу, лейтенант Оттоленги, генерал Леоне и «море» солдат. Первая мировая война, показанная со стороны итальянцев. Действие: безуспешные попытки взять высоту занятую австрийцами, у которых есть пулемёт. Выбить Австрийцев с горы невозможно. Но, иначе нету смысла воевать. А война — это жизнь, для генерала Леоне – старого военного аристократа, мыслящего глобальными масштабами, не ставящего ни во что человеческую жизнь. Однако и он марионетка, которая умело, используется капиталистической системой, которой, в свою очередь необходима потребность в производстве оружия и отвлечение людей от насущных проблем.
Рождественская елка
Миллионер Лорен Сегур недавно овдовел. Его десятилетний сын Паскаль хочет отправиться на каникулы вместе с отцом на Корсику. Лорен не в восторге от этой затеи, ему по душе жаркие страны. Но желание сына — закон. Он не мог предугадать, какой трагедией обернется эта поездка к морю.
La resa dei conti: dal Gran Consiglio al processo di Verona
Roberto Farinacci
Oliver Cromwell: Ritratto di un dittatore
La via del petrolio
La Via del Petrolio is a three-part documentary Bernardo Bertolucci made for the Italian oil giant ENI that aired in 1967. The film was made following Bertolucci’s breakthrough second feature Before the Revolution, and the director has said that it’s a documentary made by a man who is desperate to direct another feature. The film was presented in three parts: "The Origins", "At Sea" and "In the Heart of Europe".
El Greco
Nino de Guevara
Greek painter Domenikos Theotokopoulos (Mel Ferrer) woos a beauty (Rosanna Schiaffino) and faces the Inquisition in 16th-century Spain.
Rose rosse per Angelica
Dr. Durand
Леди Л
L'anarchiste italien
На праздновании восьмидесятилетия герцогини Лендейл, больше известной как «Леди Л», ее биограф сэр Перси просит даму рассказать о своей юности. И урожденная корсиканка Луиза начинает свой рассказ: о том, как попала в Париж, как познакомилась с анархистом Арманом Дени, как за ней ухаживал и добился согласия стать его женой герцог Дики Лендейл...
Vita di Dante
Corso Donati
Казанова 70
il procuratore
Для майора Росси соблазнение являлось обычным и простым занятием, женщины становились легкой добычей в его руках. Но после бурного расставания с одной из подружек, которая в пылу гнева публично называет его импотентом, Андре обнаруживает, что она почти права — он уже не жеребец, готовый к совокуплению при любых обстоятельствах. Теперь он способен вступать в интимную связь с женщиной только когда ему что-то угрожает. Психоаналитик советует перейти к исключительно платоническим отношениям, но современный Казанова предпочитает постоянно пребывать в поисках опасных наслаждений.
Assassination in Rome
In this crime-thriller, Rome proves to be an unhappy destination for an American couple when the husband is kidnapped and his wife begins a desperate search for him.
Fire Over Rome
Marcus Valerius, a young consul, is assigned the mission to assist Menecrate, the leader of the Pretorian Guard, in the arrest and execution of as many Christians as possible. While raiding the Catacombs he has the surprise to find among the Christians the woman he loves, Giulia, who has been converted secretly to the banned religion. He helps her to escape and trouble soon follows. Stripped of his rank and arrested for defending the rebels he is condemned to fight as a gladiator...
The Revolt of the Barbarians
A roman consul is sent to Gaul to investigate the theft of gold shipments. He discovers that the gold is being stolen by a tribe of barbarians--whose leader is the governor of Gaul.
The Slave Merchants
Ganor, Devil of the Desert
The daughter of a noble man is sold into slavery, only to be later rescued by the film's hero. Repackaged from an original Sword-and-Sandal italian film.
The Sign of the Coyote
Governor Parker
California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny.
The Shadow of Zorro
A battle between revolutionary Mexicans and the U.S. cavalry brings Zorro onto the scene to enact vengeance for violent acts incurred by the cavalry Sergeant. Once the Sergeant is killed, Don Jose de la Torre retires from being Zorro and settles down to live a quiet life. The brother of the Sergeant, in an act of his own justice, dons the costume of Zorro and terrorizes the countryside. In an act to draw out the true Zorro, the imposter kidnaps Don Jose's wife, making him once again don the mask to rescue her.
The Golden Arrow
Genies help an Arabian bandit (Tab Hunter) locate a magic arrow he needs to claim heirship to the sultan's kingdom.
The Nun of Monza
Don Martino de Leyva
Virginia de Leyva, daughter of a Spanish Lord, becomes a nun in Monza, in 1600s. She becomes very strict with herself and the students until she's unable to resist a romance with the nobleman Gian Paolo Osio which will lead both to danger.
The Corsican Brothers
Dr. Dupont
The Dumas story about Siamese twins separated at birth but who have a strong psychic link.
Seduction Of The South
Don Ramiro
Based on the events from the Italian civil war. In 1860's, a member of a guerrilla force captures a colonel from the opposing army and later leads one of the sides to victory.
Rage of the Buccaneers
The Governor
Gordon, The Black Pirate, battles the slavery trade.
Goliath and the Vampires
Sultan Abdul / Omar
Maciste's village is attacked by pirates. The women, including Maciste's fiancee Guja, are carried off to Salmanak, where dwells the lair of the blood drinking Kobrak. Maciste vows to rescue them.
The Last of the Vikings
In this historical drama, a Viking prince returns to his homeland only to learn that his father has been murdered by King Sven of Norway. Sven is forcing his sister to marry in order to create an alliance with the Danes. The prince must defeat Sven and save his sister.
I sogni muoiono all'alba
Five Italian journalists live the last hours of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.
Все по домам
Capitano Passerini
8 сентября 1943 года главнокомандующий войсками Италии маршал Бадольо объявляет о перемирии и скорой высадке американских войск на Аппенины. Все солдаты, утомленные войной, горят желанием возвратиться домой...
Злоумышленники снова остались неизвестны
Четыре мелких воришки — в поисках большого дела. У Козимо есть идея, но он в тюрьме. Его сообщники находят простака Пепе, который соглашается взять вину Козимо на себя и занять место за решёткой вместо него. Но Пепе ворует их идею и создаёт собственную банду…
Великая война
Мелкий жулик Джузеппе наивно полагал, что ему удастся переждать войну в казенном доме на полном гособеспечении. Но государство сделало ему подарок в виде амнистии и отправило на фронт. Второй персонаж фильма - парикмахер Оресте всю войну осиживался на призывном участке и обирал новобранцев, желавших "откосить" от армии. Среди обманутых оказался и Джузеппе. И вот в один далеко не прекрасный для него день Оресте потерял насиженное место и оказался в военном эшелоне, который вез призывников на верную смерть. В том же эшелоне на фронт везли и Джованни...
Злоумышленники, как всегда, остались неизвестны
il commissario di polizia
Автомобильного вора Козимо ловят на месте преступления. Он попадает в тюрьму, но у него есть наводка на крупную кражу, и Козимо просит найти человека, который бы за него отсидел. Человека находят. Но Козимо остается за решеткой.
Аттила завоеватель
Древние пророчества гласили, что однажды появится человек, который сможет объединить племена свирепых воинов и бросить вызов непобедимой Римской империи, которая веками правила античным миром. Имя этого человека стало легендарным и навсегда вошло в историю человечества: Аттила - бесстрашный повелитель гуннов. Нам предстоит стать свидетелями противостояния двух самых могущественных людей своего времени и их армий: непокорного Аттилы и прославленного римского полководца Флавия...
Странствия Одиссея
Одиссей, царь Итаки, возвращается домой с Троянской войны, и его корабль терпит крушение на острове Феаки. В начале он не может вспомнить, кто он, но постепенно к нему возвращается память, и Одиссей начинает рассказ о своем долгом путешествии домой: о встрече с циклопом Полифемом, с волшебницей Цирцеей, поющими сиренами и путешествии в царство мертвых.
Ivan, il figlio del diavolo bianco
Ghost Captain
A disgraced member of the Spanish Navy must redeem his family's honor after his father betrays his country to the French.
Фильм состоит из трех частей, рассказывающих о событиях, связанных с тремя убийствами, произошедшими в Париже, Риме и Лондоне.
Produced in Italy in breathtaking Technicolor, this biographical story of Puccini (played by L'avventura's Gabriele Ferzetti) spans his creative life from early student days to the height of success, including his early flop Madama Butterfly and his incomplete Turandot. Along the way he encounters three women who change his life, including a sexy, beautiful singer (Two for the Road's Nadia Gray) whom he drops for a small town girl (Sirocco's Marta Toren), and a servant girl who commits suicide over him. Well-selected excerpts from Manon, La Boheme, Madama Butterfly and Turandot are featured along with other Puccini music, including the voice of Beniamino Gigli. Sets, costumes and production values are first class, all sumptuously filmed by Claude Renoir.
La figlia del diavolo
Garibaldi, after landing in Marsala, moves on to Naples. The liberals are overjoyed but the Bourbons are terrified. The so-called Baron Tucci, on a recommendation from England, arrives at the home of Count Sereni, a notable liberal. But he turns out not to be a patriot who has returned to Italy to take part in the fight but a degraded Bourbon official who has been promised rehabilitation if he can succeed as a spy. Tucci discovers old Sereni's second wife is one of his former lovers and persuades her to murder her husband so as to gain his inheritance. She does indeed cause the count to die, by withholding his heart medicine, but not before he destroys his will.
Noi due soli
A man and his girlfriend struggle to find some time for themselves.
Vendetta... sarda
Zio Porchiddu
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.