Rodney Winfield


Survival of the Illest
The streets are lined with cash and the only way to get it from the gangsters is to steal without hesitation and gun for your life like there's no tomorrow -- and when the bullets finish blazing, only the illest will be left standing.
Мертвые президенты
Mr. Warren
«Мертвые президенты» – так на воровском жаргоне называют наличные доллары. О них мечтает ветеран войны во Вьетнаме и все глубже уходит в трясину криминального мира. Собрав друзей, ветеран замышляет дерзкое ограбление. Новоиспеченная банда собирается напасть на бронированный фургон набитый американскими банкнотами!
Bebe's Kids
Card Player #3 (voice)
When Robin meets the lovely Jamika he thinks he's in heaven. But when he meets her friend Bebe's children, whom she is looking after, he knows he's in hell. Bebe's kids are the most obnoxious, irritating kids he has ever met. Written by Brian W Martz
Disco 9000
Georgie (as Rodney Wynfield)
Fass Black, an accomplished black man in Los Angeles, is bullied to play another record labels music at his disco club, but continually refuses because it ain't groovy enough.