In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, New China was faced with "internal and external troubles". Since the outbreak of the Korean Civil War, the U.S. military has repeatedly provoked the border between China and North Korea, and civilians have been brutally bombed. In order to maintain the hard-won peace and long-term stability for generations, in October 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers entered North Korea, and the "Resist US Aid Korea" war kicked off.
Zhou En Lai
Фильм расскажет о битве при Чосинском водохранилище в 1950 году во время войны в Корее между китайскими народными добровольцами и силами ООН...
Zhou Enlai
From September 13 to October 16, 1949, the soldiers of the Fourth Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) ushered in the founding of the People's Republic of China with their lives and blood in the Battle of Hengbao, which spanned the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China.
Zhou Enlai
1973. Old revolutionary Zhou Enlai, elected Mao's successor, returning to the holy land of Yanan. Recalling the major historical events of the 13-year period of the Chinese revolution in the Yanan period, it showed the feelings and feelings of Premier Zhou Enlai
1973. Old revolutionary Zhou Enlai, elected Mao's successor, returning to the holy land of Yanan. Recalling the major historical events of the 13-year period of the Chinese revolution in the Yanan period, it showed the feelings and feelings of Premier Zhou Enlai
Zhou Enlai
The film passes through two periods of Deng Xiaoping serving as the Secretary of Ruijin County Party Committee in 1930 and his comeback in 1973.
Zheng Qiando
Zhou Enlai
Zhou Enlai
This is a story of a scientist who made important contributions to the missile and space programs of both the United States and People's Republic of China.
Kang Youwei
Картина обращается к событиям так называемой Первой китайской революции (Синьхайская революция), произошедшей в 1911 году, и свергнувшей династию Цин. Тогда было положено начало основанию китайской компартии. Фильм рассказывает о первых шагах самых влиятельных лидеров первого поколения нового Китая, в числе которых Мао Цзэдун и Чан Кайши.
Zhou Enlai
Эпическая историческая драма, посвящённая шестидесятилетнему юбилею основания Китайской Народной Республики. Фильм посвящен событиям между 1945 и 1949 годах, когда коммунисты, под руководством Мао Цзэдуна боролись с националистами Чана Кайши, после неудачной попытки создать демократическое коалиционное правительство. Мы увидим, как в 1948 году впервые было проведено заседание Народной политической консультативной конференции, которое и сейчас является важным консультативным органом.
Zhou Enlai
The year is 1927 and the Alliance moves triumphantly from victory to victory in an epic and bloody civil war campaign against the uprisings of brutal warlords and feudal barons that has left the country on the brink of total collapse. With the nation's fate hanging in the balance, a rebel revolt in the stronghold city of Nanchang threatens to give the insurgents the upper hand and as the first day of August dawns the Alliance, led by some of the bravest soldiers and greatest tacticians the world has ever seen, face their deadliest and most monumental battle yet.
Zhang Xueliang
The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and returned to China. Ai-ling married a wealthy and powerful businessman. Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary founder of modern China. Mei-ling married Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader during World War II. The sisters captured the world's fascination for their brilliant marriages and their strong influence on their nation.