Wendy Kram

Wendy Kram


Wendy Kram


Создать мистера Совершенство
Executive Producer
Составляя список завидных женихов для нью-йоркского журнала, журналистка решает превратить одного мошенника в идеального мужчину.
Шальные деньги
Executive Producer
В центре сюжета - история домохозяйки Бриджит, которая после увольнения ее мужа вынуждена устроиться на работу ночной уборщицей в Федеральный резервный банк. Чтобы рассчитаться с долгами, Бриджит вместе с ещё двумя сотрудницами банка замышляет дерзкое ограбление.
High Stakes
A former news reporter marries and tries to adjust to the life of a house wife and mother. However, her need for an adrenaline high is overpowering and she becomes a gambling addict.
Trail of Tears
Two single mothers, polar opposites in personality, join forces to track down their children that have been kidnapped by their ex-husbands.
Lost Angels
Production Office Assistant
Rich L.A. party brat Tim spins into a cycle of despair after his parents divorce, and trying to fill the void with drugs and trouble only buys him a ticket to an asylum. But with the help of a psychiatrist who has taken an interest in him, will Tim try to pull himself out of the muck of teenage rebellion and ennui?
I Do
Executive Producer
Three brides and all hell that breaks loose just a week before their weddings.