Jia Zhengyu

Jia Zhengyu

Рождение : 1993-03-05, siping,jilin,China


Jia Zhengyu


Burning Peony
Du Heng / Evil Lord
The Flower King Yaojun of the Hundred Flowers Banquet was violently killed in front of the eyes of the immortals, and many immortals were killed one after another. Legend has it that there is a temple on the top of Kunlun Mountain, Yunyandu, which can be pawned to take all things, and the flower fairy white peony went to Yunyandu in order to seek the truth and met the evil god king. The order of winter blossom is imminent, the white peony is unwilling to succumb to the blossom against the time, suffer the heavenly punishment, the god king turns into a divine beast Pixiu to absorb the water of the rivers, lakes and seas to extinguish the heavenly calamity thunder and fire on the white peony, and the two fall in love. Bai Peony found that the owner of Yunyandu was a woman exactly like himself, and the Shenjun was inextricably linked to this person. The real murderer who took the birthday at the Hundred Flowers Banquet was also about to move, plotting to seize Yunyandu...
The Kingdom of Women
Lin Ziyang
Based on classic fantasy novel Flowers of the Mirror (or The Marriage of Flowers in the Mirror, 1827)
Immortal of Mr. Gong
King Luo
Based on Pu Songling's stories. King Lu longed for the Black Armor of Immortality that belonged to the Gong Clan. Because of this thirst, Gong Rong was the last to survive from his clan and had to take revenge. By coincidence, he met Langqin, Prince Lu's childhood sweetheart princess, and they were secretly affectionate. A year later, the princess Langqin was forced to marry King Lu and was about to become a princess. At the birthday banquet organized by King Lu for Langqin, a occultist with excellent tricks appeared. Langqin was shocked. It turned out that this person was Gong Rong who had disappeared for a year. The wind is surging, and a bloody storm strikes again
Легендарная морская рыба
Легенда гласит, что в Северном море живёт дух Хайру - Бог Моря. Раз в 100 лет одна выбранная девушка должна стать его женой. Али живет в деревушке на берегу моря и мечтает однажды выйти замуж за своего возлюбленного Вэнью. Но этому не суждено сбыться: морские пучины вновь требуют невесту для Бога Моря. Али противится выбору сельчан, но смиряется судьбе, когда понимает, что Вэнью предал её. Что ждет Али за туманом, скрывающим остров, где живет Хайру? Сможет ли она принять уготованную ей участь или же отыщет обратный путь домой? Или, возможно, она обретёт своё истинное счастье.
Route of Love
Gu Xiaoxi