Mike Amigorena

Mike Amigorena

Рождение : 1972-05-30, Maipú, Mendoza, Argentina


Mike Amigorena (born May 30, 1972) is an actor and Argentine television personality. He was born Ricardo Luis Amigorena in Maipú, Mendoza Province, to a Basque Argentine father and an Italian Argentine mother in 1972. Amigorena was especially restless as an adolescent and was expelled from a number of secondary schools. He left Maipú for Buenos Aires in search of fame in 1992, and initially struggled in a variety of menial jobs, living hand-to-mouth in a tenement for a number of years. He was eventually discovered by a modeling agency and in 1992, was given a small role in leading local comic Guillermo Francella's sitcom, La familia Benvenuto. He later appeared in the popular teen drama, Montaña rusa ("Rollercoaster"), and in the mid-1990s, enrolled in a theatre school, mentored first by Santiago Doria, and later, Alfredo Zemma, of the Argentine Actors' Association. He first appeared in Buenos Aires' vibrant theatre scene in 1995 and became a prolific stage actor, notably in a 1998 local production of German playwright Frank Wedekind's Spring Awakening, and in a compressed Shakespeare production from 2004 to 2006, which earned him Argentine ACE and Clarín Awards. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mike Amigorena
Mike Amigorena
Mike Amigorena
Mike Amigorena


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